December 10, 2014

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December 10, 2014
Callie's POV -

"You said, you said you loved me!" I quickly looked down, letting the tears escape. "I do! But I can't keep doing this!" I yelled out, looking back up. Daniel scoffed, "Doing what? All we ever had was complete bliss! Don't you want that?!" I shook my head, resting my hand onto his cheek. "Please don't make this harder than it has to be." Tears escaped his eyes. He then cleared his throat, removing my hand off his cheek. "Fine, please just leave then." I sighed, nodding before turning and walking away.

"And cut!" The professor yelled out. The entire class erupted into claps and some whistles. I giggled as Daniel engulfed me into a hug. "You did amazing! I actually thought for a second that we were breaking up." I laughed, nodding slowly, "It's out of experience I suppose." He chuckled, hugging me once more before we made our way back to our seats. "Alright, now that we're done with our love monologues, our next assignments are about regret. Let this question keep you up at night for the rest of the weekend, do you regret anything?" I sighed as a thought raced into my mind. "Well then, that's it for today, have a wonderful weekend, oh and Daniel, Callie, your grades will be up by Monday afternoon!" We both nodded as we said goodbye, walking out. "I honestly don't think I regret anything, maybe not coming out sooner but anything major for a monologue? Nope." Daniel ranted on, sighing dramatically. I giggled, shaking my head. "I have an idea but I'm not so sure why I regret it." He turned to me. "Well, go into deep thought on that and the answer will soon come!" I nodded, opening my car door. "See you tonight?" He grinned, nodding, "I wouldn't miss it for the world!" I smiled as I hugged him before getting in and driving off.

I fixed my hair lightly, attempting to look my best. Tonight was my birthday dinner that my parents had arranged and almost all my friends were attending. I suddenly felt my phone buzz. Jesse popped up on the screen, inferring a new message. My eyes grew a bit, I haven't spoken to them in a long time. I hesitantly opened the message, "Hey, I know we haven't spoken in the longest but that doesn't mean we aren't friends anymore. Anyway, happy birthday, hope you have an amazing day. Oh and Annie misses you." I giggled at the last part. I definitely need to catch up with her. From what I heard last of her was that she was singing at events with a well-known DJ. Smiling to myself, I quickly texted him back, "You still remember? God, how I miss you and the guys, oh and Annie of course, but thank you! Means a lot!" I smiled to myself once more before I put my phone away.

I walked into the big restaurant, being escorted by a cute waiter. "Right this way, you're mother informed me that you would be arriving about this time." I thanked him, taking my seat. I looked around, my smile growing into a grin. Soon my parents walked in with a big bag. "Oh, you shouldn't have! The dinner is already way too much!" My dad laughed, hugging me tightly. "How much we missed you! You're always busy with that acting class of yours and work!" I shrugged, hugging my mom. "It's life", I joked. He laughed once more, taking a seat beside my mom. "How have you been?" She finally spoke up. "Great, I've been looking up for some auditions and some have crossed my path. I'm actually going to one next week." She clapped, smiling. "That's amazing! Hopefully next week your father and I will be able to visit your grandma!" I smiled as I nodded, taking a sip of the water beside me.

Soon after my parents arrived my friends began to pile in, most of them with envelopes but of course Daniel and Bryan walked in with two big bags. "For my queen", Daniel said pecking my cheek. I giggled, hugging him. "Did you kidnap George Clooney and stuff him into that enormous bag?" I joked. He scoffed, rolling his eyes. "George Clooney? Really? We need to get you updated, really." I rolled my eyes playfully, "He's handsome and talented, you can't blame me."

After the many toasts made by all the guests I excused my self, my bladder being the size of a peanut. As I walked out of the restroom I bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry!" A voice called out. I looked up, laughing a bit. "It's okay, really. It's not like you spilled your drink on me." She laughed, nodding. "That's true. I'm Bridget by the way." I smiled and shook her extended hand, "Nice to meet you, I'm Callie." Her smiled sort of dropped. "Oh, I've heard that name before." I looked at her a bit confused. She waved if off soon after, "Anyway, I absolutely love your dress." I thanked her, explaining that I was here for my birthday dinner. "Happy birthday! Although we just met, hopefully all your wishes come true!" I giggled, thanking her. "I should really get going, my date is waiting." I nodded, "Me to, my guests are quite rowdy." We both began to walk out, realizing we were walking towards the same direction. "Quit following me", she joked. I scoffed, laughing. "Oh please", I fought back. She laughed, shaking her head. "It was nice talking but my destination awaits." I nodded, shaking her hand once more. I took a quick glance at her table, almost immediately choking on my own saliva. He looked up, also choking on his drink. "Callie?" He called out, a bit of anger in his voice. I quickly shook my head, running back to my table. All my friends looked up at my sudden approach. I nervously laughed, "Sorry." I couldn't deal with this right now, or never for that fact.

Hoped you guys enjoyed it, and thank you for reading of course! I'll keep updating most likely daily, well not next Thursday as I am attending their concert. Remember, if you're attending their show on Oct. 29th @ the Shrine in LA, message me! Or if you have any tips as this is my first concert!

- 🌾

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