Chapter 6

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Hey, sorry i took a while to write this chapter, been having a couple of busy days , hehe. Don't forget to vote and leave comments , love you all...



"Anna, how are you!?!, I missed you so much how was your trip?" The sound of Mel's sweet voice, cheered me up right away, she was always so bubbly.

"It was fun at first then it got boring and exhausting"

"That'll explain why you came home earlier than you were meant to"

"Haha, yh"

"Btw, your mum told me about your engagement"

"She told you?, oh my God, do you think she's telling everyone?"

" I don't know, she told me when I came over today , you weren't at your house so I thought you may have been at hers but you weren't there either"

"Ugh,its not an engagement, it's just a deal to keep my mum off my case."

"She wants you to get married that bad, huh?"

"Yh, it's so irritating"

"Care to tell me who the unlucky man is?" Mel said with laughter in her voice.

"Well , since he's so unlucky I don't think you should know" I said , sticking my tongue out even though I knew she couldn't see me over the phone.

"Haha, fine , I'm sorry , who is the extremely luvky guy whom your mum thought was fit enough to marry a godess like yourself"

" hahahahah." I couldn't help but laugh at how sarcastic she sounded when she said that , lol.

"Come on Annabelle, spill the details already"

"Haha, OK, it's Tyrion, I'm gonna date him for 6 months and if by the end of those months I still don't have feelings for him, which I won't, I won't marry him, so you see, it's not really an official engagement"

"Wait, you're dating Tyrion Andreas??


"He's totally hot, you're so gonna be married after these 6 months"Mel squealed excitedly into the phone. Her loud voice almost damaging my hearing ability.

"Ugh, not you too, Zena said the same thing when I told her, *sigh, you guys don't even know what he's like"

"Neither do you , you've only known him for two days right?"

"Yh but-

"Give him a chance Mel, I don't mean sound like you mum but you should really get married soon, I mean Zena and I are already married, I mean who wants to be 70 and alone?"

"Well, I'm saying I want to be 70 and alone , I just don't need a man , right now?"

"Sigh, then when?, when all your eggs are dried out?"

"I can always adopt." I said getting tired of the conversation.

"Fine , fine, just give a chance, he may not be as bad as you think"

"Ugh, fine, I'll see you and Zena tomorrow,OK?"

"Ok, love you Anna"

"Love you too,smelly melly" I hung up immediately after I said that so she could argue, she hated it when I called her that, it was a nickname I gave her in junior high, she hated it then and hates it even more now , haha. Not to mention that if I didn't she would have continued talking about Tyrion just like Zena had.

Mel and Zena were twin sisters and at times they both had the same way of thinking, maybe Mel was a little mature but you wouldn't recognise the difference in their behaviours unless you hung around with them as much as I have. The main difference in their faces were that Mel had greyish blue eyes while Zena's were emarald green. I should probably shower.

I had a warm shower then I fell alseep, tomorrow was another busy day.

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