chapter 5 Missing each other

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The car took us to my grandfather's house. When we got in I told him we were home and then we went to my room and slept most of the day. It was normal for Nina to sleep all day but it wasn't for me, so my grandpa checked on us around 2 O'clock.

"You two plan on doin' anything anytime soon?" He asked poking his head into my room and flipping the light on.

Nina rolled over and moaned,"Turn the light off!"

"No. We were fine sleeping." I answered blinking up at him.

"Well, you need to get up. You can use my car to take her home later." He started to close the door. "If you don't get up soon I will send your little cousins in."

"Do you think we could just bock the door off? Maybe they wouldn't be able to get in." Nina asked covering her face with the blanket.

"Nope. They have a way of getting in. Not sure how, but they do. Did you not sleep any last night?" I asked smiling at her.

"Not really....." I could tell from the sound of her voice she was probably blushing.

We searched the kitchen for something to eat and made our way to the front porch. My grandpa's porch overlooked his whole yard and it was very beautiful. It was a great place to talk too.

"So, what did you and Niall do last night? You have to tell me everything!" She said leaning back against the railing. 

"You can hear all about it right after I hear what you and Harry did." I said sitting next to her.

"Alabama summers are never going to get any easier are they?"

"No changing the subject. Tell me if you want me to tell you what happened." I said turning and looking at her. 

"Fine!! We talked to a while and then kissed a whole lot. He is really sweet. I ended up sleeping in his room. All we did was sleep I promise. This morning when he was getting my number he told me he would fly me out to see him." She smiled at me. I was happy for her. Her last boyfriend turned out to be a pot head and jerk. She had stayed away from guys for a while which is why I wanted to know what had happened with her and Harry. "Your turn! What happened with you and Niall??"

"We talked all night. It was amazing. He is so sweet. Harry told you that Niall was flying me out to see him?" 

"Well, he said that if Niall flew you out I would come out too but if he didn't then he would find a time he could fly me out. He also said that Niall seemed to like you, though." I was kinda surprised and I wasn't sure why. He had told me he would try to fly me out when he could.

Niall started texting me that night. We talked every day and he called me when he could. The next week I went home. I didn't like the town and wanted to stay with my grandpa but I missed my family. Niall was surprised that I didn't live where they had picked me up at. He agreed it was a pretty place. 

I was sitting in my room when my mom walked downstairs and poked her head into my room.

"I'm glad you're home. I hate when you stay gone weeks at a time." She said sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Sorry. I just miss it up there."

"So, how was the concert? You're Pop told me you went." She answered seeing my confused look. She was referring to my grandpa when she said Pop.

"It was great. You aren't going to believe what happened!"

"Wow..... Maybe it's a good thing you gave your sister that money." She said after I had told her what all happened. I was surprised she was so cool with me going without telling her first. I expected her to be a little upset but she wasn't.

"Yeah." I laughed. 

"It's good you didn't call and ask us first. I don't think your dad would have been okay with it." She smiled and walked out the door.

__________Niall's Pov________

I was sitting in a hotel room three weeks after we had left Alabama. I missed her so much. I wanted to fly her out soon but I knew I couldn't yet. We were just to busy. Her name flashed on my phone and i smiled, texting her back.

"Why are you smiling at your phone?" Liam asked.

"He's talking to Harmony. He always makes that face when he is talking to her. " Harry answered grinning. 

"Shut up Styles, you do the same thing when you talk to Nina!" I answered not bothering to look up from my phone. 

I had to call her. I wanted to hear her voice.

__________________________Harmony's Pov_________________

"Hey!" I answered my phone. I missed him so much I couldn't stand it.

"Hey love. How was your day?" His voice came from the other end.

"It was slow and uneventful. How was yours?" I asked laying back on my bed.

"It would have been better if you were here. We are heading to New York tomorrow."

"Nina's mom is from New York. I have always wanted to go but I don't think I would fit in up there very well."

"You would fit in everywhere." He laughed. God I loved his laugh.

"You only say that because you haven't seen my nerd side. It's not pretty." I laughed too. "Wow, I miss you."

"I miss you too. We are going to fly you and Nina out when we perform in Florida so you wont be so far from home. That way we can also spent a couple of days together. Louis and Liam are flying their girlfriends over too."

"Wow! Really? I can't wait!" I was so excited to see him. I had never looked forward to something so much.

"Yes. I have to get going. We have to leave early. I'll see you soon."

"Bye." I hung up

It took everything in me not to call Nina right off. I knew that she had already talked to Harry that night because she had gotten off the phone with me to talk to him. It was late and I knew she would still be awake but her parents were asleep and I didn't want to wake them up. I settled for a text hoping she would be off the phone with Harry.

Can you believe it?! We are going to get to see them so soon! I hit send and waited. 

No, i cant. I miss Harry so much. I'll come to your house a couple of days before the plane leaves so we can go to the airport together.

Sounds awesome!! One month.

Ik!! I'm going to go. Talk to you soon.

I was so excited that night I hardly slept and I still had a month to wait! I wanted to wake my mom up and tell her but my dad had to work the next day and i knew he wouldn't be cool with it. There is no need to inform him of the event until the day Nina comes, I thought. I just knew that if he had the time to really think it over he would never agree to let me go. He can't say no to already bought plane tickets.

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