December 12, 2014

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December 12, 2014
Callie's POV

I walked into my room, sighing a bit. I still hadn't thought about my assignment which was due today. Class started at 6 and it was already 2. I quickly rummaged through the photo books on my desk. Instantly a picture caught my eye. It was of me and Zach at the fair. That was the day before I decided to break things off. Sure I was heartbroken but I honestly did not regret it. Ever since we broke up I've gotten more into my work and acting. I instantly felt bad, Zach most likely was the one confused and angry, and maybe still is. I hope he isn't but it wouldn't be much of a surprise. What I had done was completely out of the bloom and sudden. I sighed once more as I set the picture down. What did I regret?

"Ms. Cortez, you're late. Why is that?" I looked up, "There was a bit of problems with my car." The professor nodded but walked over to my seat. "Since all of you came on time, I'll extend your monologue but for Ms. Cortez you'll have an hour to prepare. You'll present it to everyone before class ends, got it?" I nodded my head slowly, fighting the urge to cry. I still had nothing in mind! How much more can I take of this shitty day?

"Ms. Cortez, would you mind?" I quickly apologized, setting my pencil down. The nerves were causing me to fidget around too much, causing unwanted attention towards myself. "Like I was saying, regret is a feeling you have after dealing with certain circumstances. For instance, you lie to your mother about how you wasted your money incorrectly and you soon regret it after realizing how hard she worked to give you that loan. Correct?" The whole class nodded. "Now, regret could be something small, you forget to feed the dogs because you were running late. Small but you still feel the emotion." Still nothing came to mind. "Alright, class is at its end." I mentally prepared myself for the embarrassment that was soon to come. "You can all pack your things but Callie please see my after." I looked at him confused but sighed in relief.

"I couldn't help but notice your nervous state today, mind explaining?" I sighed, resting my face into my hands. "I just was thinking about the assignment and how I couldn't think of anything! Not to mention you nearly gave me an anxiety attack when you told me that I had to prepare in an hour and that I would present in front of the entire class! I'm sorry, I don't know what has overcome me." The professor chuckled, shaking his head, "Oh, Callie, if you needed help with the assignment you could of asked for some help." I sighed once more, "I didn't want to be a bother and after-all this is an acting class and I could of improvised but I couldn't own up to the plate and for that I'm sorry." He shook his head, standing up, "Don't be so hard on yourself, to help you out I'll give you another week, but I'll be expecting a great monologue out of you!" I laughed but quickly shook his hand, "Thank you, thank you! This means a lot, I won't let you down, I promise!"

I walked into the grocery store, grabbing a small basket. I looked down onto my list, crossing off anything that I grabbed on the way. I sighed as I couldn't find the strawberries. "Need any help?" I turned around, smiling at the girl, "It's you again, but yes please." Bridget laughed, extending her hand out. "I am here at your services, what would you like?" I pointed to my list, "I can't seem to find them, please don't tell me they ran out." She shook her head, holding out one finger telling me to wait. In less than a minute she came back with three boxes of strawberries. I squealed as I took the boxes. "You are a lifesaver! Mind checking my stuff out?" She shook her head, "Of course, you're my last costumer before my shift ends."

"You had a dress under your uniform? Wasn't it uncomfortable with those khakis and button down shirt on?" She laughed, nodding, "Obviously, but I have a date in a couple of minutes." The memory of her and him at the restaurant came to mind causing a lump to grow in my throat. "Oh, I should get going." She looked at me confused but nodded, "See you around then!"

As I put my stuff away into my car I noticed a car pull up to where Bridget and I were last standing. My eyes grew as I saw who her date was. It was a different guy. Was she already cheating? I shook my head in disgust, slamming my back door a bit. Poor Zach, I thought to myself. A sudden idea for my monologue came to mind. I quickly turned on my engine, wanting to get home and write it down immediately.

Alright, first things first, the concert was amazing! Jesse sounded so amazing, along with the rest of the band! Jeremy looked so hot with his all white outfit and hat, Mikey looked adorable with his long hair and cheetah print shirt, Brandon's energy on the drums was electric, and last but not least Zach looked perfect and so tiny. And not to mention the opening acts! Bad Suns and Hunny were brilliant! It's only been two days and I already want to go back!

Hoped you enjoyed and thanks for reading!

- 🌾

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