Chapter 17: Be Careful

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After we calmed down about what just happened. Beth and I leave my room to go to lunch. We see Draco and Olly in the common room sitting on the couch and I give them a wave. Draco gets up and Olly follows as they realize where we're going.

"Elena" I heard from behind me. 

I turned my head to see Draco trying to catch up to me.

"What's up?" I ask

"Can I talk to you?" he says looking at Olly.

Olly got the message and walked ahead with Beth.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay," he says

"Why wouldn't I be?" I ask smiling.

"It's just that..." He trailed off looking down. "I hope my father didn't scare you," he says

Oh, now I get it. Well, I guess I should just be honest with him. I wasn't scared, just confused. I wonder if he was really seeing Dumbledore.

"I'm fine Draco. It wasn't how I imagined meeting him but I guess it wasn't the worst place to meet a person" I say

Draco chuckles and throws his right arm around me. I finally feel the butterflies in my stomach. He was so strong and I felt safe with him. I reached up and grabbed his wrist.

We start you walk and leave the common room. We walk perfectly in sync up the stairs and to the main corridor.

For no reason at all, I start to think of an old muggle story called The Wizard Of Oz. I remember this funny walk they used to do and have the sudden urge to do it.

I start to slightly hop and do the foot motions. One step, two step, double step.

"What are you doing?" Draco says smiling at me like I'm crazy.

"It's from a muggle story," I say

"Show me," he says

I wasn't expecting that. Draco wants to look ridiculous on purpose. He never did anything fun. That came out wrong. He never...stepped out of line.

"It's like this," I say letting go of Draco letting his arm slip off my shoulder.

I show him the hop motion and turn to see him smiling at me.

"Try it," I say

Draco, being perfect at everything, get it perfect right away.

"See, it's easy," I say going to his side.

I link arm with him and he looks slightly confused.

"Try it with me," I say

"Sure," he says

We start to hop in sync and soon everyone is looking at us. Draco and I laugh as we go down the corridor. For the first time, I notice that Draco doesn't care about the opinion of anyone else.

We get to the doors of the grand hall and stop hopping. he takes his arm off my shoulder and we walk to the Slytherin table. I sit beside Alex and Claire and Draco sits with Olly and Maddy.

Dumbledore steps up the podium and the wings of the stands golden owl spread out. Everyone goes silent and turns their attention to him.

"Good afternoon students, I hope you are having the best of days. As asked by the ministry, I will be gone for a short while. Professor McGonagall will be taking my post during my absence" he says "as for.." He is then cut off by a loud cough from the staff table. Everyone turns as Umbridge stands up.

"Excuse me Headmaster, but wouldn't it be more appropriate to have someone of higher knowledge to take your place," she says walking g towards the podium.

Everyone starts to whisper and talk about what she just said. How could she say that? Professor McGonagall is more than qualified to take over.

"I can assure you, professor. I have absolute faith that Professor McGonagall will hold our school high and keep the students and staff is the best of care" Dumbledore says confidently.

"Well, if you are you sure," she says taking a step back.

"I am," Dumbledore says sternly, clearly not wanting to talk about it anymore.

Umbridge sits back down and everyone focuses on Dumbledore again.

"As I was saying. Even though you may not see me, I will still be here. If there is a matter that needs my attention, do not be afraid to tell me." I can tell that he is looking at Harry now and that was addressed to him. What could Harry need Dumbledore for? I could ask Hermione. Maybe I will in DADA.

Dumbledore steps down from the podium and the food is presented in front of us. I take some soup and bread to start and Claire does the same. We eat our meal and talk about the morning. I told Claire about what happened with Alex and Beth and how Ben is most likely out of the picture. She had a relaxing morning. She slept in. Her and Maddy went for a walk and wrote some letters to their families. Which reminded me that I should probably send mother one soon, I'll ask Mike or Logan for some letters.

We finished our food and waited for Maddy and Beth to finish as well then we all got up. Draco looked at me as I stepped over the bench and he looks almost sad.

"Elena," he said grabbing my wrist.

"Yes?" I said turning to look at him.

"Be careful" he said letting me go.

"Okay," I say very confusedly.

I turn on my heel and walk with the girls to the doors. We turn down the corridor and Maddy links arms with me.

"What was that about?" She asks

"I have no idea," I say shaking my head.

"What could you have to be careful about?" She says, more thinking than asking me.

She was right. What could Draco be worried about? Hogwarts is the safest place I know.

We walk down the corridor and bump into Ron and Hermione.

"Oh Elena, perfect," Hermione says smiling at me.

"Hey guys," I say

"Can we talk for a moment?" Hermione asks

I look at my friends and smile.

"I'll catch up to you," I say.

Maddy and Beth turn and start to walk followed by Claire.

"What's up?" I ask

"Well, Harry has decided to start an army for Dumbledore. Where we can learn real defense against the dark arts. " Hermione says

"Won't we get in trouble?" I ask remembering all the stupid rules Umbridge has started to post around the school.

"Not if we don't get caught," Ron says

"How will we do that?" I ask

"We're meeting in the room if. Requirement." Hermione says

"The what?" I ask.

I've been going to this school for seven years and I e never heard of this place. That must be why they've decided to meet there.

"I'll show you. We're having our first meeting tonight. I'll meet you at the top of the Slytherin stairs after dinner" she says

"Okay, see you there," I say as they continue down the corridor.

"Bye El," Ron says.

El? Since when is that my name? I guess he's just trying something new. I hope he decides against it.

I walk down the corridor towards the common room and realize I won't catch the girls. I take my time getting to the Slytherin entrance and take out my wand to tap the wall.

I know the pattern off by heart and could do it with my eyes closed. I tap the first brick then the second.

Right before I can tap the next one I'm thrown into the wall beside me and smash my arm against the hard brick. I look to see who had done it. It was Pansy.

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