Chapter One.

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Image is of Dan Stevens, aka Wolf. 

Two Months later....

Morgan put off going to Chrome as long as she could, but in the end had no other choice. Nobody was hiring and the places that were just wouldn't work with a newborn to take care of. She didn't want involved with that biker gang known as the animals but promised herself it was only until something better came along.

Chrome Customs was the largest garage in town and while downstairs was the workplace upstairs was the club house. She parked in the parking lot and turned to her daughter who was in her car seat and hadn't stopped crying since they left the house.

"Please, baby...just calm down."

The infant looked at her with wide, blue eyes and then let out an ear piercing scream. Morgan winced and thought about joining the crying.

Her baby, whil healthy and bautiful had done nothing but cry since it was born. Morgan got next to know sleep, their money was dwindling and she had to get a job. Pushing back tears she climbed from her piece of crap car and walked to the back door, opening it to reach in for the baby.

Lifting the car seat from the back she started towards the garage, when she entered the building she looked for Lacy but there was no sign of the woman. The babies crying grew worse and several bikers looked at her from their positions under cars and in back rooms.

"What in the hell is that?!" A loud voice echoed.

She winced as a tall, broad shoulder man came from a back room. He was wearing the typical animals leather jacket, his blonde hair slicked back from he piercing blue eyes. He stormed towards her.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

"I'm looking for Mr. Wolf," she said over the crying baby.

"I'm wolf, what do you want?"

"I spoke to Lacy and she said that you were hiring a cleaning person."

He wasn't listening instead he was staring at her baby, maternal instinct kicked in and she slowly backed away from him. Maybe this was a bad idea, she cleared her throat.

"Are you going to do something about that?" He motioned at the baby.

"She's a newborn, babies cry." She defended.

He glanced again at the infant then turned his attention back to her.

"Why didn't you leave it with it's father?"

"Because she doesn't have one and she's not an it."

"Lacey said you'd be coming by but that was months ago."

"You know what? Forget it."

She turned on her heel, with every intention of leaving. The man was an asshole, she knew she was a failing mother, she knew she shouldn't have put this off but she didn't need him throwing it in her face. Her baby screamed the entire way to the car.

"Shhhh." She tried.

"Wait," A warm hand on her arm stopped her retreat.

She turned to see Wolf standing there, he glanced down again at the baby.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"If you want the job, it's yours."

She sighed heavily, she wasn't sure she wanted the job but knew she didn't have a choice.

Lone Wolf *The Animals MC book one*Where stories live. Discover now