An Undead Mother at my Doorstep ~2~

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Chapter 2

David's POV

When Lilly walked into the cafeteria with her friends, she looked happy until LeAnn whispered something in Lil's ear and her face dropped. I figured LeAnn had told Lilly about the rumor. The one about Jillian and I having an affair behind Lilly's back.

"Hi baby", I said as Lilly sat down.

"Hi", she said shortly.

"Baby, what's wrong", I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Why don't you go talk to your girlfriend, Jillian?"

"Lilly, tell me you don't believe them?"

"I do."


"Just stop David. I suspected it all along."

"Suspected what?"

"That you were with my sister behind my back."

"Lillian, listen to me. I'm not having an affair with Jillian because I love you. I would never do anything to do hurt you, Lil."

"Yeah okay, David. I don't care right now." She started getting up but I quickly pulled her back down. "David let me go now." I let her go and watched as she walked away.

Lillian's POV

As soon as I walked out of the cafeteria and into the hallway, I felt the tears in my eyes. I leaned against the wall and cried. I could feel myself sliding down the wall and then I felt arms around me. I looked up and saw Jill holding me.

"Get...Away....From.....Me", I stammered.

"Lilly, please the rumors aren't true. You know David wouldn't cheat on you."

"Get away from me. I thought we were sisters."

"We are sisters, Lilly."

"NO SISTERS WOULDN'T DO THIS TO EACH OTHER!" I looked at Jillian and started to cry more. "Just get away from me, Jillian."

"Is that what you really want?"

"Yes." Jillian nodded and stood up. I watched as she made her way back to the cafeteria, but then I started to get dizzy and then I heard Jillian turning around and coming back towards me. She got to the ground and grabbed my shoulders.

"Lilly!" That was David's voice. I could hear my friends shrieking and screaming. Then I blacked out.

When I woke up, someone was out in the nurses' office yelling.

"Please I need to see her", someone shouted.

"Mr. Miles you need to go home. School has ended. Miss. Smat will be kept here until her parents arrive", Nurse Lanton said.

"David", I whispered. He must have heard me because he came running in.

"Lilly, thank god your okay. Honey I'm so sorry about earlier. Nothing happened with Jillian and me."

"David, I know." He leaned down and kissed me lightly. I scooted over and patted the bed next to me. He lay down and wrapped his arm around me and I cuddled into his chest.

"Well if you two are possibly done, I'd like to take Lilly home", Dad said walking in.

"Right. Um. Sorry", David said standing up. I pulled him to me one more time before letting him walk out.

Dad sat on my bed. "Lilly are you okay?"

"Yes daddy I'm fine."

"Okay then let's go home. Jill and Jane are waiting for you."

Chuck's POV

Lilly seemed distracted in the car.

"Lil is something wrong?" At that moment she looked at me and I saw that little baby looking at me as her mother left.

"Dad can I ask you a question?"

"Of course Lil, what's up?"

"What was mom like?" Her question caught me by surprise so it took me a while to answer her. "Hello, earth to dad."

"Right what was your mother like? Well your mother was amazing when we first got married. Then you girls were born and it changed both of us. She was into being a mother at first, but then the more effort it took; the more your mother didn't want anything to do with being a mother. All of a sudden, I was the one getting up every few hours to feed one of you. I was the one changing both of you, and I was the one who did basically everything while your mother did nothing." I stared at Lilly for a moment, watching her take it all in. "You remember her leaving don't you, Lil?"

"I think so." We arrived home less than five minutes later. Lilly jumped out and ran into the house. I followed close behind her. My wife, Jane, was waiting for us when we walked in.

"How is she?" she asked.

"She's okay. I think."

"You think? Why aren't you 100% sure"

"When we were in the car and Lilly started talking about her mom. I thought she didn't remember anything about her mother. I could tell she wanted to say something about her mother leaving that day, but she didn't."

"Are you going to go talk to her about it?" Jane asked.

"No." I started to get off the couch when she pulled me back down.

"I think it's time we tell the girls."

"Jane, I said no. They are my daughters and I will decide when to tell them."

"Chuck, you're not their real father. You were once in my position. Now you know I love those girls just as much as you do, but neither of us is their real parents and it's time they know that."

"What?" A voice came from the steps. Jane and I both turned around to see Jillian standing there.

" have to understand", I started.

"Understand what? That my whole life has been based on lies?"

"Jillian Kaleen Smat, your life is not a lie."

"What do you mean my life's not a lie? Ever since I was born, I assumed you were my real father. Jane I knew was my stepmother, but I thought you were my biological father."

"No your mother and I got married right before you and Lilly were born."

"So if you're not our real father, then who is", Lillian asked coming down the other staircase.

"I don't know who your real father is, but your biological mother is still alive, but you two don't ever have to worry about her coming back because she made that perfectly clear when she left." Jillian stared at me with such hate that I had to look away. Lillian was staring at me with disbelief in her eyes. I couldn't stand either of their looks.

Jillian's POV

I couldn't believe this liar of a man. My whole life, I was told my mother was dead, not some abandoning, heartless person. I stared at my dad, or rather the man who lied to me my whole life. I couldn't believe this. When I saw Lilly walking down I started to turn back around to run upstairs, until Lilly asked about Chuck being our real father. He looked at me and then at Lilly, but quickly had to look away. Jane was staring at Dad, Dad was staring at me and I was staring at Lilly. We all stared at each other until Lilly broke the silence.

"I'm going out with David", Lilly said. Everyone looked at her.

"Fine, be back by curfew", Dad started.

"Right now I don't care about curfew. I think I'm just going to stay at Amber's."

"No you're not", Dad said getting angry. Lilly didn't care; she had had enough. She walked to the door and out, not even looking back. I heard her car start in the driveway and took the opportunity to run back upstairs. Chuck and Jane didn't yell after me, they just let me go.

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