chapter 37

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*Chris's POV*

I left the office and walked down to the medics room. Just in time I came in. "Chris? Is something wrong?" "No, everything is fine. I just want to talk to Claudio." I looked over at him. Claudio looked straight back at me. "No fights in here Chris!" "No, don't worry Smitty." I smiled at the doc. I walked over to the stretcher, on wich Claudio laid. "Hi Claudio... How are you?" I said softly, looking to the ground. "Fine... more or less. What's up?" "I'm sorry for slapping you. It was just the moment when i heard this... you know." "It's okay, it was my own fault. I never should have kissed you." "Why have you done it?" "Well... Chris, I have a crush on you." "Claudio... It's cute, but You know I'm with Joe and it'll never change." "I know, I'm sorry for everything." "Why have you said this whole crab?" "I knew I could piss Joe off with it, i don't know what that was. I deserved all this." "A little bit. But Honestly you don't deserve it, look what you look like. I never had to go out with you, i made you think you could get closer." "Don't worry Chris,What happened to you and Joe?" "Nothing, no one gets punished." "That's good. I hope we can have fun again, sometimes. With Joe and all the others." "Sure, a party night." We laughed, i didn't blamed him for what he did and said. "What are you doing now?" "Maybe I go home, but that's not my favorite." "You can still travel right?" "Yes, maybe I'll do it." I smiled at him. "I gonna go now. Gett well soon Claudio." "Thanks Chris. Bye." I waved for goodbye and went to the lockerroom. I got in and noticed that I still wore just my socks. "Where are my boots?" I looked around and tried to remember where I had them the last time. After i found my boots, wich were in the parking lot, i went to the gorillas to wait for the beginning of Raw, it was my match that was the first of the evening.

My music hit and i made my way down to the ring. I would never get used to this. I stood in the ring, waiting for Anda.
She'll steal your pride, she'll steal your title.
Anda came down the ramp. With Colby?! After Lillian announced them i got a bit closer to her. "Since when come they out together?" I whispered. "Since Steph had the idea to make an on-screen couple of them." Lillian whispered back, leaving the ring. Anda and Colby stood in the ring, he gave her a last kiss, before leaving the ring too. After the bell had ring we locked our hands over our heads. "With greetings from the Authority!" She yelled, kicking in my stomach. I bent down and suddenly the floor came closer. Her facebuster was perfection and it hurt like hell. When I came back up on my feet, Anda was kissing Colby. I took my chance and kicked her in the back. Her head hit Colby's and he fell off of the apron. "Shit!" I said, but turned around to Anda. After Anda came out of the side-head-lock, a T-bone and a spear hit her. I pulled her up on her feet, throwing her into the corner. She screamed, hanging in the ropes. I climbed with her on the top rope. "Ooooouuuuuh!" I heard the crowd shouting after a superplex. After a backbreaker i waited for her to stand again. One last kick into her stomach hit her before the stunner knocked her out. I went for the pin. The ref hit the mat for the 2nd time when I was pulled away from Anda. The one held still my leg in his hand, so I flipped around and kicked the one. Unfortunately it was Colby and I just hit his balls. Colby and Anda got disqualificated. Anda crawled to one of the corners and Colby attacked me. He smacked me down and was about to curbstomp me. That's when I heard a special music. Retaliation. Jon Came out, running towards the ring. He jumped onto Colby and beat him up. Jon and i stood victorious in the ring.

"Fantastic match, we have to do it again!" Colby said laughing, holding Anda in his arms and an ice pack on his balls. "Oh yes! I don't know why but I like to kick male asses." I winked. We picked up Joe and went to the catering.

*Colby's POV*

After the match we all had a snack before we headed back to the hotel. Chris and the boys shared a room, like always, while Anda and I had our own room. Sometimes I missed the good old days, sharing a room with my 3 best friends. Anda took a hot bath while I played on the PlayStation. Anda was a total girl, she loved Titanic, Pretty Woman and stuff like that. So we watched Dirty Dancing for relaxing.

I woke up by some strange noises from outside. I looked down to my chest to see a bunch of brown and curly hair. I loved to lay next to her, she had such a warm body. I mean the temperature not her sexiness. I don't knew how she could even sleep under a blanket. While I was drifting away, to sleep again, her fingertips left goosebumps on my body. "Good morning Sweetie." "Good morning Babe." She answered still touching my chest. I yawned again and again, i was so tired, but We wanted to meet with the boys and Chris to go to the gym. "I think i could wake you up for the gym." She looked up to me, winking and licking her lips.

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