Chapter Eleven.

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Wolf reached Chrome and saw a huge wave of families in the parking lot. He swung off his bike and looked around, it was mostly sisters, brothers, mothers and fathers a few close friends. None of his crew were married or had children to protect but they all had someone close to them they wanted safe.

Lacy and Demon stood off to the side, he was petting his dog as they watched families carry their bags into the headquarters. Ty and Zeke were helping people carry things but there was no sign of Becky.

"Hey boss, almost everyone's here." Demon said as he approached.


"How's Iris?" Lacy asked.

"Okay, she's a tough kid. I want Sky to go to the hospital and stay with Morgan, if she gets any ideas about leaving I want to be the first to know."

"I'll go tell Sky," Lacy said walking away.

"I want you on the gate, nobody is getting passed you to get into this place, I'll leave Zeke and Ty with you for back up and of course Lacy."

"Where are you going?" Demon asked.

"I need to talk to King and the leader of the Trojans."

"You can't go alone."

"If I take a bunch of people they'll be pissed when I walk in the door, I need you here."

"I'll be here."

Wolf clapped Demon on the back and walked towards the crowds that were slowly filing into the buildings and their rooms. Inside the tall fence and with the gate close they were obstructed from view but he'd told everyone to stay inside, even shooting blindly at the fence the other gang could hurt several people.

He walked into the lower level of the clubhouse where everyone had gathered.

"Can I have your attention please?!" He called out and the large crowd fell silent.

"I know this is difficult for all of you but early today a six year old girl was shot in the parking lot. What ever club is doing this is ruthless, our goal is to keep you all safe. There is plenty of food and water for everyone and every body will have a bed. There will be members here at all times and they will see to it that you are safe, should you need anything we don't have let one of the brothers know and they will get it for you. We hope this lock-down will only last a few days and are working on the situation. The men will all help you find your rooms."

Immediately the members began helping people to their rooms, Zeke and Ty weaved through the crowd to Wolf.

"I can't get a hold of Becky, she's not answering." Ty said, worry sounding in his voice.

"We have to go," Zeke said for once showing concern for the girl.

"Go, find her." Wolf said.

The brother both turned and rushed towards the door together, Zeke using his extreme height to his advantage as he weaved in and out of people.

Wolf turned and excused himself out the back door, walking across the parking lot he slipped on his sunglasses as he swung onto his bike. His first stop would be to the Trojans, he'd ask them about their involvement in the shooting.

They owned a large strip club on the other side of town and he wasted no time in driving there. He parked close to the door and let himself in, even though the sign said closed. A few men were in the building, one behind the bar and two sitting in chairs. They all turned to him and he put his hands up in surrender.

"I need to talk to Ivan," He said.

"You got any weapons on you?" The one behind the bar asked.

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