Chapter Seven.

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Wolf was at Chrome waiting to hear back from Lacy and Demon when his phone rang. He hoped it was one of the two rogue bikers calling to tell him what happened with the Aces.


"Mr. Wolf?"


"I'm terribly sorry to bother you sir, we have a little girl down here and she gave us your number."

"What? I don't have a little girl, you have the wrong number."

He hung up the phone without another word. He turned back to the paper work on his desk, the new recruits needed to update all their information before they could be given assignments. His phone rang again and he answered.


"Sir, I'm sorry but the little girl insists she knows you."

"I don't have a little girl."

"Her name is Iris, she's.....almost six."

"Iris? Her mother works for me, I'm sorry I don't understand what's going on."

"Well, miss Iris was caught shoplifting."

"Shoplifting? Where's her mother?"

"She won't say."

"Okay, I'm coming to get her."

He found out the location of the mall and borrowing a car from one of the younger men wasted no time in hurrying to the store. He inquired about the girl and was directed to the back room. He found Iris sitting in a cheap plastic chair, her little face was red and she looked as if she'd been crying. A stern looking woman greeted him.

"Hello Mr Wolf, I'm terribly sorry but this little girl would only let us call you."

"Yes, I know her mother."

"We caught her stealing a bracelet."

He looked at the girl who wiped her nose on her sleeve. With a heavy sigh he knelt down to her level, not at all sure what he should say.

"Iris, is that true?"

"No, I paid for it, I gave them two whole dollars for it."

"Two dollars is.....a lot of money," He agreed gently.

"The bracelet was two hundred" The woman said from behind him.

"I put my money on the counter like mommy does at the store and I tooked it," Iris said.

"Why did you need it and where's your mommy at?" He asked.

"Mommy is at home, she was taking a nap so I snuck out. I wanted to buy her something for her birthday, that mean lady took it away from me."

He glanced at the woman, she didn't look friendly and to a frightened five year old anything would be terrifying.

"Okay, sit tight and I'll take you home."

He turned back to the lady and with a heavy sigh pulled out his wallet.

"How much for the damn bracelet?"

"Two hundred even."

"I'll take it."

The woman gave him a look of disgust, probably the tattoos, leather jacket or general appearance but he didn't care. He handed her the money and took the tiny blue box she offered him, tucking it in one of his jacket pockets.

"Come on, Iris."

He turned and the little girl reached for him, he hesitated. He'd only held her once in her entire life and she'd only been an infant. She looked so distraught however that he lifted her gently into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, burying her face in his coat as he carried her out of the room.

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