Okay Now This Makes More Sense

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          My mom finished telling us about what happened. Turns out the guys actually fought over her and the Werewolf won but the vampire took her anyway. "WOW, that's why we can't be friends with them?" I said. "Yea remember you can't tell anybody about what I told you ok." My mom said. "OK." me and my sisters said. I laid there for the rest of the night thing about what was going to happen to Katie. I can't do anything to her because if I do I'll get in even more trouble. At this point tho I don't really care much she won't get away with it. (I'll make sure of that!!) The next morning I get up bright and early and wake my sister up "Come on we are leaving." I said quietly. "Where are we going?" Hadi said in a sleepy voice. "School!" I yelled but still trying to be quiet. "But it's Friday, I want to sleep." She said still not completely awake. "Well I'll let you stay and you can deal with mom and dad," I said and she jumped up wide awake and got ready. She meets me at the front door and we heard something moving upstairs so we quickly ran out the door. We got to school guess who was there waiting for us... the Werewolves (the people we aren't supposed to be around but like I said who cares). I told them about the real reason we are not supposed to be friends. Then I told them about what happened with Katie. "That little..." Mags said. "Yea I know but, I am not letting her get away with this," I said as Mags cleared her throat and pointed me in a different direction. We saw Katie trying to sneak up with a camera so I told one of the Werewolves to run up behind her and scare her and then start talking to her while I take the camera. "I'll do it," Daniel said. So he ran up behind her and said "What are you doing?" he said in a low deep voice. She jumped hearing this. She turned around quickly to see Daniel standing there looking at her, "What do you want?'" She said he didn't have time to answer because I ran up on the other side of her and took the camera. "What in the world!" Katie said as she turned around to see me standing there with the camera. "It is too late Dee!?" Katie said. "What are you talking about? I have the camera!" I said with the sound of angry in my voice. "Really Dee, look at the camera," Katie said with a smirk on her face. "Oh...." I said. "What is it, Dee?" Daniel said. "It's a camera where they watch what is happening a live camera basically," I said so furiously that I could scream out a few words I shouldn't. "So, in other words, they are watching and already know?" Daniel said with an Oh crap look on his face. I look back to Katie "Look I don't know why you are doing this but you need to stop you better hope they weren't watching because if they were...." I paused and then leaned in close to her ear and said in a threaten voice "...it won't be good for you....start praying." When I got done with my threat I stood up and looked her dead in the eye. Then I looked at Daniel and said, "Come let's go." As I started to walk off I winked at Katie and then laughed.

A Few Minutes Later.....

          Hadi hits me on the arm and starts pointing frantically behind me. Me and the rest of my friends that had their back turned to the direction she was pointing in turned around. "Oh sh....." I said and a few of the others said the same. "Well looks like I get to fight today after all," I said as my friends laughed because they knew who I wanted to hit. Me and all my Vampire friends were sitting there with all the Werewolves just like we knew we weren't supposed to be.

        "Well Dee and Hadi now y'all are in even more trouble congrats y'all just can't stay out of it." My dad says angrily. My parent and my friend's parents made me and my friends get up and they took us home. We were grounded for a few weeks then we were finally able to leave the house and go back to school. I walked up to see the Werewolves sitting over there where they usually are. I walk over to them.

          "Hey guys, miss me?" I said they laughed and said ''Yea sure we did." We talked for awhile then Mags said, "Aren't you going to get in trouble again if Katie sees us talking?"
"Has she been coming to school the whole time we were out??" I said a little angry. "Yea she has," Daniel said. "Oh really?!" I said and got a smart look on my face. "Where is she right now?" I said. "She is usually in the library." one of them said. "LIBRARY!!??" I said confused then I remembered that she like the younger guy that works in there I laughed. "Dee what are you going to do??" Daniel said. I just looked at him with a smirk on my face and then I said, "Follow me if you want to see!" I said then laughed as I started for the front doors. I walked in and down the hall with all of my Vampire and Werewolf friends following right behind me. I walk to the library and........

What do you think will happen to her??

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