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I look around frantically trying to see who was in the room with me. I couldn't see a thing and couldn't smell they must have something over my face. I can still hear some tho. There is someone walking towards me. Jacob said "Dee I know you. You aren't going to get free." What he didn't know is that I had been working on breaking free. I broke lose and stood up. "WTF!!" He said amazed that I broke free. "What do you want?" I said not really caring, but stalling till I find a way out. "Dee you aren't going to be able to survive in here. So if you promise no running. I'll take you out of this cold place." He said. I was freezing so I nodded my head yes. We walked out, but he had me by the arm, and I couldn't run away. "Look just let me go. I don't love you. I never have. I love Daniel." I said he looked mad. I broke free and tried to run, but then we started fighting. We fought for a good while. Then I finally knocked him out with a pipe. I slipped out the door to my luck it was pouring down rain. I could get a really bad cold from this but I didn't care I had to get back to the vampires then back to Daniel. I ran back to where I last remember us being, but there was no one there. So I looked around the area for a little bit, but with no luck, I ran back to Daniel. I finally got back to their home when I got to the gate I just repeatedly screamed Daniels name. When he heard me screaming for him. He ran out the house and down to the gate yelling for them to let me in. They opened the gate and into his arms, I went. "Babe you scared me to death. Then the other came back and said 'you were missing' I was so scared baby but they wouldn't let me leave." He said in a sad/happy voice. "I'm sorry babe. The others they are here?" I said. "Yes come on let's go inside babe." He said as he led me to mags house. Which I really didn't want to go there, but everyone else was there. We walked in the house everyone jumped up and hugged me asking what happened. So I made them sit down and I told them what had happened to me. Daniel was angry and upset. He wanted to go look for Jacob and kill him. All though I would have liked not to have to worry about him anymore. I didn't want Daniel hurt. I told mags mom "I'm sorry, but I just got tired. I'm afraid he will come looking for me tho. I don't want y'all in danger." Daniel overheard me and refused to go home afraid I would try to run. I walked to my room to get a blanket, but I heard the door open behind me. It scared me a second but it was Daniel. "Babe you scared me," I said. "I'm sorry baby I just wanted you." He said and I looked at him. "Babe we are about to watch a movie," I said and head for the door. He got me, turned me around and pushed me against the wall. I looked at him wondering why he just did that. He got up really close and started kissing and biting my neck. I wiggled and let a moan slip out. "Daniel they will wonder where we are." I finally managed to say something. "No babe they won't, they are too deep in that movie." He says then keeps kissing and biting on my neck and he starts rubbing my sides. "Daniel please," I said trying to get him to stop. We stayed in my room a little longer then went out to join them watching a movie.

The next day....

We were all pretty tired not getting much sleep. Wondering and worrying about him coming to take me again. Daniel stayed with me cause he wanted to protect me. We still didn't get much sleep even tho we tried too. In the morning I was so tired I went to breakfast with PJ's on there was a few more who did the same. After we laid around till about 6 pm that night. Then we heard so commotion at the gate. I jumped up, ran out into the front yard and froze in my footsteps. Daniel ran out to me and pulled me back to the porch. Jacob screamed, "too late I know she is here and she is dead." He refused to leave, so they made me stay inside. I knew he would eventually get in. So I played asleep and Daniel finally fell asleep. Clay and Will were sitting outside my door. So, of course, I went out the window. I slipped to the gate and the guards had walked to the other side. "Jacob!" I said trying to be quiet. He tries to grab me, but I move back. "Listen what will it take for you to go away and leave them all alone?" I asked not wanting to know. He looks at me evilly "YOU!! You go with me I leave them all alone." I looked scared not wanting to go with him, but I thought about Daniel I didn't want him hurt. I shook my head yes and said, "give me a second and I'll go Jacob." I went back to the house; Daniel was still asleep so I just kissed him goodbye and slipped out the window. I ran to the fence and climbed over. "Good choice Dee." I looked at him and said, "come on before someone sees us." We took off running. He took me to the place where they moved after he was kicked out. "Where are your parents?" I asked he told me they went back to the vampire estate. That's when he found out that I had run away. I told him I wouldn't run. He had no idea I was planning revenge.

3 days later......

I was sitting at the table eating. He has been making me make him breakfast. I heard him on the phone with my father saying "yes sir, she don't know it but Friday we are going to get married." I almost busted into laughter but I wasn't even supposed to be up or out my room. I ran back to my room and laughed. So this bumped up my plans. Lucky for me I know exactly what he is allergic to.....

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