
600 11 4

June 21, 2014
Music Festival

"Down in the west coast they have a saying, if you're not drinking then you're not playing", the music blasted throughout the entire field. Callie swayed back and forth, waving her arms around her body. Zach was sitting down around the mini bar with his bandmates, staring at his girlfriend in complete bliss. "You're definitely in love with her", Jesse teased, nudging him. Zach grinned as he took a sip of his beer. "I am, she's just so perfect. We're so perfect."

Callie and Zach both sat down on a lonely blanket in the middle of a hill. Zach picked out a flower from the ground, gently putting it into Callie's hair, pecking her cheek afterwards. She shyly smiled as she hid her face into his neck. "I love you", she whispered. Zach smiled to himself, "I love you to."

The sunset set on the horizon making the sky explode into a beautiful mix of blue, purple, and pink. "It looks amazing, it's just so beautiful and perfect", Callie admired. Zach turned to her, lifting her chin up, making direct eye contact with her. "You know what else is beautiful and perfect?" She laughed, "Please don't use that cheesy line." He chuckled, shaking his head. "Of course not but what I meant to say was us." Callie grinned, leaning in and kissing him passionately. "We are, nothing can tear this apart, nothing!" She yelled, standing up and yelling it over and over again as she began to spin. Zach laughed, getting up and grabbing her, spinning her for himself. She laughed, squealing. "I love you Zachary Abels!" "And I love you Callie Cortez!"

Another fanfic? Yes, another one!

Trust me, I am continuing with this story and I'm confident it will be good and that some of you will love it as much as I do!

Anyway, thanks for reading and hoped you enjoyed!

-  🌾

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