Chapter Nine.

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Monday morning Wolf was at Chrome, he was working on a BMW alongside Zeke and Ty. Lacy was at the desk as usual, Sky was out in the tow truck and Demon was nearby changing tires on a Ferrari.

"It could need a new transmission," Zeke said.

"I don't know, it's almost brand new." Ty said.

"If the idiot doesn't know how to shift it wouldn't matter." Zeke pointed out.

"Have Lacy call and see how much a transmission run," Wolf said.

Ty gave a nod and headed towards the desk, Zeke shut the hood and leaned a hip against it. Wolf wiped his hands on a nearby rag, he didn't usually work in the garage but sometimes the guys needed another opinion.

"Hey," Demon crossed the garage.

His dog was so tight against his leg that Wolf wondered how he walked. The dog had finally warmed up to him and now refused to leave his side for anything. She kept her body tightly pressed again his leg at all times. She hadn't started to gain weight yet but was obviously going to be a large dog.

"What's up?" Wolf asked.

"Has anyone else noticed those black SUVs that keep driving passed?" Demon asked.


Wolf and Zeke both move to the large doors that were open. A few seconds later two black SUVs slowly drove by the garage. Wolf pushed away from the door and whistled to get Lacy's attention.

"Lacy, close the bay doors."

"We going on full lockdown?" Zeke asked.

"No, not yet."

Full lock down was a last resort and only happened in the most dire of circumstances. When a full lock down was called all the bikers in the MC reported to headquarters, they also brought their immediate families, mothers, sisters, wives and children. They all were safely locked in the buildings where a few men would constantly be at watch, the rest of the men would try their best to diffuse the situation.

"Just close the doors for now and maybe they'll go away," Wolf said.

The doors slid easily closed just as Zekes phone rang. He opened it with a heavy sigh.

"Becky, what's up?"

He walked away from the rest of the group and Wolf turned heading back to the car. Demon walked over to the desk near Lacy. The door to the shop opened as Wolf opened a car hood and leaned down to begin unbolting a part.

He lifted his head in time to see Morgan enter the garage, Iris close beside her. He shook his head as the child rushed to Demon to pet his dog. Morgan slowly approached Wolf and he could feel her before she spoke.

"Can I speak with you?"

"You already are."

"Please, may I speak with you?"

"I've told you a thousand times not to bring your child here," He said, slamming the hood.

"I know but I didn't have a babysitter, please? Can we talk?"



"No, you quit I accepted that's it."

He turned to walk away and Morgan hesitated only a minute or two before following him. He walked passed the desk where Lacy was sitting, dangling her feet watching Iris fuss over the new dog. He walked out the front door, forgetting about the SUVs that had been driving around.

Lone Wolf *The Animals MC book one*Where stories live. Discover now