December 20 2014

179 7 1

December 20, 2014
6:30 PM

Callie's Point Of View

I sat there frozen as he stared at me. "Callie?" I smiled nervously and quickly turned to Jesse. He shrugged and threw me an apologetic look. "Hi, Zach." He scoffed and folded his arms, almost loosing balance. "Zeeko, you alright?" He waved Jeremy off and turned his attention back to me. "What are you doing here?" I took a deep breath and smiled, "Well, Jess and Jer actually invited me. They had seen me at a juice bar." He nodded and pointed his finger at me. "You owe me a big explanation, you know that right? But guess what?" I opened my mouth but he cut me off. "I already have moved on and have decided that I was better off without you. You really did hurt me, I'll give you that but I used my heartache to score us an amazing track on our latest album. Don't worry, if we ever win an award I'll give you a shoutout." He laughed coldly. Tears had formed in my eyes and were threatening to fall. "Zach, I'm sorry." He shook his head. "No!" The rest of the guys looked at him in shock. "Just no! You think a sorry will cut it! How could you?" I looked down and began to cry out of regret and remorse. "If Bridget arrives tell her I'll be at my room." I instantly looked up. Bridget, she was the one who was cheating on him. "Wait Zach!" He turned and rolled his eyes. "What?" He snapped. I sighed, "Bridget's cheating on you." He scoffed, "That's really low of you, lower than leaving your boyfriend without an explanation. Just save yourself from embarrassment." He scoffed once more and slammed the door shut. I took a deep breathe and closed my eyes. "Why would you say that?" I turned, "What do you mean? Do you think I'm lying?" Mikey shook his head and stood up. "Like he said, he finally has gotten over you and has found someone else and you accuse her of cheating. This isn't the Callie I know." I knitted my eyebrows together. "Jesse?" He looked up at me, "You'll at least hear me out, right?" He shrugged, "I'm not so sure. That was low." I groaned and stood up, "Fine but don't say I didn't warn him. It was great seeing you guys, it was fun while it lasted."

I finished typing my monologue as I set my laptop down onto my printer. As I pressed the button to print a loud beeping noise came from my printer. I sighed and opened it up. "Great", I mumbled. I didn't have any ink. I groaned and looked down at my outfit. I was too comfortable to leave the comfort of my own home. I sighed at my own laziness and proceeded to change into a pair of jeans and a regular v-neck, along with my hair up in a lazy bun. As I grabbed my keys I slipped on my sandals.

"So, this one has both black and white and color while this one only has black and white." I thought about it, "Do I really need the color?" I put my finger under my chin. "Need some help?" I turned and smiled, "Not really- actually, yes please?" He laughed and made his way over to me. "What seems to be the problem?" I felt my cheeks heating up, "Well, I need ink for my printer and these two have the same price but offer different things." He chuckled and pointed at the one with color. "If you were to buy the other one and needed to print something out in color but then realized you didn't have the necessary ink you'll look back at this day and think to yourself, "Hmm, I should have listened to the cute worker and if I did then maybe I would have gone a date with him." I giggled and nodded, "Point made." He nodded and smiled at me. "So, since you actually listened to my advice, what about that date?" I arched an eyebrow, "Confident, I like that." He shrugged, "I try." I giggled and extended my hand, "Well, the least you can do is give me you're name. I'm Callie." He smirked and shook my hand, kissing it gently before speaking. "Nice to meet you, Callie. I'm Lucas." I laughed a bit, "That has to be the cheesiest gesture." He raised his hands up in defense, "But it was cute, right?" I shrugged, "Depending if it worked on me or not." He chuckled, "I hope it did but even if it didn't let me redeem myself with a date." I put my finger under my chin, "Alright, when and where?" He grinned, "Tonight and at this show. My favorite band is performing, well opening up for this other band." I smiled and nodded, I definitely needed a night out and music was definitely another passion of mine. "Here's my number, text me what time and I'll send you my address." He took ahold of the paper and grinned once more, "Sounds like a plan, but a quick reminder. Since its a show and it's general admission make sure to wear something comfortable but cute." I nodded and waved before walking off with my ink.

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