Bring It On!!

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         I sat at home waiting for the phone to ring. I expected Katie's parents to call and tell on me for the fight with their precious little brat of a daughter they have. After about 2 hours without a call, I decided to go find my friends and hang out. I was almost out the door when I heard the phone beginning to ring. "I'll get it!!" I screamed and raced to the phone. My mom beat me to it, though. "I said I would get that," I said in a smart and sassy attitude. All of the sudden my mom's face turns dark and scolding as she said, "Oh now she's done it...." I said under my breathe in angry. Before she could get off the phone I took to the door. I thought I wouldn't mind getting in trouble but when I saw my mom's face I knew it was time to go. I ran out the door and down the street. I ran to the movies where my friends said they would be. "We knew you couldn't stay away," Mags said with a smirk. "Well do you want to go live with my parents? I think not!" I continued, "when they called, you should have seen my mom's face. It made me terrified. Y'all there is no way I can go home." They all looked very shocked. "What are we going to do? We can't get hang around town and we most definitely can't go home. If we stay around here they will catch up to us sooner or later," One of my friends, Clay said. "We just moved into a new place outside of town. So how about y'all come with us?" Daniel said. " What would your parents say about that?" I said with a slight happy look on my face. "Let's go see what they would say then," Mags and Daniel said in excitement. 

           We ran out of the theater and turned around to see our parents walking up. "Can y'all run?" I said in a frantic voice. "YES!! Can y'all run fast?" Daniel said. "Yes lead the way. LET'S GO NOW!!!!" I yell! We all jump up and take off running as fast as we can. We run about 15 miles and then we stop from exhaustion. "Are we there yet?" One of my vampire friends along with my sister, Hadi started to whine. "We are almost there it is just a little further up the ro......" Mags said then paused. We all jumped and turned around to see our parents walking towards us. "Oh, S**t!!" I said along with a few others. Daniel walks in front of me really protective like (I blushed it was really very cute!!). "Alright y'all come on now. We are going home!" Our parents said very angrily. "Dee and the others are not going anywhere with any of you!!" Daniel yelled out blocking them from me. The rest of the werewolves walked in front of the vampires protecting them. The werewolves took a step forward and our parents just stood their ground. "Look just come home like good kids." My father said. "NO the h*** way!!!" I yell still standing behind Daniel. "Don't you dare use that language with me!" My father said furiously. "They are going with us. GET OVER IT, and don't come after them nor us, or you will regret it. TRUST ME!!" Mags said anger written across her face. "Fine, go with them don't ever come back if you do." My dad said still mad, but he had a calm serious look on his face. We all looked at one another and nodded. "Okay!!" We all yell. Our parents just walked off and Daniel is still standing in front of me tensed up. I walked out from behind him and walked in front of him then kissed him on his cheek playfully. Before I knew what was going on, he picked me up off the ground causing my legs to wrap around him and then started kissing me roughly. Of course, I kissed back and everyone else just stood there looking at us. They tried to get him to stop and put me down, but he kissed me for a bit longer before putting me down. "Y'all just couldn't wait till we got home could y'all?" Mags asked playfully then laughed. We took off running and we finally made it to where they lived. "Hey I use to come here all the time when I was little." I said remembering the place but not sure why she was there. "Vampires use to live here, but I don't know why they moved out though." Mags said. "Oh okay." I said still curious why I had come there as a child. We walk up to the huge gates that swung open as we neared the entrance. We opened the doors that lead into the main house. "Mom, Dad, HELLO is anyone here??!!" Mags asks. All of the sudden two wolves ran up and then turned into human forms. "Why are there vampires here?" Her what I assumed to be parents said. "Mom, their parents kicked them out for hanging out and taking up for us." Mags said. Her parents looked at one another, before four more people walked in saying. "Sarah. Jacob. There are vampires near." They stopped talking and just looked at us. "You are looking at them Kaci." Mags mom said. "What are they doing here? How are we going to get rid of them?" One of the others tried to whisper. "By the way, vampires have very good ear and we are standing right here." I said being a little sassy. "Mom, this is Dee, she is the vampire princess," he continued on talking, "Oh and she likes to be a little sassy sometimes, but dang it is hot when she does that!" He finished talking, walking over to the other four, and drug me with him. He gave his mom a hug. I felt bad for snapping and turned my head away. "Dee, this is my mom." He said as I looked at him. I shook her hand and his father's hand before saying, "Hi, I'm Dee, so sorry for being sassy as Daniel calls it. It has been a very long day." We all introduced ourselves to one another. "So, can they stay?" Daniel said anxiously. "Yes, they can stay." Their parents said with no hesitation. "YAY!!!" We all yelled!!!

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