57. Planning. Bad Idea.

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"If we continue at the pace we did today, we'll reach Amon Hen tomorrow afternoon," Aragorn said, contentedly smoking his pipe. "We'll stop early, get a full night's rest, then start early the next morning. If all goes well, we'll reach Mordor within a week."

I nibbled on a bit of meat, not finding this news terribly appetizing. Of course, since the incident with Boromir, I hadn't been terribly hungry anyway. Beside me, Legolas finished his portion of lembas, his wary blue eyes scanning the woods. He'd taken off his boots and stretched his legs out toward the fire, letting his socks dry.

Gimli was stared out at the darkening sky, also smoking. The Hobbit rascals were already fast asleep, Samwise was bedding down, and Frodo sat off to the side, seemingly lost in thought.

"Sleep." I startled at Legolas's gentle voice. He touched my arm and added, "Tomorrow will be a long day. You will need your strength."

I nodded, and scooting over a few feet, I grabbed my cloak to use as a makeshift bedroll.

Legolas frowned. "You need not distance yourself thus."

I hesitated, glancing at the rest of the company. Aragorn, Gimli, and Frodo observed silently, and unless I was mistaken—Eru, please let me be mistaken!—Aragorn was hiding a smirk behind his pipe.

I pushed my heart into its cage and slammed the door. "I know," I replied. "But I would like some personal space."

Legolas's eyes drilled into mine, searching. Finally, he gave a single nod. "Of course."

I tucked my cloak around my legs, then laid down on my stomach, using my arms as a pillow. It was pretty comfortable, except that with the sun gone, the temperature was dropping. Quickly. Maybe I should've accepted Legolas's offer, for the sake of pure convenience. But now that I'd put the distance between us, I couldn't just change my mind.

So I rolled onto my side, pulled my knees up to my chest, and resolved to tough out the night.

* * *

My own shivering woke me up.

It was completely dark, and the fire had gone out. I couldn't feel my toes inside my boots, and when an icy wind flew up from the river, my teeth began to chatter.

A touch to my arm made me gasp softly, but it was just Legolas.

Just. Ha.

He didn't say anything, just slid underneath my cloak and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his warm chest. I was too cold to resist. Burrowing even closer to him, I placed my frigid hands on his tunic, soaking up what warmth I could.

Legolas's hand covered one of mine, taking it off his tunic and guiding it beneath the hem and onto his warm stomach. Shivering with the sudden heat, I let my other hand follow. Legolas's arm curled around my back again, and I instinctively burrowed my face into his neck.

I was too sleepy to enjoy those fleeting moments the way I should have.

* * *

I became vaguely aware of someone standing directly over me. I frowned and blinked. A gentle hand touched my shoulder. "Legolas, Eda, it's morning."

The arms keeping me toasty warm unwrapped themselves, and Legolas sat up. Suddenly cold, I clung to his chest with a little whimper.

Aragorn chuckled and backed away. "I'll give you two a moment before I wake the others."

Legolas smoothed a hand over my messy hair, then gently detached my hold. "Alright, let's get ready to go."

I sighed, but obeyed. Aragorn soon woke the others, and while Samwise relit the fire and prepared our breakfast, the rest of us loaded our supplies into the boats.

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