Chapter Two.

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Photo is of Lacy

Five and a half years Later...............

It was saturday and Morgan had the day off and yet still had to go to Chrome to get her check, bribing Iris into the car with the promise of ice cream she pulled into the parking lot at around three. She had barely parked the car when Iris bolted from her seat.

"Iris, we're not staying long." Morgan called.

Her five and a half year old however, was already darting into the garage and Morgan could hear all the bikers cooing over her daughter. She hook her head and approached at a leaisurely pace, knowing Iris was safe as could be in the garage.

When she first started working there she's avoided the bikers at all costs and tried her best to keep Iris away from them as well, but over time it became impossible to keep them from seeing her daughter in passing.

Soon enough Iris had adopted the large man as uncles and it was impossible to keep the child away from them. Morgan had attempted to keep her at home but often Iris would cry and beg to go see them. The men themselves treated Iris like a queen, they'd spend hours seeing she was entertained.

They warmed to Morgan and over time she'd began to see them all as friends, except for Wolf.

He never had warmed to Morgan, and she had never learned to trust him. More than once he's scolded her on bringing Iris to the shop and Morgan did her best to keep both herself and Iris away from him.

He was never intentionally cruel towards her or her child, but he regarded Iris with an indifference that seemed cold and Morgan with the same attitude he would an impertinent child.

She entered the garage to fine Iris perched on top of a car hood. Swinging her legs gleefully as Zeke, Demon and Ty all vied for her attention.

"Iris, five minutes. Okay?" She asked as she passed.

"Okay mommy."

As she reached the office door she heard Iris whisper to the men.

"We're going for ice cream," She said as if it were a big secret.

Morgan stepped into the room and found Lacy behind the desk as always. Lacy was one of the most driven and hard working bikers in the crew. She was respected by all the men in the group, Wold included but she and Morgan had remained close friends and Lacy spent most of her time working the desk at the auto shop.

"Hey," Lacy called.

"Hey, I'm here for my check."

"Where's Iris?" Lacy asked, opening a drawer.

"Out with the guys, wowing them with her tails of puppies and ponies."

"She's been good for them, she softened them all a bit."

"Being soft can get you killed in this business," A deep voice said from the doorway.

Both women turned to see Wolf leaning against the doorway that lead to his office. Lacy rolled her eyes at him and turned back to looking for Morgans check. Morgan dropped her head to stare at her shoes, she wasn't afraid of Wolf, not really. He'd never done anything to cause her to be afraid but she knew he was a dangerous man.

"What's on the schedule for tomorrow?" Wolf asked Lacy.

"Nothing, we're having that party tomorrow. Remember?"

"I'm not going, you can schedule a few cars."

"You're going, you're the boss you have to be there." Lacy argued, her hands on her hips.

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