July 1, 2014

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June 1, 2014
Callie's POV

I giggled as Brandon and Jeremy both fought one another with pillows. "Guys, I didn't buy them for pillow fights, I bought them for my couches, please." Zach walked in with my lemonade and sandwich. "Ladies, ladies!" They both finally stopped but Jeremy hit Brandon for the last time, quickly running off afterwards. "How mature!" Brandon called out, rolling his eyes. I giggled once more as I took the lemonade from Zach. "Thanks babe." He smiled as he sat beside me. "So, what are we up to today?" He asked, wrapping his arm around me. "Jesse and Annie are going out to this pool party, they said if we'd like we can come along?" Jeremy suggested as he walked back into to room. Brandon teasingly picked up the pillow beside him but quickly put it back down as I threw a scowl in his direction. "You wanna go babe?" Zach asked, turning to me. I put my hand under my chin, humming a bit, pretending to think hard. "Sure, why not?" He smirked, pecking my lips. "Great, I get to see you in that new bikini of yours!" I felt my cheeks heat up, "Boys, I swear", I joked.

I slowly took off my top, revealing my new bikini. I smirked as I felt eyes on me. "Take a picture, it lasts longer!" I teased, walking over to Zach. He lowered down his shades, revealing his lustful eyes. "You look amazing." I smiled, pecking his cheek. "Thanks, now it's your turn, take off the shirt." He scoffed, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me closer to him. "Why so demanding? We just got here, let's relax a bit?" I sighed but nodded. "But I'm only relaxing for a minute or two then I guess I'll have to put on some sunscreen on myself, or should I ask one of the guys here?" I teased. He quickly got up, grabbing the sunscreen bottle out of my hand. "Come on, let me do the honors." I laughed but followed him to empty beach chair.

"Callie!" A voice called out, causing Zach to turn and almost drop me off his shoulders. "Babe!" I yelled, scolding him. "Sorry", he mumbled, chuckling to himself. I turned properly, grinning as Annabel ran towards to pool to greet us. "My love! At last the horrible king has let you out of his dungeon!" I yelled, prying myself off of Zach's shoulder. "My queen! At last, at last! I convinced the fiend to let me go! At last I can see your beautiful face!" I giggled as I hugged her, getting her completely wet. "I was planning on getting in anyway."

"Guys! I have an amazing idea!" Jesse yelled as he walked into the room with Annie on his shoulder. "What is it?" Jeremy asked, rolling his eyes playfully. "Let's go skinny dipping!?" I looked up, bursting out into a fit a laughter. "Skinny dipping? Really? There's a party going on outside." Jesse rolled his eyes, "Not in this pool, duh!" He slurred. I raised an eyebrow up in confusion. "Then where?" Zach asked, sitting down beside me as he returned from the bathroom. "There's this pool that no one owns I guess because it's always empty!" I turned to Zach, "I guess since no owns the place?" He thought about it for a minute or two but agreed once he realized what would skinny dipping would consist of. "I'm excited", he whispered as we made our way to Jesse's destination. I gasped a bit, smacking his arm, causing him to laugh.

"On the count of three! Ready?" Jesse yelled as he turned to each one of us. We all nodded, Annie and myself squealing as he began to count down. "One, two, three! Run!" We all began to run, removing our clothes as we got closer. A huge splash was then heard as we all jumped in. "It's freezing!" I yelled, attempting to get some body heat from myself. Zach laughed as he swam over to me. "Need some warmth?" I rolled my eyes playfully, "Someone's excited?" He laughed but wrapped his arms around me. "This feels weird, please don't." He sighed but scooted away, pouting. "Maybe later?" His pout quickly turned into a grin, "Of course!" I giggled and swam over to Annabel. "Having fun? Seems like your king has passed out." She rolled her eyes, "He can never handle his drinking!" I laughed mockingly, "Thank God Zach can handle his liquor." Annie was about to reply when a voice interrupted her. "You wild kids! Get out of my pool! Get out!" I screamed, grabbing the towel beside the pool. "You pigs! Skinny dipping?! Really!??" Zach grabbed my hand as we both ran past the old man and out of the little cabin like house.

"You said it was empty, that no one owned the place!" Zach yelled as he adjusted his shirt. Jesse put his hands up in defense, "That's what I thought! But you gotta admit, it was pretty fun!" I rolled my eyes at his stupidity, "Luckily we got away!" I laughed, thinking of how the old man was cursing at us. "That was epic though!" We all agreed, bursting out into fits of laughter. "Today was perfect."

Hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter and thanks again for reading!


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