chapter 3 The Concert

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Nina was besides herself with happiness. I could tell by just looking at her. If I was being honest with myself I was too. I mean I was sitting in a car with the five boys I had dreamed of meeting. I couln't believe my luck. I hoped the night would go well. When we got to the concert hall we had to go in the back. The boys all smiled at us as they made their way to the dressing areas.

"You girls might want to go find your seats. You can come back as soon as the show ends." A man who i assumed to be Paul said.

We went to find our seats. They were amazing seats. We were just a few rows from the front. I felt like I was on the verg of fangirling. Girls were filing in, finding their seats. There was an air of excitement in the air. Several girls had made signs. A few had really gotten into it, putting lights on the signs. There were a few guys that had been dragged in by their girlfriends. I turned and smiled to Nina. She had been to a few concerts but I don't think she had ever been to one this crazy.

"How much longer do you think we will have to wait before they take the stage?" I asked over the chatter  of other people.

"Awhile. Someone else will perform first. I'm so excited!!"

___________Niall's pov________

"So, what did you think of Harmony?" Louis asked while we were waiting for the concert to begin.

"She seemed nice. " Liam answered.

"And cute!' Harry said looking at me. "Niall noticed." Harry grined.

"Who couldn't notice?" Zayn asked.

"I guess she was cute. I said looking down.

"Awww! Does our Nialler have a crush?" Harry laughed causing me to blush.

"Shut it." I answered looking down.

I would have been lieing if I had said she wasn't cute. She was more than cute. She was beautiful. The fact that she gave her sister her money made me think she thought family was important. She interested me. I wanted to get to know her a little better.

"You are about to go on!" Someone yelled.

_____________Harmony's pov_______

We sang along to every song we knew jamming out. I couldn't believe I was there having the time of my life. After what seemed like forever the boys took the stage. They opened with Live While We're Young. The concert was amazing! The rest of the boys messing with Harry during his solos, the boys having moments, and Niall's jumps. I didn't want it to ever end. It made me happy that Niall had given me the ticket. Nothing could have made the night any better, or so I thought at the moment.

When the concert ended we waited a few minutes before we made our way backstage. The boys had promised to either find us a room for the night or a ride back home after the show if we stayed until it was time for them to leave.

After everyone was mostly cleared out from our row we went backstage. Paul saw us and directed us to a room to wait. Nina had a smile from ear to ear. It made me smile like an idiot too. We sat on a comfy couch and waited. I was almost sure we were going home but just to be safe we called her parents and my grandpa to tell them we might stay in the city for the night. My grandpa wasn't as agreeing as her parents.

"Stay in the city for the night?! Where? You shouldn't have gone to start with!" He wasn't mad because I went. He was made that I had given him such short notice. He didn't care what I did as long as he was told in advance and it was legal.

"At a hotel. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. We really don't want to drive in the dark." I said trying to stay calm.

"Well, I don't know....."

"We aren't even sure yet. We might come home. Just don't be surprised if we don't. I need to go so I can conserve battery and all. Love you, bye." I hung up before he could argue further. He was a very stubborn man.

After another hour Paul and the boys came in. They all looked very happy but tired.

Liam, Zayn, and Louis were all on their phones, most likely texting their girlfriends.

"How did you girls like the show?" Harry asked sitting beside Nina.

"It was awesome!!! I loved it. I'm so happy you invited us!" Nina said before I could get anything out of my mouth.

"That's good." Harry answered laughing looking at her. She was loving it.

"What did you think, Harmony?" Niall asked quietly.

"I loved it. Thank you for letting us come."

"You're very welcome. We can put the two of you in a room for the night." Liam said looking up.

"Yeah, and we can hang out for awhile." Harry said smiling at Nina.

"Sounds good to us!" Nina said smiling.

God what did she sign me up for?

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