Ch. 27: Cry With You

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I growled at the dead stop traffic I was in. We have hardly moved in the past 5 minutes. I took a deep breath and felt my eyelids beginning to droop. I'm gonna need to stop tonight at a hotel. I looked over at the passenger seat and picked up the GPS. I searched for hotels and found one just a few exits up. It was hot in the car, so I rolled down the windows about an inch. I was soooo board! I looked to the muted radio and turned it up. When I recognised the song to be 'These Days' by Rascal Flatts, I turned it up more and sang a bit too loud.

"I wake up, 

And teardrops, 

They fall down like rain. 

I put on that old song we danced to and then, 

I head off to my job, 

Guess not much has changed.

Punch the clock, 

Head for home, 

Check the phone, just incase. 

Go to bed, 

Dream of you, 

That's what I'm doing these days."

I hadn't noticed my cheeks were tear-stained until I heard honking from the car behind me, and I had to look back in my mirror. I wiped them away. We weren't moving... Another honked beside me, and I looked out the window to see a man and his twin daughters clapping, giving me a thumbs up. They could hear me...? AWKWARD! I waved back and smiled. I rolled the window all the way down to thank them.

"You're really good!" one of the girls smiled.

"Oh... Thanks..." I said.

"You should go on X Factor like One Direction!" the other one cheered.

I teared up at the thought of the boys. "I'll take that into consideration..."

I finally was able to pull up, so I waved and inched my way toward the exit.


We just finished 'What Makes You Beautiful', and I'm about to perform my stunt.

"Okay!" Harry shouted. "Next we-"

"One moment boys!" I said quickly. I waved them over and we huddled together while the directioners screamed things like 'Larry Stylinson!' and 'It's real!' and one shouted 'FANGIRL OVERLOAD!!!'. "I need to do something. Lou and I have a plan, but I have to sing a song first."

They gave me uneasy looks. "You sure, Tommo?" Liam asked.

I nodded. "Positive."

They sighed and walked back toward the crowd of fans. Lou gave the band the music sheets for the song I was about to sing earlier. I took a deep breath. I watched as Lou sat in the front row with a video camera. She gave me a thumbs up. "Alright, I am going to sing a song - a country song - for a very special girl. A girl who I need to apologise to. A girl I met 3 months ago at a café. A girl who has had a tough life. A girl who we were kidnapped with. A girl who recently lost her 8-year-old sister to cancer. A girl I love. Ariel Fields." Girls screamed and 'awed' and yelled things that were unidentifiable. "Ariel, if you're out there, watching this online or whatever, I still love you. I made a mistake when I left you on the streets of Boston. I think about you every second of every day. I know I could get into big trouble with this, but I love you, soooo... here goes." I paused to take another breath. "This is called 'Cry With You', and it's by Hunter Hayes."

The beat began to play and the lyrics I had memorized flooded my brain.

"When you try not to look at me, 

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