97. Journey Into the Unknown

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Legolas rose before dawn and got me out of bed as well. A solemn quiet hung over Erebor as we—and many others—prepared for the journey ahead of us. As the first rays of light shone purple in the inky sky, a massive procession met at the border of Mirkwood, and we began our journey south-east.

Legolas and I rode side by side, holding hands. Rather tired from last night's shenanigans, I kept nodding off, only for Legolas to squeeze my hand and give me an amused, but adoring smile.

King Thranduil, on Legolas's other side, glanced at us with a slightly amused, but primarily uncomfortable expression.

We ignored him.

At noon, we stopped for rest and a midday meal. Deciding I wanted a nap, I tied my horse's reins to Legolas's saddle and mounted his horse in front of him, facing backwards. I wrapped my arms and legs around him, buried my face in his neck, and dozed. As sound a sleep anyone in my position could possibly hope for.

At one point around mid-afternoon, the hushed voices of Legolas and Thranduil roused me. Curious what warrented such private behavior, I pretended to be asleep and listened.

"...still haven't sensed any sign of an Elven bond?"

Legolas shook his head, neck shifting against my cheek. "No."

A pause. "What's really bothering you, ion?" Thranduil's tone dropped with concern.

Another pause. "When we bond...it's..." Legolas swallowed. "Well, it's very...sexual."

Oh Eru—they were talking about our...married couple moments!?

Thranduil took an amused tone. "If I had to guess, that would be helpful, given the situation."

Legolas cleared his throat. "It's not that, exactly. I just wonder—and don't misunderstand, I love Eda very much and I would do anything for her—but I wonder, when we're bonding, if I'm not being too...selfish?"

Thranduil calmly absorbed Legolas's fragmented thoughts until they ran out. Then he said, "You're concerned that you've been too absorbed in the physical pleasure to somehow do what's required to establish the Elven bond."

Legolas hesitated. "Yeah. Pretty much."

"Legolas, the point of an Elven bond is to create the intimacy necessary for a marriage to last the indefinite duration of the participants' lifespans. Given your wife's current position, I'm going to presume intimacy isn't an issue for you."

Legolas's arms shifted, and one hand rested on my lower back in a very affectionate manner. When he spoke, his voice was smiling. "I suppose being intimate wasn't nearly what I'd expected."

"What did you expect?"

"I don't know...a spiritual epiphany, perhaps?"

Thranduil chuckled. "I suspect a noticeable Elven bond will form when the need arises. Until then, cease this needless fretting and enjoy the company of your wife."

The words, 'while you still can' hung in the air between us, unspoken, but heard by all three of us.

* * *

We kept riding until long after the sun had set, and we found a fairly defensible place to camp, in case of orcs. Elves and Dwarves worked semi-together to picket the horses and distribute supper, bickering here and there, but not angrily. Almost everyone gathered in groups to chat and eat together; a few people even started small campfires. Thranduil, Legolas and I formed one of these groups, and Legolas deftly started our own fire.

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