chapter 34

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I decided to stay at Joe's home until we had to be back on Monday. I still felt guilty of what happened with Claudio. I betrayed my boyfriend, the one i loved! Every now and then I began to cry, i had this picture in my head in every fucking second! But today i had to forget all this, first I had a doctors appointment to get my eyes checked. and after that I would meet Joe's family again. They all were amazing people. I loved his cousins Jonathan and Joshua (Jimmy and Jey Uso), they were such funny idiots.

I waited already an hour for the doctor until a nurse called me. She guided me to a room where i had to sit down. I had glasses for some years now, but I hated them so i wore the most of the time lenses. Joe were home, watching the football results.

After over 3 hours i could leave, the doctor said my eyes were still okay, not good but Okay. I drove immediately back to Joe, of course with Joe's car. I decided to take a really hot shower while Joe looked for something, i didn't even wanted know what. I took a look on my phone, 6.15 pm. I hurried to get ready. Already 15 minutes later Joe yelled for me. "Baby? Are you ready?" "What? Are you kidding me? It's half past 6, we have still 30 minutes, dork." I yelled out of the bathroom. "Women..." "Shut up Joe!"

7.30pm, we were on the way to his parents's house. His mom had planned this 'party' for a long time, but i didn't knew the reason. We arrived at his parents's house and immediately i saw a huge happy birthday mom sign. "Why didn't you told me that?" "What?" "That it's your mom's birthday! I don't even have a gift for her!" "Don't worry i have one." "Oh great..." I said in a sarcastic way. "What?" "You could have tell me it though!" "I could have but I haven't and now Shut up and kiss me." Joe said as he parked the car. I couldn't resist him, after a deepened kiss we got out of the car. We entered the house, a big party was going on. I went immediately to his mom and hugged her. "Mom! Happy birthday!" "Aw thank you Chris, where have you my son hid?" "Here mom, happy birthday!" He hugged her and handed her a big box. "What's that Leati?" "Have a look." She ripped off the bow and the paper around it. "That is the bowl we saw last month!" "Yes, you liked it so much that we bought it." Joe just said 'we'. I looked up at him and smiled. "Thank you so much!" She put the bowl away and hugged us. His dad made a big BBQ while i talked to Trinity.

Boston, Massachusetts
Monday night Raw
It was a tough weekend, we had so much fun at the birthday party. Jonathan, Joshua and I played tricks on everyone. The bad thing was we actually had to leave the party early. Well, it was early, 4pm and our flight to Boston was at 10 pm. "I love weekends without sleep." I said yawning. We awere on our way back to Joe's house. "Me too, but We can sleep during the flight." "Thank God! Have you your stuff together?" "Not at all." "Men... Okay i gonna make coffee when we're back." "Good idea. Have you packed your suitcase?" "Almost, a few things missing." I leaned my head against the cold window. I had so bad headache.

Our suitcase were ready and I cleaned up the Coffee maker. We finished everything and took a taxi to the airport. After the checkin and the bodycheck we finally got in the plane.
We were in the air and i leaned against Joe's shoulder. All i wanted was sleep.

"Wake up baby, we're landing." I heard Joe whisper. "Not now, can we fly a bit longer?" He began to laugh and I opened my eyes finally. It was a hard landing, it felt like the airplane broke. The pilot excused for the landing and we could exit the airplane. Once we took our suitcases we left the building, but I stopped as a big man stood in front of me. He had a cap on, deep in his face. "Miss Anderson, i gonna bring you to our hotel." "Jon?" "Yes?" I let my suitcase fall and hugged him. "I missed you Lunatic." "I missed you too asskicker." Joe and I put our stuff in the trunk and got in the car. "Next time I sit on the passenger seat." I said laughing. "You won't baby. Small people have to sit in the back." "What the hell!? I'm not small! You are just bigger than me!" "Haha That was good C!" Jon said laughing. Honestly, i was pretty small, if Joe And i stood next to each other i just reached his chest. I was as small as April! We arrived at the hotel and got our keys. Like always my boys and I shared a room. I took a shower and ordered something to eat. A knock came up on the door, i thought it was the waiter. I opened the door and saw Anda and Colby. "Hi you two!" "Hi C, where are the boys?" "Inside Colby." I let them in and Immediately they had a men grouphug.

Anda and I had a match against each other on Raw, we decided to go to the gym together.

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