December 25 2014

222 9 4

December 25, 2014
Zach's Point Of View

"Listen, the band decided on going out tonight to celebrate the end of the tour and since we're going to be working on our second album." She looked up at me and shrugged, "I'm not sure if I'd be able to make it. I think I already have plans." I sighed and grabbed her hand, "Bridget, there isn't any way you can reschedule? This means a lot to me. The rest of the girls will be there." She scoffed, "I can't and I get it means a lot to you but the girls hate me for no apparent reason so I'd rather not associate with them." I arched an eyebrow, "They're mean to you?" She nodded, frowning a bit. "They exclude me from their activities and little photo shoots." I shook my head, Devon, Nicole, Lauren, and Alyssa were all nice, why would they exclude my girl? "Alright, sorry if I bothered you." She shook her head and stood up. "It's alright, but I gotta go now. Text you when I can." I nodded and went in to hug her. She smiled slightly different than before and hugged me quickly before walking out. I sighed and texted the guys that I'd be the only one attending.

Callie's Point Of View

I laughed as Bryan began to sing at the top of his lungs. "Wow, you should definitely try out for American Idol, Simon would eat you alive." I bursted out laughing, "Thanks for the support, you're a real nice brother, really." Daniel rolled his eyes and patted his back. "No problem, it's what all siblings do. Right Callie?" I shrugged, "I haven't spoken to my sister in the longest. Last time I saw her was at her wedding." Bryan looked at my apologetically, "She married a lawyer, right?" I nodded, rolling my eyes a bit. "She then became a secretary of his. That's why my parents pressured me to you know." They both nodded. "But, I mean. If I didn't then I would have never met you two! You guys are the most funniest and kindest twins I've ever met!" They laughed, "We're the only twins you know", Daniel scoffed.

"Do you want to go out tonight? I can bring my girlfriend as well?" I turned to Bryan in shock and smirked, "You never told me you had a girlfriend! When did this happen?" He chuckled as his cheeks turned red. "A couple of weeks ago. I met her at this grocery store. She's the sweetest, you'll love her." I smiled and nodded. "Alright, just text me when you're here." He nodded and hugged me before I got out of his car.

Zach's Point Of View

I smiled at the guys as they all waved me over to the table. The girls were obviously all besides each other, not wanting to listen to our guy talk. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at them as I remembered Bridget confessing they were mean to her. Nicole looked at me confused and shook her head before whispering to Devon. Jesse hugged me first before grabbing the bottle of champagne. "Okay, everyone's attention please! Now that everyone here's-", Lauren raised her hand shyly, "Shouldn't we wait for Bridget?" Mikey shook his head at her and she nodded, looking at me apologetically. I rolled my eyes once more and turned back to Jesse. "Anyway, I just want to thank all of you! You guys are my everything! The band especially. I'm just so happy and grateful to be doing all of this with you guys!" Everyone clapped and cheered.

An hour later everyone was saying goodbye to one another before piling out. I awkwardly waved at them. I looked down at my phone as I made my way over to the exit. It was a new message from Bridget. "I won't be home tonight, don't wait on me." I sighed but replied with a simple, "Okay." Today she had work but where would she go afterwards?

Callie's Point Of View

"She's still working? And how did I not know she worked here? I come here almost every day for groceries." He shrugged as we walked in. "She has to be at the cash register since today is Saturday." I nodded and followed him. Luckily we were just going to some barbecue place so we didn't have to dress up and look out of place at this grocery store. "There she is!" I looked up and stopped dead in my tracks. It was Bridget. I shook my head in disappointment and quickly took out my phone. "You go up and talk to her as I go get some, uh, oranges! Yeah, I just remembered I ran out of them back at home." He looked at me in confusion but did as told. I sighed and walked off, making sure I wasn't seen. As he greeted her she squealed and hugged him. Without hesitation I took a ton of pictures. As they turned around I quickly got up and ran into the aisle. I took a deep breathe and grabbed a few pears. As I walked back out Bryan waved me over. I braced myself and walked over to him. "She'll be out in a few, she just needed to change." I nodded. "So, for how long have you been dating her?" He smiled, "I've known her for a month already but I finally asked her out two weeks ago. And didn't you need oranges and not pears?" I nodded and looked down, laughing nervously. "I decided on pears instead, I don't even like oranges as much." He nodded and looked around, anxious for her to come out. I sigh mentally, he must really like her. The bad thing is she's been with Zach for almost a month now, I think. Just as I opened my mouth to speak a voice behind me cut me off. "You must be Bryan's friend!" I fake smiled and turned around. Her reaction was priceless. "I've heard great things about you." I nodded and turned back to Bryan. "I'm not feeling so well, so I don't think I'll be able to go now." He shook his head and hugged me. "It's okay, I'll save you some?" I smiled and nodded. "You're the best! See you around, Bridget!" He looked at her confused, "I never told her your name." Her eyes grew big, "Oh, she basically comes here every day, right Callie?" I smirked and nodded. "Oh yes, it's like I see her everywhere. She sure does get around." Bryan nodded and hugged me once more before I walked out. Now to send the pictures to Nicole.

I sighed and set my phone down. Devon and Alyssa, who were just introduced to me moments ago, gasped. "So you're telling me you have actual evidence of her cheating! And not to mention the fact that she's cheating with one if your close friends?" I nodded. Lauren shook her head in disgust, "How is Zach so oblivious to all this? She's always "out" and is so distant towards him." Nicole rolled her eyes, "Just like she told Callie, she has him on a leash." Devon sighed, "She's probably told him thousands of lies which would explain why he's been giving us all those dirty looks. Did you see how he walked in on our lunch without her." I looked at them confused, "What happened?" Nicole sighed, "Well, we agreed on having a lunch to celebrate the band's accomplishments and so when he walked in all alone, this was all today keep in mind, Lauren had asked where she was and he looked like he wanted to attack her." I gasped a bit, "She didn't go because she had a date with Bryan." They all nodded in agreement. "Zach isn't acting the same." I suddenly felt guilty. "If I never hurt him he would have never been so easily targeted." They all looked at me confused. "So you two were dating?" I nodded and sighed, "We were but I left, without an explanation, and it hurt him really bad." Nicole sighed and hugged me from the side. "You don't have to tell us what happened but we just want to let you know that you can trust us and I know we just barely met but we all love you, right ladies?" They all nodded and hugged me. I giggled and hugged back. "You guys are the best, I love you all." Alyssa smiled and took out her phone, "Group photo?" I giggled as they all rushed beside me as Alyssa handed her phone to a random stranger to snap the photo. "This is the start of something beautiful."

I always thought the girls would be the nicest.

- 🌴

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2016 ⏰

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