Chapter 12 Cheating?

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It had been three months since we had said goodbye at the airport. I missed Niall like crazy. I missed falling asleep in his arms. I missed looking into his beautiful eyes and having a sense that everything was okay in my insane life. I seriously missed feeling his lips on mine. We still talked almost everyday but it wasn't the same.

Nina was over and we were hanging out downstairs watching TV and talking. She had been over a few times since the trip but we were in need of some girl time. Her and Harry were doing great. They skyped every chance they got. I found it aborable.

We had just finished The Notebook when her phone started ringing. While she answered it I flipped through the channels and settled on E! News.

"What? Why?!" I heard her sound slightly annoyed. I turned and looked at her wondering what was going on.

"Alright. Bye." She hung up and looked at me. "Can we find something else to watch?"


Before she could say anything the lady on TV answered my question.

"Is Niall Horan cheating on our Southern cutie, Harmony Quick?" Some pictures came on screen of Niall and a girl. In one he was holding her hand and in another it looked like they were kissing. "Niall was saw with a London girl late Friday night. It looked like he was having a REAL good time. Is this the end of Niall and Harmony?"

Nina grabbed the remote from me and shook her head I sat there not completely able to believe it. I mean if I was honest with myself I saw it coming. We came from two completely different worlds. He had money and screaming fans. I had no money and screaming parents. I knew be could do better and so did the fans.

"Don't listen to that. You know shows like this love to stir up trouble." She said snapping me out of my depressed thoughts.

"Did you see those pictures, Nina? He was obviously kissing that girl." I leaned back and looked down. I was doing my best not to cry.

"Those could have been old pictures. Or that could have been a friend or cousin!" She was really looking for an excuse that would put my mind at ease.

"They weren't old pictures. Do you kiss your friends like that because I sure don't."

"Well, no--" My ringing phone cut her off.

I looked at the caller ID and couldn't hold the tears in anymore. I must have fallen harder than I thought for the Irish boy. Nina hugged me and patted me on the back.

"You just need to talk to him. He'll be able to explain it." She whispered.

"I can't. I really can't. If he really cheated on me I don't think I would be able to handle it." I cried into her shoulder.

"You love him don't you?"

"I think so, Nina. I really do."

___________NIALL'S POV_________

"I told her to keep Harmony away from all celebrity news." Harry said walking back into the to room and sitting beside me.

We had been back in London for a couple of weeks. We had all been chilling in my flat when Paul called and said some guy had been walking around pretending to be me at a club the night before. He also said people had gotten pictures of him kissing a girl. I knew it would be all over the place.and had Harry call Nina to give her a heads up. I didn't think Harmony would listen if I called her and told her to avoid those shows because they were going to say I cheated. I planned on calling her after Harry got off the phone with Nina but the show came on and the pictures surprised me.

"Wow." Zayn said.

"He looks just like you." Liam agreed.

After it went off I picked up my phone and dialed Harmony's number, one I knew by heart. It went to voicemail.

"Shit! This is fucking stupid. I wasn't even at the club last night! I was home." I said after I had hung up.

"Calm down, mate. It will be fine. You can bring it up on twitter and management will release something too." Harry said trying to make me feel better. It wasn't helping much.

I got on twitter and posted:

That wasn't me in the pics! I was home last night

I texted Harmony and called her a couple more times. I was flipping out. I couldn't lose her. I just couldn't. It would tear me apart. I would never do something like this to her.

I sat beside Harry again and put my head in my hands. What was I going to do?

_______HARMONY'S POV_______

I woke up to 2 texts and 3 voicemails. A text and voicemail were from Joe. The rest were from Niall.

The text from Joe was asking me to call her back. The voicemail said, "I just heard what happened. I'm so sorry girl. I know how much you like him. I'm here for you."

Niall's text said:

I can explain. Just pick up the phone.

The first voicemail, "It's not what you think. I didn't cheat. I wasn't at the club that night. It's not me in the pictures. Please call me."

The second voicemail said, "Love, I would never cheat on you. I care about you way too much to ever do that. I think I'm in love with you. Please answer or call. Hell, I'll even settle for a text right now."

He thought he was in love with me? I wondered if he mentioned it or if he was only saying it as an attempt to get me to call him. I wasn't sure why to believe. I trusted him but the pictures looked just like him. I started to cry again and pulled my blanket over my head so I wouldn't sake Nina. She had comforted me all night and I was sure she was sick of hearing me cry. How could my life go from being great to this? I tried to pull myself together before I woke Nina up and we went upstairs.

"What happened?" My mom asked as soon as I walked in the kitchen. I looked at Nina hoping she would explain so I wouldn't have to.

"There was a thing on E! last night about Niall cheating. Well Niall was suppose to be the guy in the pictures anyway." She answered understanding the look.

"That's terrible!! Have you tried talking to him?" She looked at me.

"Nope. He did leave me two voicemails though." I answered.

"Just talk to him!" Nina practically yelled reaching for some toast.

"It will all work out." My mom smile at me, patting me on my hand.

I sure hoped it would all work out. I didn't know what I would do if it didn't.

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