Gyujin ~ Camp.

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"(Y/n)! Are you done? We are going to be late if you don't hurry!" Your boyfriend , called you.

Your POV ~

I wasn't interested. But who couldn't resist his baby face? His eyebrows. Omg. Too cute to handle! (ಥ_ಥ)

By the way , we're going camping. I hate camps. It's just days without WiFi.

"Jagiyaaa! Hurry up!! Or I'm leaving without you!!" He said eagerly.

"Ugh! Arasso!!" I get out of my room instantly.

A bus appeared in front of me , with 9 people already in it. Yep , his friends. Let's just say up10tion.

"Hey (y/n)!" They all greeted me as soon as I entered the bus. Gyujin swung his arm on my shoulders , proving that I'm his.

"Don't you guys dare to touch my (y/n)!! I'm watching you!" He gave them a death glare. They all gulped and looked out at the window. All I could do is giggled.

"Aigooo.... This boy. I'm seriously going to kill you." I told him.

"I'll be happy if you're the one who killed me. Kaja. Let's seat." He pulled me to sit beside him.
The bus started moving , heading to our destination.

"Oppa? What are you doing?" I asked him as I saw him 'planning'? I guess.

"Planning on the activities we would be doing! Rock climbing , flying fox , canoeing and more!"
He waved his hands in the air , to show excitement.

I gulped. "Jinja oppa? Can I just watch you guys do all 'that'? I'm..... Uh...."

"Scared?" He continued. I nodded.

No.. That's not the word I'm looking for , but that will do.

"Haha. That will make it more fun." He smirked. I'm sure it's 'evil'.

"Haha. No. I'm a tough girl. Your girl." I poked him for being so cheeky.

Meanwhile other members :

"No hyung! Xiao is mine!" Hwanhee grabbing Xiao right arm and Wooshin pulling his left arm. Oh ~ Love war i see xD

Wei is standing in the bus , trying to touch the 'ceiling' of the bus. Wow , he's quite tall. In fact , I can do it too.

"You all please behave! Or I'll cancel the trip!!" Jinhoo finally stood up. Soon , silence.

Yes! Please cancel it!! I beg you!!

"Hyung? Are you serious? You are the one who planned all this!" Kuhn took out his earphones.

"Ah yeah! I need to be stricter!" He said , ummm , det - determined?

"Yeah leader-nim! No one will ever listen to you!" Sunyoul pointed at him and laughed. Oh , eomma please stop this.

"We've reached our destination!" The bus driver announce.

"Oh! Thank appa!" Kogyeol waved at his father? Soon , all of us get out of the bus.

"Ahh , fresh air!!" Bit-to , who has been quiet for long , finally speaks.

Fresh air? How could it be possible?! It smells the same!!

"Okay guys! There are 4 tents here! 3 tents for the boys , including me and 1 tent for (y/n) let's get to work so we can start out activities!" Jinhoo snapped everyone from lookin at 'green' things.

"Gyujin , can you help me set up my tent?" I ask him.

"Only if you kiss me," he pointed at his cheeks.

"Ughh! Nevermind!" I shoved him away. He's helpless.

"Aishhh fine. I guess you can pay back later." He says and straight away help me. My 'Nevermind' word always works! Haha ikr.

After finishing putting up my tent , he rushed back to Kogyeol , Wei and bit-to , helping them since he's going to sleep with them. They're so slow. After we're done with our tents , we gathered around Jinhoo , who happened to be our 'coach'.

"We're are going to climb the mountains! Please bring the equipment you need!" He told us.

I groaned instantly... Then , all eyes on me.

"Oh.. Um.. Can I just watch? I didn't bring the equipment I needed for this activity." I gave an excuse. I know it's lame.

"Don't lie (y/n) , I saw all of the equipment in your backpack." Sunyoul crossed his arms and Gyujin started laughing. Very very loud.

I glared at them , giving them a 'I'm-seriously-going-to-kill-you' look.

"Come on , 'my tough girl'. Don't worry , I'll go with you." Alright , I'll take back my words.

When all of the members left , except for Gyujin and I , he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Don't worry (y/n) ah. I'll make sure you're save from those irritating 9 kids." He said , looking jealous?

"Including you." I giggled.

Sorry for late update. I've write an imagine once ago , save it as draft and when I opened it , it's gone! Ugh! This is frustrating!!

Can't wait for 24th and 27th October!

Y'all probe know what is it!

Haha bye.

Last updated → 2015.10.15

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