Chapter Six.

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Picture included *If it works* is of Demon.

When Lacy reached Chrome several bikes were already parked in the lot. Demon had just arrived and was shrugging off his jacket. She parked next to him and removed her helmet shaking down her hair, she'd stopped at home to change her clothes.

"This had better be good, it's my day off." She said.

"When the boss calls a table, there's not such thing as a day off."

She had been given an executive seat three years ago, at the time she'd been thrilled but that now meant that every table meeting she had to be present. Also on the board were Wolf, Demon, Zeke, Ty, Cyrus and Sky. A few stragglers always came in as well but were not chair holders.

Demon and Lacy walked in headquarters together, passed the pool tables, bar and dart games to a back room. The room had a large mahogany table, with leather chairs around it, dark walls and carpet. Everyone else was already seated and Lacy slid into a seat between Demon and Wolf.

"Thank you all for coming in on your day off."

"Why exactly are we here?" Lacy asked.

"I need two of you to go on a run, I need you to go see what the Aces are going. They're up to something and I need to know what."

"I'll go." Lacy said.

"You gotta take someone with you. Just drive to their HQ and see what you can find out."

The Aces Wild was a fellow MC and while not at war with The Animals they also weren't best friends.

"I'll go with her," Demon said.

"Fine, you two go and then call me."

Demon stood and Lacy copied his action following him out of the room and into the parking lot.

"Bikes or car?" He asked.

"Let's take your car."

"Fine, meet me at my place." He said, climbing on his bike and roaring away before she even had time to get her helmet on.

She shook her head and gave chase, not able to keep up with his break-neck speed. She had lectured him several times about his driving, especially on his bike.

He lived across town in a rundown, one story house. When she parked out front he was already leaning against his GTO.

"If I've told you once I've told you a million times, slow the hell down."

"You're one to talk."

"Just get in the car."

He rolled his eyes and opened his door, climbing into the old muscle car with ease and she followed. She slammed the door a little harder than was needed as he peeled out of the driveway.

"The Aces HQ is across town, by the bridge."

"I know where it is."

"You're going to stop and feed me along the way right?"

"Nobody said I had to feed you," He replied but she knew he would. He always did.

She and Demon had been friends a long time, they worked well together and were often sent on missions together. He turned onto the needed street and she slid down in her seat, putting her combat boots on his dash.

"Hey, feet off the dash."

"Bite me, I'm exhausted."

"Still hungover?" He guessed.

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