Please Don't Ever Leave Again?....

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I wake up the next morning with Daniel still laying close to my side. I smiled and kissed him not really meaning to wake him. He slowly woke up and put his arms around me and pulls me close. He looks me in the eyes and then kisses me. I kissed him back and we just laid there awake. Soon I got hungry and instead of letting me walk he picked me up and carried me from my room upstairs to the kitchen downstairs. He sat me down and fixed me a big breakfast. We ate and I looked and it was like 5:30 in the morning. "No wonder no one else is awake look how earlier it is." I giggle and eat. After we ate we sat there and talked a while then decided to go for a run. We ran for about 2 hours and came back. When we got there everyone was just waking up and they were all walking around like zombies we laughed because we were feeling good. Later we all went outside playing games and goofing off. It was really a lot of fun. After lunch, all of my friends split into different groups because for once we couldn't agree on just one movie. Daniel and I decided to take my room and watch Fast and the Furious. We were laying there just cuddle and I was almost asleep and he start whispering with such a sweet voice. "Dee I love you a lot. You are everything to me. I'm so sorry I let him hurt you. I'll be better. I'll be there when you need me. I'm here to protect you. I'm never letting go. Dee, please don't ever leave me again?...." I leaned up and kissed him. "I love you. You mean everything to me. You are the best. I'm never leaving again. I promise." He kissed me and smiled and held me close. I fell asleep in his arms. I woke up and it was about 7 pm. I turned over and Daniel wasn't there. I began to get worried and I was sad that he was gone. I got up and walked to the door to see if he was there. I slowly opened the door and I saw him and Mag's standing there whispering. I could really hear much of what they were saying but I know Daniel continued to say, "I need to go back before Dee wakes up." I was standing there thinking you are a little late. I walked back in the room, quickly and also quietly put on some shoes and a hoodie. Since I already had Daniels sweatpants on. I slipped out the window and down the railing and made it to the front porch. To my luck, Clay and Will were sitting on the porch and we're looking at me like what are you doing. I walked up on the porch and said, "Just stay here and watch and wait." I said smiling from ear to ear and laughing. They looked at me and said, "Okay?" With kind of a questioning in their voice. In a few minutes, Daniel runs out the front door yelling my name. I just sat there and looked at him not saying a word. He turned to Clay and Will and asked them, "Have y'all seen Dee? She is gone!" They sat there laughing like crazy and I could tell from behind him he had to have a confused look on his face. "Guys??" He said and turned around in my direction and I burst into laughter for a few minutes until someone picked me up. Daniel had grabbed me and slung me over his shoulder and said, "Ha yea real funny. Won't be laughing so much in a minute." I stopped laughing and my eyes got big. "Daniel put me down" I yelled and tried to get away. "Stop!" He yelled at me so I just quit and laid there. He carried me up the stairs to my room and slung me down. I laid and watched him. He walked to the door and shut it. I sat up and looked at him. "What is it? I was just messing around." I said and watched him turn and walk back to me. He started kissing me and then stopped sitting down beside me. I sat up on my knees and went to kiss him more but he held me back. "Why are you holding me back? You just kissed me." I looked at him and said back. He looked at me sadly, "You said you wouldn't leave again babe and you just snuck out again." I looked down, "Well I woke up and you were gone I walked to the door and heard you and Mags so I snuck out as a joke. Anyway, what were y'all talking about? She still mad at me?" I was looking around the room so I didn't have to look at him. He stood up and said, "Lay down now!" He yelled and looked upset so I did. "Now you can just stay there until you decide to stop doing that. Maybe I would answer your questions if you didn't get in trouble!" He stomped out and slammed the door and locked it. I yelled, "There is still a window you can't lock!" He walked back in and crossed his arms. "You better think wisely and not do that." He winked and walked back out. "Whatever, I thought you loved me and now you are mad!!"

Daniels POV...

I don't want to do it but she needs to learn not to do that. Hearing her say, "Whatever, I thought you loved me and now you are mad!!" That hurt a lot I put my arm on the door and leaned my head over. I had to finally walk away and go sit out on the front porch. At 9 pm I walked up to bring her some food but she had I guess got mad and went to sleep. "Babe," I whispered and rubbed her back. She opened her eyes and looked at me then turned over away from me. "Babe please turn over and eat. I'm sorry baby girl." She turned back over and had tear stained cheeks. "Babe I'm sorry." I said and pulled her close and kissed her forehead. She curled up and crawled into my lap and held onto me. "Baby, I'm here and I'm not leaving. I'm sorry please don't cry anymore." I rubbed her side and back and held her tight and close. I heard her whisper, "Baby, I'm sorry. I won't do it again."

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