Save Me...

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A few days pass by and there is no sign of Jacob coming back. Everyone, especially Daniel, keeps a close eye on me. They are all so nice. "It's Saturday lets go do something fun." I said, "Haha No we aren't leaving here, you are safer here." Daniel said he has been acting really really protective since that night. "But bæ please, I'm bored and restless," I said with a puppy dog face and kinda whiny voice. "Babe look if we leave here there is a chance of him watching and trying to hurt you," he continued, "it's just better if we stay here." He hugged me and kissed my forehead and then walked out of the room. "Well I guess that answers that," Mags said. "Hah yea I want to go out, maybe they will go somewhere, while they're gone we can leave," I said with a smart look on my face. "Dee that's not a good idea," Lauren said. "He's right if we leave there's a chance he is waiting," Hadi said. "I know I asked if he wanted to go with us to protect me he don't so, hmm," I said. after a few minutes Daniel and a few of the other guys walked in. "Babe we are going out for a little while got to run and get some supplies," Daniel said as he walked over to him. I got up and gave him a hug and said "Well can we go with you please, we are all bored, you can watch me, I won't leave you site I promise, I love you bæ." He pulled back and looked at me "Babe same thing still goes, No, stay here we won't be gone long." he said. I sat back down and crossed my arms and wouldn't look at him. He picked my head up, kissed me, and then kissed my forehead, then said "Bye, I love you babe." We sat there a little while after they left. "Come on they should be gone by now," I said and got up for the door. No one argued with me, they got up and followed me to the door. We snuck through the house and I opened the back door. "Where you going Dee?" Someone said from outside of the door. I finished opening the door to see Will standing there looking at me. "What are you doing here, I thought y'all had left?" I said with a angry face. "Daniel figured you would try to leave, so me and clay stayed," he said with a smirk. "We are going for a run, that's all," I said lying through my teeth. "Haha I don't believe that at all," he said blocking us from being able to leave. "If y'all want to go for a run, y'all can wait on Daniel to get back." he said pointing for us to go back in the house."Why not now?" Mags asked. "Cause I said so," he said in a really smart voice. Mags got so mad at him saying that, she jumped on him but we grabbed her and drug her down the hall to her room. We sat there for a few minutes, then we got really bored and went to our own rooms.

About an hour went by.....

Daniel and the others came back. "She did what?" I heard I was standing at the top of the steps. I stopped turned around and went back to my room. He sounded mad that I tried to leave. I sat there waiting for him to come up to my room. He slung the door open and yelled, "What the h*** Dee, I said no leaving but y'all still tried." I looked down and away from him before saying "We wanted to go...." I was going to say for a run but I didn't want to lie. I didn't finish my sentence. I started crying. He walked over to me "Dee please don't cry, babe I'm not mad at you," he continues as he sat down and started holding me, "I was just afraid of you getting hurt." I looked at him, he wiped away some of the tears on my face. "I'm so sorry Daniel,... We have been bored staying here inside the house..... We just want to go have some fun." I said I keep pausing cause of me crying and sniffling. "It's okay babe, just next time please listen." I looked at him and stuck my head yes. "Maybe next weekend we all can go to the movies or us guys can take the girls shopping." He said in a very sweet and low tone. Without a word I jumped up, gave him a hug and a kiss. "You are the greatest," I said smiling and then ran to tell the others what he said about next weekend. We all thanked him for saying he would take us out next weekend. Then Me, Daniel, Mags, and the rest of the vampires and werewolves went out for a run. We ran to an open field and goofed off. We had races, someone brought a soccer ball, somebody else brought a baseball and a baseball bat. We had loads of fun after we all got tired. We laid on the ground and looked at the stars for a little while. Then the guys built a fire while the girls went to grab some food. When we all got done, we sat around the fire, then we started singing and dancing. "You know I almost forgot about that stuff I got today, hold on I'll be right back." He said then was gone for a few minutes and then returned with two big boxes of fireworks. We all started shooting fireworks, the sky lite up in all different colors. It was beautiful and fun at the same time. After about 30 minutes all the fireworks were gone and it had to have been about 11:00 so we started to head back home. Everyone split and went their own way. Daniel walked me home and we stood on the porch saying goodnight. He kissed me and picked me up hugging me and spun me around playfully and then put me down and said "I love you babe" and then kissed me once more and went home.

The end of a perfect night!!!!!!

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