94. After Hours

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***Author's Note***

This chapter contains mature content. If you aren't comfortable reading it, don't. The plot will continue in the next chapter. This one is for you faithful shippers that have been cheering me on for over ninety chapters!! Enjoy. ;)

Chapter Ninety-Four: After Hours

Legolas's room was spacious, well-lit by a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. His bed sat in the corner, covered with a forest-green quilt, and leaf-patterned curtains were pulled back at the corner posts. An elegant wooden dresser sat in another corner, and a tall mirror stood beside it. At the other side of the room, a collection of swords, bows, and quivers hung on the wall. A plush sofa sat behind a low table, which held a haphazard collection of books, whetstones, and discarded articles of clothing.

Legolas darted ahead of me to collect the laundry. "Sorry...meant to tidy up, and then I ran out of time."

I forced a smile through my nerves. "It's okay...compared to my room, this is meticulous. At least, before I had maids running around and messing up my organized chaos."

Legolas grunted and dumped his laundry in a basket. "Which is precicely why I always supervise my servants when they come in. And speaking of which..." He strode over to the door, shut it, and turned the lock. "Wouldn't want to be walked in on." He looked at me and leaned against the door, biting his lip. "Well...ladies first." He motioned that I should undress.

I cleared my throat and crossed my arms, suddenly feeling self-conscious. "Age before beauty, darling."

His eyebrows arched in mock-offence, and he touched his chest. "Why, Eda! No pain, no gain." He shrugged.

Smirking, I put my hands on hips. "Hmm, perhaps. But I still outrank you."

Legolas rolled his eyes and started unbuttoning his tunic. "Fine, but remember, this is forever—I'll have my chance for revenge."

I opened my mouth with a retort, but forgot what I was going to say when a long sliver of his ivory chest became visible.

When he got to the bottom, he shrugged the tunic off, the muscles in his shoulders and chest rippling. Legolas caught my gaze, smirked, then turned his back to drop his tunic in the laundry basket. He pulled off each of his boots and stood them beside the basket. Then his hands went to the waistband of his trousers, and he slid them down his legs.

I couldn't help it...I covered my eyes. It wasn't that I couldn't stand to look at him...it was that Legolas was too freaking perfect!

He cleared his throat. "Eda?" He sounded strangely...vulnerable.

I peeked between my fingers, to realize—oh Eru—he was facing me. Stark naked. I squeezed my eyes, and fingers, tightly shut.

"You know," he said quietly, "this is all new for me, too. And frankly, a little uncomfortable. But Eda, we can do this. Just...stop hiding from me, love."

Swallowing hard, I lowered my hands. He was right. Cheeks burning, I let myself look him over. "Legolas, you're...you're very handsome."

He blushed a little, too. "All right, beautiful. You have no excuse now."

I took a deep breath and released it slowly. "Okay." Worrying at my lip, I began struggling out of my dress.

"Here." Legolas's footsteps padded over to me. "You should take your crown off first." His hands tugged at my heavy crown, lifting the weight from my scalp. Then he tugged at my dress, drawing the material over my head. Once he'd discarded it on the floor, he met my gaze and smiled. "There we go."

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