Chapter 12

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In the morning, small laughter could be heard in the room, Alex didn't want to wake up and see what was going on, due to him being in a very comfortable position. The small laughter turned into mumbling and that was enough to wake Alex up completely. When Alex raised his head to see what was the commotion about, he saw Emilio standing in the middle of the room, taking to Angelie's parents. Alex threw his pillow at him, catching his attention.

Emilio: Look who decided to finally wake up.
Alex: The hell are you doing here?
Emilio: I heard you got shot and I had to come visit my best friend.

(Angelie raises her head to find Emilio, the two give each other vicious stares.)

Alex: "Damn it, I keep forgetting these two don't get along."

(Alex turned to Angelie.)

Alex: Why don't you go shower, your parents have your clothes here already.
Angelie: Are you saying that because you don't wanna be around me?

(Alex flicked her forehead.)

Alex: If I didn't want to he around you, I wouldn't have asked you to sleep in this bed with me now would I?
Angelie: I guess not.
Angelie: But why'd you go and do that?
Alex: Because you're playing your guilt card on me.
Angelie: "Damn it!"
Angelie: Well OK, I'll go shower, but so will you afterwards, OK?
Alex: Naturally.
Angelie: OK, I'll be right back.

(Angelie goes to the bathroom.)

Emilio: That was a close one.
Alex: No it wasn't, she'll be out in three minutes, five if she washes her hair.
Emilio: Ugh, why'd I even go out with her?
Alex: Save the comments, its me you're visiting and I have a right to kick you out if I must.
Emilio: Yes your highness.
Alex: What do you need?
Emilio: Well, you're in a bed and I wanted not see if you were OK, that's all.
Alex: You're as bad a liar as my mother, you know.
Emilio: Yeah, pretty much.
Alex: Well, what is it really?
Emilio: We need to talk.

(As soon as everyone heard that, they exited the room, Angelie, who just turned on the shower and stood by the door, began listening in very closely.)

Emilio: Listen, I want to make you an offer.
Alex: Let me save you the trouble, No.
Emilio: You don't even know what it's about!
Alex: I know its a bad thing and the first time you offered I also denied.
Emilio: But times have changed, you can't ever be too safe.

(Alex grabs Emilio by the neck of his shirt.)

Alex: I won't become the coward that shot me in the shoulder, if it means I have to put you down myself, I'm gonna do it, respect my decision, my answer is no, that's final.
Emilio: Alright, let go!
Alex: I thought you had it clear the first time.
Emilio: Well, you were shot without anything to fire back with, I thought your idea on that would've changed by now.
Alex: Well Emilio, it obviously hasn't, I'm not putting any of them at that risk, do you understand?!
Emilio: Yeah, I guess I do, calm down.
Alex: Do me a favor.
Emilio: What?
Alex: Take to leaving.

The atmosphere around the two turned somewhat tense, Alex was noticeably angry at Emilio for making a proposition he had already rejected, his look pierced through Emilio and that was enough to make Emilio leave. The family had gone back in after Emilio's leaving, they were struck by Alex's reject over Emilio. A door in the room had opened, steam comes out in tons, Angelie had jumped in the shower at the last second and scrubbed until the last bit.

Angelie: Your turn baby.

(Angelie stopped without any warning from Alex, she also took notice in what was happening, not to mention she heard the conversation in its entirety.)

Angelie: Guys, I'm sorry, but could you leave me alone with him for a minute.
Richard: No its fine, we'll just leave, maybe go for a joyride or something.
Angelie: Perfect, go.
Claritsa: Sweety, I think your father wa-
Frances: Mom, let's just go.
Claritsa: But he wa-
Richard: Yeah, let's go, I'm starving.
Claritsa: Oh forget it.
Claritsa: We'll be back later.
Angelie: K, love you all, bye.

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