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Your POV ~

I'm afraid to go to school.


Wei. He's the school bully and bully anyone he wants for no reason. I have a BIG crush on him. Whatever I do , I can't just hate him.

"Hey! Where's my homework I told you do you yesterday?" Yeah , I even do his homework.

Oh shit. I forgot.

"I-i forgot" I answered him. I closed my eyes and look down.

"Nevermind. Give me the work ,
You're useless!" I gave him the uncompleted homework.

He push me a side and went to class. I don't know why but tears were formed in my eyes.

The school bell rang , that means lessons has started. I ran back to class and luckily , the teacher has not arrive yet.

"Hey! It's the useless bitch!" Someone shouted. And it's Wei. Everyone throw crumpled paper at me.

I looked down to avoid looking at my classmates. Yup - Wei is in the same class as me.

"(Y/n)?! Why are you still standing? Go to your seat now." Everyone stop throwing at me and start laughing , including Wei. Only one person didn't laugh nor throw crumpled papers at me , Kogyeol. He's been my best friend since my first day. But now days , he's avoiding me. I know I shouldn't trust my 'friends'. They'll leave you anyway.

The next day , same things happen again. This time Wei called me slut. What did I do? What did I do to deserve this? But still , I like him.

Rewind ~

"Wei , I like you , jinja. I don't like to be bullied. Please stop this. I can't take his anymore." I cried but all he do is laugh. He grabbed my collar and push me against the wall.

"I don't need you to like me slut." He whispered.

Present ~
This is enough. I ran to the level 4th girls toilet. I took out a penknife and -

Wei's POV ~

Seeing her crying make me hurt so much.

"Hyung did I went to far?" I asked Jinhoo.

"I suggest you better stop her from what she's gonna do before its too late." He suggested.

He's right. I ran to every room in the school but (y/n) can't be found. Hope she did not do anything that's totally out of her mind. I'm now at level 4 there's not much rooms here. I went to the girls toilet ( yeah , i don't care. ) and found (y/n) lying on the floor , lifeless. Blood flows from her abdomen. I couldn't believe this. I hugged her emotionless body tight.

"(Y/n). Wake up. You can't be..... Gone." I cried endlessly.

I really do like her. Wait , I love her. With out thinking I took the penknife that was cover with (y/n)'s blood and 'killed' myself. I might as well not live if (y/n) isn't.

"(Y/n) , I love you. I need you to know that. See you in my after life."

How was it? Haha. People are requesting for for Wei. So here it is.

Sorry if this story if not understandable!
Request is still open! Do message me because I'll be not reading the comments. Thank you for the 300 reads!

*bows 90°*
*drop mic*

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