December 20 2014

232 8 1

December 20, 2014
Zach's POV

Bridget walked in with my drink and bag of pretzels. "Thanks", I smiled as i took ahold of my things. She smiled back and sat beside me. "Any plans for tonight?" I shook my head and wrapped my arm around her. She sighed in relief and nodded. "How come?" She turned to me, "Oh, I just wanted to know because I sort of planned to go out with a group of friends that I haven't seen in ages. That's all." I nodded and turned my attention back to the TV screen. "Who are they? Some old school friends?" She sighed and moved away from me, "Must you know every single detail? They're just a group of friends that I haven't seen, happy?" I looked at her confused, "I'm sorry I just wanted to know, that's all." She sighed once more but nodded and smiled slyly at me. "Well, I must get going now, see you tomorrow evening?" I nodded and leaned in for a kiss, which she only rejected with a quick peck on the cheek. Once she got up and out the door, I shook my head, running my hand through my hair. She was definitely acting differently. It's been a couple of days since we got a bit serious and she's already distant. Is it something wrong with me? Do i just push off everything and everyone I love?

Callie's POV

I walked into the juice bar with my friend from work, Elizabeth. She grinned as a cute cashier smiled in our direction. "He's definitely eyeing you, be flirty", I whispered to her. Her cheeks instantly turned a light shade of pink, "Are you sure? You're definitely hotter than me." I rolled my eyes playfully, "Trust me, now go make your move!" I gently shoved her and walked away in hopes of finding us a good table. Soon enough a couple got up and left, leaving behind a table with the perfect view of the busy, bright streets of LA.

Minutes later she finally walked back with our smoothies. "I'm guessing you guys were exchanging information due to the time you took." She giggled a bit, "He was just so nice, I couldn't help it!" I laughed and shook my head at her, "Maybe once I find myself a guy we can double date, ohhh we can go to that new bar that opened up near my place!" She squealed in excitement and nodded immediately, "That's a must!" As she took a sip of her drink she turned to the door, grinning at me. "Cute boys at the front door." I turned and almost choked on my drink. It was Jesse and Jeremy. Just as I was about to turn around, Jeremy looked in our direction and nudged Jesse. Before I knew it, my old best friends were standing right beside me. "Callie?" I looked up, smiling nervously. "Hey guys." Jeremy smiled at me and instantly engulfed me into a hug. "I missed you! I didn't have anyone to accompany me to the bike park!" I smiled at him, "I missed you to! I just have been so busy, you know I went back to school and started working!" Jesse pouted at me, "You got boring." I rolled my eyes playfully, "We aren't going to stay young forever, I just planned ahead." He looked a bit taken back but turned to Elizabeth. "Aren't you going to introduce us?" I turned to her and smiled, "Elizabeth this is Jesse and Jeremy, my two old friends, and guys this is Elizabeth, she's a friend from work." She shook both their hands and smiled politely. "I should really get going Cal, I have a ton of papers to work on, see you tomorrow?" I nodded and hugged her goodbye. "Well, I guess you now have a different group of friends, are we just not as successful as you anymore? Because if that's the case, I'm sorry to burst your bubble of the perfect life but we're working on an album and tour." I quickly shook my head. "Of course not! You know why I left, I had to!" Jeremy sighed and took a seat beside me, "Did you really?" I sighed but nodded, "They gave good points and I had to think about my future, I'm really sorry but I can't do this, at least not yet." Jesse quickly grabbed my wrist, "Don't go, I'm sorry it's just seeing you with your new friends makes me realize that you're too good for me." I looked at him, "If anything you guys are too good for me, you two were understanding when I had to leave, I didn't deserve it." He smiled at me and extended his arms, quickly pulling me into a hug. I smiled and hugged back. "Hey, where's my hug?" I giggled and quickly hugged Jeremy. "I really missed you guys. How are the rest? How's Annie?" He looked down, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "Well, all I know is that she cheated on me and she's now off with this group of animals." My eyes grew, "I'm so sorry Jesse!" He shook his head, "It's alright, I was too good for her anyway, after-all now I'm back on the market!" Jeremy scoffed, "Finally you're over it, it just took writing one song."

"I can't believe I agreed to this, I'm not ready." Jesse scoffed beside me and took a hold of my hand, "Jeremy, open the door slowly." He nodded and did as told. I quickly closed my eyes, "Did you guys bring me my drink?" Mikey's familiar voice asked. I stayed hiding behind the guys, "Actually, we brought something better." "You can come out now, he doesn't bite." Mikey groaned, "I swear if you brought another stray animal- Callie?! Oh my god, Callie! You're finally back!" I giggled as he got up from the couch and hugged me tightly. "I guess so, these two goofballs found me at the juice bar and insisted that I come say hi." He nodded and hugged me once more, "Brandon come out, we want you to meet someone!" Soon enough a guy with long curly hair walked out from the back, "What's up?" Mikey nudged him, "Brandon, this is Callie, an old friend of ours and ex of Zach, Callie this is our new addition to the band, Brandon." I smiled and shook his hand, "It's nice to meet you, I heard great things about you." He grinned and nodded, "Same thing about you, especially when Zach's drunk. Well, you're in luck because he's not here right now." I nodded awkwardly and turned to Jesse. "So, would you want Hawaiian Style pizza or just regular pepperoni and cheese?" I grinned and asked for the Hawaiian style.

"So, I've known Jesse since the longest, we graduated from the same high school, so there's that, and we even had our own band before he created this one. As you know already, they had an original drummer, unfortunately he bailed so Jesse calls me up all of a sudden. I currently was working at this one boring place and his offer instantly gave me interest. Not only that but my girlfriend was like, "Babe, you'll make more money and I'll be able to see you live doing what you love." So, I agreed and I couldn't be happier for making the best decision in my life." We all clapped, "What about you Callie? How'd you meet the guys?" As I opened my mouth the speak, the door flew right open and in walked a drunken Zach. Instantly my heart dropped.

Hoped you enjoyed and thanks for reading!

Author's Note// The events aren't accurate to what actually happened with the band in real life, after-all this is a fanfic.

- 🌮

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