December 5 2014

423 9 1

December 5, 2014
Zach's POV

I walked into our bedroom. I felt the urge to tear off the pictures of us two that she had posted onto her board, along with some of her personal pictures but I knew if I ever did tear them apart I'd regret it soon after. I sighed as the aroma of her lingering perfume filled my senses, causing my throat to get caught on my soon to be tears.

"Just come over, please. It's been five months since you've gone out with us and actually have fun!" Jesse whined into the phone causing me to scoff. "Do you blame me? I loved her and she just plain out leaves me with barely an explanation! Just putting some bullshit together how we're we just stuck in our own alleyways!" Jesse sighed, clearly regretting mentioning her or our relationship. "I'm sorry dude, it's just that you're one of my closest friends and it kills me to know that you're still hurting, just loosen up. We can leave whenever you feel like it?" I sighed but gave in, maybe he's right. Maybe I just need to loosen up and I'd finally forget about her and everything she left behind for me to remorse about.

I took in my surroundings, remembering Jesse had mentioned this was Brandon's close friends' party. "It's a nice place", I mumbled, shrugging a bit. Jesse laughed a bit, patting my back. "Go on, have some fun and meet new people", he winked. I rolled my eyes but walked towards an empty couch.

I took another sip of my soda as I looked around. Suddenly, a girl walked over to me, "Is anyone sitting there? My feet are killing me." I shook my head, scooting over to give her more space. "Thanks", she smiled as she sat down and quickly removed her heels. "Why'd you wear them if they didn't feel comfortable?" I asked out loud, a bit of sass in my voice. She sighed, turning to me, "My friends forced me to wear this ridiculous dress and pair of shoes." I nodded, "What great friends you have, at least mine just forced me to come but I wouldn't say exactly forced." She giggled, nodding and extending out her hand, "I'm Bridget." I smiled politely and took her hand, shaking it, "Nice to meet you, Bridget. I'm Zach."

Bridget had just finished telling her story on the time she had went skinny dipping with a couple of friends and got caught by the owner of the pool. I laughed along as I remembered the time the guys, Callie and I had a similar event. That was way before we began dating, we were so naive about each other's feelings towards each other that we were so innocent. I sighed at the memory of us, causing Bridget to look at me confused. "You okay?" I nodded my head slowly, "Yeah, just remembered something. It's nothing really." She smiled but nodded, standing up. "Well, it was amazing meeting you but I have to go, my friend just texted me to give her ride because she's completely loaded. Here, it'd be nice to hang out some other time." I took the piece of paper and smiled a bit. "A bit directive aren't we?" She smirked as she nodded, "Is that bad?" I shook my head quickly, "Definitely not. Well see you, I see my friends over there and I think they'll need a ride as well." She laughed but waved before walking off into the crowd of people. I smiled at myself, sighing happily. Jesse was right, I need to stop thinking about her.

Oh, Zach and Bridget? Didn't see that coming? Well, like I had explained in the Author's Note, please play close attention to the dates as they will move around from time to time.

Anyway, hoped you enjoyed and thanks again for reading! (:


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