Hello New School Peeps

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         Hey my name is Dee and I'm the vampire princess. I have a younger sister name Hadi she is next in line. Then on the werewolves side, there is Mags she is an alpha. Also, there is Fi she is an omega. They are from the same pack.

        Well to start I guess I should tell you about how we first met. One day a few years ago, me and my group of friends were sitting in class when our teacher comes in and says "Kids in a few minutes we will have some new classmates, please try to be NICE!!" We all laugh. Our teacher didn't think it was so funny but whatever.

A Few Minutes Later......

         A whole bunch of kids our age (sixteen) walks into the class. I look weirdly at them I can tell there is something different about them. After class was over we all left and we saw the new kids sitting out front of the school. I asked, "Can y'all tell there is something different about them?" My friends nod their heads. So I tell them to walk with me I have got to find out. We all walk over to check out the new kids. "Hello, my name is Dee," I said. "Oh, hi my name is Mags." She said. We all sat there staring at each other. "Is there a problem?" One of the werewolves said. "Oh no sorry just nevermind," I said. "Ok well, we have to go," Mags said. "Alright," I said as we parted ways.

          Of course, all my friends come over to my place after we pick up my little sister. We walk up to all our parents, waiting on us. We were all like "WHAT!?" My mom and dad said, "Ok, today at school did y'all get some new classmates?" We looked at each other. Then I said "For a matter a fact we did. How did y'all know?" Our parents huddled up in a group and started whispering. "What is it?!?!"

         They whispered for a little longer before my friend Katie's father said, "How do those kids act?" Me and my friends looked weirdly at one another before I said "Well they seem.... I don't know I guess different..." One of the considered mothers said, "See I told y'all!!" I yelled, "Told y'all what!!!!!" After this whispering started to frustrate me. The rest of my friends said "YEA!" We looked at our parents.

         "Well do we need to tell them?" my friend Clays mom said. "NO!!" the rest shouted. "Tell us, tell us!!" We said. "No it's better if you just don't know." the parents said. "If you don't we'll just find out ourselves!!" I said with angry in my voice. Our parents were angry at what I said, but do you think it bothers me. NO! We all went our separate ways. Of course, I tried to bug it out of my parents but they wouldn't say a word. Made me So MAD! They told me to stay away from those kids. So I said, "I need a reason?!"

        "How about if you get caught anywhere near them you will get in trouble and grounded." My dad said he looked serious. I rolled my eye and made a smart remark and they sent me to my room. WHATEVER. I snuck to get my phone which was so not in a hiding spot I mean really putting in the same spot every time is stupid. I texted my friends to see if their parents had told them the same thing of course they had. Then I said, "You know this just makes me more curious." They all replied. "Yea your right." "Well, I don't really care I'm going to find out anyway," I said. "What are you going to do," Will said he's another one of my friends. (All my friends are vampires also just if y'all are wondering) "The exact opposite of what they said, of course, LOL!!" They all said. "Lol and nite y'all." So we all went to sleep.

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