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- Request by @Xiaotrash_up10tion     

Y/n's Pov

I woke up extra early today and it's only 5 in the morning. And , It's Saturday. I checked my phone and I received a message from , my boyfriend , Xiao.

["Good morning angelHow was your beauty sleep? I hope you sleep well because we'll be going to a carnival! Don't dressed up so overly pretty because I don't like those bastards looking at youI'll pick you up at 7 and we head for breakfast before going to the carnival okay? See ya!" ]

I couldn't stop smiling. This guy is so cute. I get off from bed and get ready early because I'll take a long time to shower. I know waste water but who cares. After showering , I put on a blue T-shirt and jeans , simple , just the way I liked it. I tie my hair into a neat ponytail and put on simple make up. I grabbed my phone and wallet with me as I make my way down.

"Why so early y/n? Its 6:45am." Mom looked weirdly at me. I could only smile as I put on my blue converse sneakers , matching with my T-shirt. "Are going somewhere?" She asked. "I have a date with Xiao oppa today. Don't worry , he's picking me up and we'll have breakfast outside." I giggled. Then , we hear a loud knock. "I think he's here honey."

"Yeah. I'll go now mom , love you." I hugged her and exited the house. "What took you so long?!" He looks mad. "What? Did I?" I looked at him confused. Then , looked at the watch on my wrist. "I'm not. You're just early!" I laughed , that made him blushed with embarrassment. "Yah . I was just joking." "Yeah right. Let's go."

We had our breakfast at Wednesday Cafe , yes it's opened even at 7:28am in the morning. I had blueberry pancakes while he had waffles. There's no difference between waffles and pancakes right?

Then , we took a bus to the carnival , since he doesn't have a car or driving license. It was thirty minutes ride. I felt weight on my right shoulder and saw Xiao leaning on my shoulder , sleeping. He looks so tired. Maybe he can't sleep because we chatted until 2am last night.

"Oppa , wake up. We're reaching soon." I woke up him. He still doesn't wake up. "Yah , wake up before I leave you here." With that , his eyes shot open. "I knew it." I giggled. He only sighs. We get off the bus hands in hands. A staff gave us a pink heart shaped at the entrance.

Although it's only 9am , there's a lot of people. It's a carnival. It's free. Haha. "There's a lot of rides here , where shall we start??" Xiao looks around , mouth wide open. "Hmm... How about the dragon boat?"

"I wanted to ride the mummy ride but , the queue is long , ugh , fine. Let's go." He sighed then smile dragging me to the dragon boat ride. The ride lasted only for five minute , with my screaming and Xiao's blank face. He doesn't get scared at all.

Finally the ride ends and we quickly get off. I think I just lost my voice. "Finally! Can we go to the mummy ride now? The queue is shorter now!" He begged. I couldn't resist his cuteness and nod. Xiao pulled me to join the queue , just then I heard a little boy crying. The little boy looks so cute , I approached him. I could hear Xiao sighed angrily but follows me. "Why are you crying." I ask the boy and patted his back. "I want my mommy!" He cries again.

He lost his mom. "Can we just leave him here? I'm sure his mom will walk pass here." Xiao said , pissed. "That's rude oppa! He's so little! Shouldn't let a little kids go by their own! It's dangerous! What if he got kidnapped?!" I scolded Xiao. He still looks pissed but then smiles. "Fine , what's your name boy?" He asked , stroking the boy's back. "HoJin." Hojin whispered , I could still here him and he's crying even louder.

"Hey , Hojin , want to join us and ride that?" Xiao offered , no more tears can be seen on Hojin's face and he nodded. "Let's go noona!" Hojin pulled my hand and pull me into the queue. "Hey how about me?" Xiao said , obviously , he's jealous.

"Ugh! Unbelievable!" He storms towards us , joining the queue. Finally , it was our turn. I sat at the end with Hojin on my left and Xiao beside him. We looked like a family now. During the ride , I think I'm already deaf hearing these two boys screaming their lungs out. Xiao screamed worse than Hojin when we entered a dark cave and suddenly a mummy appeared in front of us.

After a few minutes the ride finally came to an end. "Noona! Let's ride the carousel!" Hojin pulled me towards the carousel. I sit on a unicorn , Hojin beside me sitting on a car and Xiao sit behind Hojin on a horse , glaring at Hojin.

As the carousel moves , Hojin started crying. "Hojin? What's wrong? Are you scared?" I looked at Hojin and holds his hand. "A monster is chasing me!" He cried. "Omo , where is it ?" I showed a shocked face. "Behind me!!" He screamed.

I looked behind him and laughed. It was Xiao. He was glaring at Hojin like he's going to eat him. "Yah , oppa , you're scaring Hojin!" He rolled his eyes and didn't even looked at me. This is no good. He's mad!

The rides ends , I quickly get off the carousel with Hojin but Xiao grabbed my wrist and pull me away from Hojin. "Ouch! Oppa , it hurts! Let go!" I begged but he keep pulling me away from Hojin. Hojin was not in my sight anymore. "What are you doing oppa?! What if Hojin gets kidnapped?!" I yelled at him and he finally stops and let of of me.

"Why do you care so much about that boy?! You know I get jealous easily. It's either me or that Hojin." He stared at me angrily. "Why are you jealous of Hojin?  He's just innocent 6 year old boy." I hugged him.

"That's because I love you." He hugged me back tighter. "I love you too." His kissed my forehead. I felt something hugging my knees. I looked down and saw Hojin hugging me knees. "Thanks noona , I found my mommy! Thanks , um .... What's ahjussi name?" Hojin look at Xiao. "Ahjussi?! Do you hate me that much? DongYeol imnida. Call me hyung." Xiao smiled.

"Araso hyung! I like hyung but I like noona better because she's pretty. I will date her if I found out hyung break up with noona! Don't worry noona! Hope we'll meet again!" Xiao and I shook our heads and waved at him as Hojin leaves with his mom. "Well , I hope not , I don't like anyone touching my girlfriend." I giggled at he wrapped his arms around my waist and hug me.


There you go! Another imagine! I spent 3 days writing this omfg. And I have  exams from today till 12 may double omfg. I should be studying now wth ;-; I took a long time to update sorry :_:

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