Chapter 12:

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Chapter 12: No More Little Lamb

Hola Mis Amores! I have been away for a while. Lol not really, this chapter has been done but with some adjustments. Sorry, but 8 comments seriously? And what is with this dramatic decline in reads. Noooo! I must not be getting better. Any way, I've changed the name of the character's named "Harmoni". Her name is now Ximena. Exotic eh? I even went back and changed it. Author's note at the end.. Anyway on with it..

Javier POV:
"Rey!"I hear someone saying in the speaker in my ear.

"What?"I say scoping out the place.

"We took out the guards, bodies taken care of. But we found a mad stash of all types of drugs."

"Take it back to B, and have him drive it to the warehouse."

"Alright, boss."

"Zeus, you ready?"I ask.

"Been ready."he answers. I smile as we move in. Me and Zeus going straight to the leader. We had some of our other crews hit up they spots. Lets just say, we on that Terminator type shit.

The rest of our main crews hit up the rest of this warehouse, taking out his members. They gon know not to mess with us. We're armed and ready as we kick open the door.

"Martez! Nice to see you, again."I say, in a sarcastic voice. He jumps up from his chair and reaches for his gun.

"Looking for these?"Jamal says, holding up the guns he had in here. I'm telling he is the black ninja.

"How the fuck did y'all get in here?!"Martez yells.

"What chu mean? We walked in."Zeus says.

"So we heard you tryna take us out?"I ask.

"What? How y'all here that?"

"Now if there's one this I hate, it's a liar. So don't lie to me Martez!"Zeus says. Martez flinches.

"It wasn't even my idea! It was that hoe, LaTrece! She was mad cuz she wanna claim you as her baby daddy."He says giving up the info.

"And you just went along. Shame...we coulda been cool. But you threatened me, my crew, and my fam. So you're done. Plus I hate a snitchin' ass bitch nigga."Zeus says.

Me and Zeus unleash fire on him. After we empty out magazines, we stop. We pour acid all over the bodies, watching them eat away at flesh and bone. We walk out and the 'clean up crew' go in, spraying lighter fluid everywhere, on everything inside and out. Then light that bitch up and let it burn.

"A'ight, y'all meet back at the warehouse in an hour."I say. We go off in our separate ways.
One Hour Later:

"Uhh...Rey we got some bad news."Randy says. I squint my eyes.

"What?"I say in a guarded voice.

"About five of Martez's niggas escaped."

"Da fuck? How the fuck did they escape?!"Zeus says.

"I think they had some secret doors or some shit."

"Fuck..."I say. Just can't catch a break.

"Today ain't the day, we just gon have to keep a eye on the niggas."Zeus says.

"Alright, take inventory of this. Er'body else dismissed."I say. I go sit in my office. Zeus and Dre follow me.

"Aye we can't be stressin' like this. We gon have to just keep watch."Dre says.

"Yeah you right..."I say.

"Yo, I'm out. See y'all niggas in the mornin'."Zeus says.

"A'ight."Dre and I say.

Laina POV:

I feel my phone vibrating. I pat the bed a I look everywhere for it. Finally I find it underneath my pillow. I check the clock, it's 1:23 AM. I click answer.

"Hello?"My voice thick with sleep.

"Hey baby."I hear Farrod say. His voice wakes me right on up.

"Baby! Are you okay? Is anybody hurt? What happened?"I ask, rapidly.

"Bae. Calm down. I'm fine, none of us got hurt. Everything went cool. I'll tell everything else when I see you in the morning."

"Technically it is morning."I say, giggling.

"I knew yo smart ass was gon say that."He says.

"Well.."I say laughing.

"Mmm...are you okay bae?"he asked

"Yeah I'm fine. Everything is good here."

"Cool, well I only called to check on you and talk to you real quick. Now go back to sleep, and I'll see you in the morning."He tells me.

"Alriiiight bae. I'll see you in the 'morning'."I say giggling.

"Be quiet and go to sleep, smart mouth."He says.

"Love you."

Love you, more."He says, then we hang up.

The Next Morning:

The town car picks us up in the morning an we go back to the house. And of course me and Cami, make sure everyone is cool. And all of that. And after that, we go our separate ways and Farrod takes us back to the house. I got straight to the bed. He grabs some strawberries and cream then joins me.

I sit there watching him. He plays in my hair and I stare into his eyes as he feeds me a strawberry.

"You gon tell me what happened?"I ask once I've swallowed it.

"Yeah I will later but fa right now I just wanna make love ta ya."He says. I glance at his lips, wanting to kiss him. He sees me and smirks. He leans in and pecks me on the lips. He starts to slowly pull off my shirt, looking dead into my eyes. I feel the sensuality wash over me. He kisses my neck then my shoulder. I sigh, in content. Knowing I'm about to get some.

Dré POV:

I look over at Cami, sleeping on my shoulder. Laina told me she couldn't really sleep, was way too worried. I look at her sleeping body. I could watch her all day. I pull the ring out of my pocket, and slip it on her finger.

We've been sitting in my driveway for almost a half hour now. I just like seeing her so peaceful. Though I love her naturally crazy, fiery side, her at peace is beautiful.

I get out the car, and slowly walk around to her side. I unbuckle the seat belt, and pull her out the car gently. I walk up the path to my home and the door opens.

"Hi, Daddy! You're back!"My baby girl's voice says excitedly. But also loudly.

"Shh, Cami is sleeping."

"Oh okay, sowie."She says as I walk in the door.

