Chapter Twenty

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Demon stood away from the rest of the men, they were at a bar near the edge of the town following up on a lead that their shooter was inside. Wolf, Zeke and Ty had headed inside leaving Demon and Sky to guard the bikes. He listened to the phone ring.

"Hey, you've reached Lacy leave a message after the beep!"

"Lacy, it's me again. Call me, please....I don't know what's going on but...let me help you. I can help you."

He hung up and turned to see Sky watching him closely.

"What?" He demanded.

"Nothing, I just....I hope she's okay."

"She's fine and when she comes back I'm sure she'll have a good explanation."

"I hope so, for your sake."

Demon shoved his phone into his pocket, he knew the consequences for betraying the club. He knew the kind of trouble that Lacy was going to find herself in, but he didn't know how was going to help her out of it.

"Don't worry about me and my problems, you need to worry about keeping Jennifer safe."

"Jenny is going to be fine, I won't let anything happen to her."

Sky was defensive about his little sister, even if she wasn't blood related and if anyone could understand that it was the club.

Wolf, Zeke and Ty stood at the bar, the bartender finished pouring drink for a pair of older men before walking down to where the trio stood.

"Look, I don't want no trouble."

"You won't have any, we're looking for a man."

"See lots of men come through here in a day."

"He's with the Aces, probably wearing their patch and not alone. Red hair and a beard," Ty said.

"That's Angus, what you want with him?" The bartender asked.

"He shot one of our own," Zeke replied.

"He may be in the back room, maybe."

"Is he alone, maybe?" Ty asked

The bartender shrugged and Zeke rolled his eyes, clearly fed up with the whole ordeal. Ty leaned a hip against he bar and crossed his arms.

"Which room?" Wolf asked.

"Back the hall, second door on your left."

Wolf pushed away from the bar first, Zeke and Ty copying his action, they headed down the hall. Zeke walked last, he always walked last, his hand on his gun and itching to pull the trigger. After his day with Becky he was agitated and the first dumbass to get in his way was going to pay for it.

Wolf paused outside the cheap wooden door and glanced back at Zeke and Ty. Zeke gave him a firm nod, Ty pulled out his gun and Wolf did the same. He paused, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then he waited, one, two, three heartbeats.

He kicked the door in with one swift kick, it slammed off the wall and he stormed in with Zeke and Ty right behind him.

There were three men playing poker, they all stood dropping their cards and putting their hands up. Two blondes and a brunette.

"Shit! He's not here!" Zeke yelled.

"He has to be," Wolf said back.

The other three men looked back and forth between each other, the two blondes staying still with their hands in the air. The brunette dropped his hand to his gun, Ty strode across the room pressing his gun to the mans forehead.

"Don't even think about it."

The brunette looked at the two blondes and on shook his head, almost begging him to listen.

"Shit, Tony do what they said." The one blonde said.

He tossed his gun aside and raised his hands in the air, copying the two blondes. Ty backed away from him and then glanced around.

"Where is he?" He asked.

"He's gotta be here," Wolf said.

"Where's Angus?!" Zeke asked the one closest to him.

The blonde looked at a door to his right, just as the man in question emerged. He was pulling zipping his pants and a young girl shoved passed him, she rushed from the room and he watched her go before looking up and seeing the scene in front of him.

He moved for his gun and Zeke fired a shot, clipping his arm and causing him to drop his revolver. He clutched his arm and his friends took a step towards him, Ty stepping in their way.

"Nobody moves and nobody dies!" He yelled.

They all froze and Wolf approached Angus a well placed punch sent the man to the floor, unconscious.

"Call the pups, have them bring the van." Wolf ordered.

Ty pulled out his phone, still watching the other men and called the pups, who were parked just a few blocks away. When he hung up he glanced at Wolf who was finishing searching Angus.

"What about the three of them?" He asked.

Wolf lifted Angus onto his should like a sack of potatoes, the man was small and scrawney. He paused at the door and looked at the three terrified men that Ty was holding at gunpoint.

"Kill them all."

Before any of the three men had time to react or protest, Zeke and Ty delivered the shots. Perfectly killing all of them, fast and painless. Their bodies hit the floor and the brothers turned following Wolf out of the room and down the hall. They walked through the bar and the bartender wisely looked away as they exited.

The van was waiting and Wolf dumped the man in the back, then walked to where the two pups sat up front.

"Take him to the warehouse, keep him tied up."

"Yes sir." The driver said.

"We'll be there in a few hours, I got to handle something first."

"Yes boss."

Wolf backed away from the van and it rolled down the street, he waited a minute or two before turning to the men.

"I know it's been a long couple of days but it's almost over. If Angus talks we can end this shit."

The men all gave a nod but deep down nobody expected him to say a word.

"Zeke, Ty go to the warehouse if he comes too ask him a few questions."

"That's usually my job," Demon said.

"Your job is to go find Lacy."

Normally Demon and Lacy would be a team and handle the interrogation of the man. Nobody knew what the two did to their customers but they always talked. Without Lacy to aide him, Demon would most likely be worthless to Wolf and the club.

"I'm going back to the club and I'll be in touch," Wolf said.

Demon, Ty and Zeke each swung onto their bikes and headed in the direction of where they were told to go. Wolf knew that the issue with Lacy was causing friction between Demon and the club and it had to be resolved one way or another, sending him to find her was a way of handling that.

Sky was waiting patiently to head back and Wolf slid onto his bike, heading back to the clubhouse to tell Morgan the good news. The man who shot Iris was in his custody and in a few hours that bastard would never be a problem again

Lone Wolf *The Animals MC book one*Where stories live. Discover now