Chapter Fourteen.

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Wolf woke up, head pounding and still feeling slightly sick in his stomach. He had to get up though, had to make a formal address to the men on their next move and the war on the Aces.

Sitting up he pushed a hand through his hair and then stood, pulling up his pants and moving into the bathroom. He splashed cold water on his face, waking himself up and easing his head ache slightly.

He took a deep breath and steeled his nerve. His men needed a leader and he couldn't afford to be weak, not now.

He walked out of his room and passed Demon, he caught the other mans arm.

"Table, now. Tell the others."

"Yes, sir."

Demon changed direction and hurried to gather the other members for a table call.

Wolf headed straight to the back room where meetings were held, he took his place in the large, leather, wing-back chair. One by one the men filtered in and took their seats around the table. They turned their attention to him and he hesitate, it was hard to tell them they were going to war. More than likely he'd lose a few of them and he knew that.

"We're going to war," He said firmly.

He waited a minute or two, the men glanced at each other then respectfully turned back to him. Resolved in his decision, they would faithfully listen to him.

"With the Aces Wild."

"What?" Lacy cried out.

"Lace...."Demon warned.

"There is a war right now between Aces and the Trojans. I've considered staying out of it but I think it's obvious to us all that's not an option. We will be backing the Trojans."

"That's bullshit!" Lacy yelled.

Lacy attempted to stand but Demon grabbed her wist, pinning her arm to the table and effectively keeping her from standing. She clenched her jaw and stared at him but didn't try to stand again.

"Sir, the Aces have always been an ally," Lacy said.

"Yes, they have and it's been strenuous on our club. They have helped us a few times but we've helped them far more often. I've spoken with the Trojans and I believe their side to be the best course for this club. They're not asking us to fight, but if it comes time that's who we will be with."

"I won't, I won't do this." Lacy said.

"Lacy!" Demon scolded.

"You'll do as your told," Wolf said.

"They ordered a hit on a six year old girl," This from Ty.

"I don't think it was for her, I think that was just damn luck. The bullets were meant to his one of the men, maybe Morgan but they wanted us to think it was the Trojans." Wolf said.

Lacy shook her head and Demon cast her a warning glance. Wolf briefly wondered if Lacy would be a problem but pushed the thought away. Before Demon found her she had nobody, she wouldn't throw that away.

"King must not know," Lacy said.

"Lacy...." Demon warned.

"I've made my decision," Wolf said.

With a heavy sigh, Lacy stood and walked out of the meeting slamming the door behind her. The men winced and turned their attention to Wolf, nobody had ever walked out of a meeting without first being excused.

"She doesn't mean it, her and King....they were intimate and I think it's messing with her head." Demon defended.

"Reign her in Demon, I'll let it go this time but this is her first warning."

Demon gave a solemn nod and Wolf turned to the other men.

"Anything else to address?"

"How long will the lock-down last? Some of the people staying are worrying about their jobs. For most it's no problem but a few are concerned." Ty said.

The Animals owned enough businesses that almost everyone staying was employed at one or another. The Garage was solely filled with bikers but several other bikers and their families and friend worked at the other places.

There was an ice cream shop, three bars, a strip club and another garage devoted solely to painting and body work. The ice cream shop had been to try and ease their tension with the community. There were still a few people however that did not have jobs for the club.

"Those who are worried about their jobs tell them not to be. Tell them they will be compensated for the days they've missed and should they lose their job we will find placement for them and help them until something else is arranged."

"What about appointments?" Zeke asked.

"Any appointments need brought to one of us, we will accompany them to the appointment if it can not be moved."

"Becky has some appointments," Ty said.

"Very well, you or Zeke go with her."

"She ain't going to wanna go with me," Zeke said.

Wolf hadn't even seen Zeke speak with Becky since she'd overheard them talking. Ty seemed more than happy to be her shoulder to cry on and Zeke seemed somewhat relieved to be rid of her.

"Any more questions?" Wolf offered.

When nobody spoke he gave a nod and stood, the men copied his action.

"Meeting dismissed."

The men filed out of the room single file just as his phone rang.



"Morgan?" His heart sped up in fear something was wrong.


"Is everything okay? Is it Iris?"

"No, she's fine. I mean she's not any better but no worse. I was wondering...can I talk to you?" She sounded timid, as if he'd say no.

"Of course, I'll be right over."

She hung up without another word and he did as well. Flipping his old phone closed, keeping a junk phone was part of the club life, easy to throw away. He slid his phone into the inner pocket of his leather jacket.

He exited the conference room and into the common room. People were playing pool, watching television, drinking at the bar and generally seemed somewhat content. As long as they were safe he didn't care what they did.

Zeke was near one of the pool tables, leaning against the wall and holding a pool cue. Ty was leaning next to him, the two deep in conversation about something, probably Becky.

Demon was at the bar sitting along, drinking a scotch.

Lacy was nowhere to be seen and that raised alarms in Wolfs head.

Pushing his concerns about Lacy aside and convincing himself they were pointless he exited the building and swung onto his bike. Sky was at the hospital in case Morgan needed anything but if she was calling him, she was desperate.

Lone Wolf *The Animals MC book one*Where stories live. Discover now