Paradise POV:

"So you're okay?"I ask for about the sixth time.

"Yes, mi amor. I'm fine."Javi chuckles.

"I'm just making sure."I say rubbing his face as I look into his eyes.

"I'ma be honest wit chu, Paradise...a'ight?"

"Go 'head."I urge.

"I live a dangerous life. Are you sure you even wanna be involved with me?"

"I told you, Javier. My whole life has been one day after the next of being stuck in a painful, never ending abyss. You were a rope, a knight in shining armor, a light, whatever you call it. I'ma ride or die. I'll be there. Trust and believe. I may have only met you days ago, but I trust you with my life."

"Alright then, sugar face. You my ride or die. And not just for today or tomorrow, I mean---"

"I'll be your ride or die, til the day I die. Even when you don't want me by yo side, I'll still be there, cuz ride or die means--"

"Forever."He finishes.

"Exactly. Now don't go complaining that you tired of me."I joke. He chuckles.

"I know, sweet cakes. Now give Papí a kiss."He says. I lean over and peck his lips. He screws his face.

"Stop playin, girl."He says. He leans over and kisses my lips softly. He takes my bottom lip in his mouth and sucks, gently. A low moan escapes the back of my throat, as he moves over and kisses my neck. I shiver with excitement. Aha, hopefully this ain't a disappointment, like the last one.

Chayann POV:

"Ugh, don't even understand. Like, I was actually excited to see his dumb ass. And then he go snatching a girl up, like nigga! Fuck you think this is."I say on FaceTime, rolling my eyes as I put another piece of sesame chicken in my mouth.

"Girl, he not even worth the fuss! But you know who is?"

"Who?"I say knowing she's about to turn the conversation towards her.


"Wait, I thought the guy's name was Emilio."

"It is. He has a twin brother named Raphael."


"Emilio says no, but they do have similar looks."

"Ahh..."I say, eating some fried rice.

"Sooo...wanna go to a club tonight? I told Emilio I'd go with him, and now he can bring his brother for you!"She says excitedly.

"I don't know..."

"Kisa! Fèmen kaka sa!"She says to me in Haitian Creole. {What! Shut that shit up!}

"Pa ou gen odas!"I say back. {Don't you dare!}

"Souple.."She says to me giving me a cute lil puppy dog face. {Please..}

"Non...non...non...Byen!"I say, giving in. {!}

"Yay! Be ready at 9! Orevwa, renmen!"She says blowing me a kiss then hanging up. {Bye, love!} I check the time, finding its only, 6:47PM Plenty of time.

I sigh, as I close up the Chinese food boxes. I put them away in the refrigerator, then go upstairs to figure out what I'm going to wear.

I finally decide on a aquamarine-teal off the shoulders shirt. It's ruffled and has black lace trim on the shoulders leading to the neckline, then a strip of lace down the center to then around the end of it. I pick simple black slacks, skinny jean style, with flats that have a aquamarine-teal butterfly wing pattern. I get my black ruffled purse to go with it and set it all out.

I think I wanna take a bath. Relax my nerves before this date. I go downstairs and get a big bowl of diced pineapples and strawberries. I grab some chai tea, and a new erotica I picked up from Barnes and Nobles. I text Mena.

Me: I'm taking a bath, so if you come earlier, then come in through the back. I left the door unlocked, but lock it afterwards. Come upstairs after that.

Mena: Okay, will probably come early.

I put my phone on the charger and grab my terry cloth robe. I walk into my huge bathroom.

I rub a bubble bath with vanilla and strawberry. I put in some small drops of lavender, and chamomile oils to calm my nerves. And put in more vanilla and strawberry. I look at the clock: 7:00. Alright one hour...ish. I put on some Musiq SoulChild, and lay back.

One Hour Later:
I've put the book down by now, I was getting way too aroused. It was killing me. I'm just laying back with my eyes closed, relaxing. I hear the sliding door open and close. Mena must be here. I still have some time though, shit them niggas can wait. I hear footsteps come up to my room.

"In here."I yell, the footsteps come closer. I hear them stop at the door.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm still in the bath. Listen, after that nigga man handled me yesterday my ass needed this. Showers ain't got shit on no relaxing bubble bath. Had the nerve to put his hands on me. Shit, I don't play that."I rant.

"Damn..."I hear a husky, deep and smooth voice say. My eyes fly open, I look in the doorway. Okay, so either I'm being robbed, kidnapped, both or this is Raphael.

"Please tell me you're Raphael."I beg.

"Yes, nice to meet you, beautiful."

"Yes, well the pleasure is all mine. Now if you don't mind, get out."

"Sweetheart, how about I give you a massage?"


Alright that's it for right now. What do ya think? I'm thinking I like this chapter. Next chapter I'm doing an "Ask the Characters". So leave the questions in the comments, my inbox or my message board.

1)Is Laina way too dependent on Farrod?

2)Y'all think Dré wants to marry Cami? What y'all think about him and his newly revealed situation?

3)How y'all feeling about Javi and Dice? Moving too fast? Too slow? Don't belong?

4)What you think about Ximena (Zah-MEAN-nuh)? Y'all think she purposely set up Raphael and Chayann?

5)What's y'all thoughts on Chayann?

Alright just some questions to help y'all comment. 12 comments and 30 votes for a new chapter. Easy...super easy.

What do you think of the book so far? What do y'all think the ending will be? Any plot twist y'all think will happen?


Love, Peace and Chicken Grease!


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