23. Runaway Romance

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It wasn't often that I felt beautiful, but if looks could kill, I wouldn't need my swords at all tonight.

The dress was blood-red, with a high collar that made me look taller than I actually was. Delicate black buttons ran from my waist up to just beneath my chin, and a dark gold lace trimmed the edges. I'd ignored the little red shoes that had come with the dress and opted for my black boots, where I stowed my knife, since the sleeves were too tight. My hair, I took out of its usual braid and let it flow down around my shoulders.

I looked amazing.

I still felt a little nervous as I headed for the large gathering hall, where the party was to be held. I couldn't wish away the pit forming in my stomach as I heard music drifting out into the evening air. But my doubts flew away when a tall, dark-haired ellon came outside. His deep eyes found me, and he stopped in his tracks.

I ran to meet him, and Elladan knelt to receive me into a hug. I threw my arms around his shoulders, and he returned my embrace. "Eda, you look lovely tonight," he whispered into my ear.

"Thank you, Elladan," I replied, nuzzling his jaw.

He straightened and extended his arm for me to hold. Smiling, I accepted his offer, and together, we entered the hall.

To one side, Elrohir and Rusceth were chatting with guests, while across the room, musicians were playing a complex melody with multiple harmonies intertwined, occasionally ringing out with chilling dissonance.

"Dance with me?" Elladan murmured.

In response, I put my hand in his, and he placed a hand at my waist. And we stepped off in sync with the music.

* * *

Hours passed in a blur of dancing and drinking. Well, Elladan drank. I knew better than to consume Elven wine without a very good reason, and a private room far away to sleep off my crazy.

As the time flew by, Elladan began to lose his cool self-containment, and while we danced, his hand crept farther and farther down my waist. A naughty thought popped into my head, and I tried to push it out, but the harder I tried, the stronger it took hold in my mind. I glanced over my shoulder at the crowd. Elrond was nowhere to be seen—I hadn't seen him once all night.

You shouldn't, my conscience whispered.

But if I do...I swallowed. The implications would be major, possibly far-reaching. But, if I succeeded, I would safely remove myself from the danger of receiving my wretched inheritance.

My gaze traveled over to Elrohir. I'd had the same opportunity with him. A very similar situation. But I'd cowed at the last minute, and fled. But that was a long time ago.

It was time to lose my virginity.

I urged Elladan to follow my lead in our waltz, out the doors and into the shadow the massive building cast.

"Why have you brought us here, beautiful?" Elladan asked, his dark eyes sparkling.

I blushed, on purpose for once. Elladan's sharp Elven eyes would not miss that, even if he was a little drunk. "I have a secret to tell you," I murmured, looking up at him shyly. "Can I trust you?"

"Of course, my love," he replied gently.

"Let me whisper it into your ear?" I asked.

He leaned down. But instead of placing my mouth beside his ear, I placed it on his lips. Softly kissed him.

Elladan froze beneath my touch, but didn't pull away. After a long moment, I pulled back so that we were face to face. His eyes were wide with shock. But it didn't last long. His mouth crashed back into mine, his arms wrapping tightly around my shoulders. His hard lips peppered mine with hot kisses, and his fingers wound into my hair.

"Eda," he gasped between kisses.

My stomach tightened nervously, but I wouldn't stop now. I couldn't stop now. I'd been taken captive by this rogue love, this runaway romance.

Elladan's fingers clutched at the bodice of my dress, and I felt the fabric straining. "Elladan," I warned, pulling back and taking his hands in mine. "Come with me."

I led him away from the gathering hall, and to my room. My stomach was writhing, and my heart pounding. Eru, maybe I should've had some wine after all. Of course, in the state I was in, I'd probably end up barfing it all up anyway. And I had a feeling Elladan would find that less than attractive. So I led him to my room, hoping I wasn't making a huge mistake.

With shaking hands, I fumbled with the doorknob until the door opened. Then I went in. Elladan stood in the doorway, as though unsure if he should enter or not. Taking a deep, calming breath, I walked over to the bed and sat down, shyly meeting Elladan's piercing gaze.

"Aren't you going to join me?" I squeaked.

He strode into the room, shutting the door behind him. His eyes reflected the low light like a predator's, glinting hungrily.

Eru. What had I done?

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