Chapter 9 Hanging Out

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I woke up the next morning with Niall's arms wrapped around me. I wiggled my way out and managed not to wake him up. I ran to the bathroom as quietly as I could to brush my teeth. After I wasi

done I crawled back to my spot and turned the TV on and the volume down. I flipped through the channels until I found a Harry Potter movie. Harry Potter always brought out my nerd side.

I started to think about the day before. I loved the fact that we could sleep in the same bed and there was no pressure to do anything. Any other guy would have tried something. But he didn't. He was perfectly fine laying there.

________NIALL'S POV__________

When I woke up she was sitting up, watching something on the television. I scooted closer and pulled her down to lay beside me.

"Good morning, love." I kissed her cheek.

"Good morning." She giggled.

"We are going out today. Or we are going to try to anyway." I pulled her closer.

"I guess I need to start getting ready then." She moved to get up but I wouldn't let her.

"No!! Don't move. I said today. I didn't say right now." I laughed. I didn't want to move. I wanted to just lay there with her.

____________HARMONY'S POV_______

When Niall finally let me get up and get ready it was almost 12. I jumped in the shower. After I had my got out I dried my hair and got dressed. I had on a white Green day shirt, black shorts, and my high tops. I just straightened my hair.

Niall came in as I was finishing. He ad on his sweat pants with a white t-shirts. He also had on a black and white snapback and was carrying a pair of sunglasses. He looked hot. Hell he WAS hot. It was hard not to stare.

"You ready to go?" He said noticing.


There was a car for us waiting outside. First we went to find some breakfast. After we ordered our food at McDonald's he turned and smiled at me.

"Where are we going?" I asked once we got our food and left the parkinglot.

"The mall. I want some new shoes and you can get whatever you want."

"You think it's a good idea to go to a mall on a Saturday?" I honestly thought he was so sleep deprived he had lost his mind.

"Sure. That's what the sunglasses and hat are for."

"I don't think that's going to work real well." I laughed.

"We'll see."

When we got to the mall it was what I had expected. As soon as we were put of the car fangirls came running. I didn't mind though. I understood their excitement. It was Niall freakin Horan. The fans stopped running up after about an hour.

I was happy to have alone time out and about with him. After we got his shoes, he insisted on getting me something and pulled me into the nearest jewelry store. It wasn't a big fancy diamond one or anything. It was kinda like a Clair's except better. He picked me out a bracelet that said 'I heart my boyfriend' and a necklace.Those were the only things I would let him buy me. I didn't like other people buying me things.

We didn't get back to the hotel till after 4 thirty. I wasn't complaining. I had had fun. He was fun to be around. We found Louis, Zayn, and Liam in Liam and Zayn's room.

"Did you two have fun?" Liam asked as I sat beside him in the floor.

"Lots. Where is Nina and Harry?" I asked looking around for them.

"They haven't left that room yet today." Louis answered me sounding hurt. "She will have to learn how to share my Harry, Harmony."

"I'll go see what they are up to." I said getting up and walking out the door. Louis and Niall followed.

I didn't bother knocking because I knew Nina wouldn't have. They were both laying on Harry's bed. Harry was laying on top of Nina, shirtless, kissing her. His shirt was laying in the floor so I knew he had had it on at some point.

"What do we have here?!" I asked grinning. They both looked up and blushed.

"Uh...." Harry said pushing his curls out of his eyes.

"I thought I said no baby making near my bed!" He looked at me. "Didn't I say no baby making near my before?! I could have sworn I did."

"We were NOT making a baby." Nina said sitting up. I was glad she had her shirt on, even if she had to adjust it.

"No, but you were close to it." Niall threw in, letting out the laugh he had been holding in since we walked in. "Mate, learn to lock a door."

Harry put his shirt back on and threw a pillow at Niall.

"Nina, I know you said I could be the godmother of your children but could wait a few more years. At least till after we finish high school this year." I laughed hugging her.

"Harmony Quick, be happy I love you. Otherwise I would never be speaking to you again."

Later that night Niall and I were sitting on my bed talking. He was leaning back against the headboard and I was sitting in between his legs with my back to his chest. A scary thought hit me. What were we going to do when the tour ended?

"I'll fly you out to see me and I'll come see you." He answered when I voiced my worry. It didn't seem to bother him that there would soon be a whole ocean bewtween us.

"You say that now but when the time comes you will get sick of having to buy plane tickets. You'll just stop talking to me and the next thing I'll know you will have a new, prettier girlfriend." I looked at his arms wrapped around my waist not wanting to turn around and look at him.

"I wont get sick of it if it mean I'll get to see you. I will never just stop talking to you. I care about you way too much too." He turned my head so I was looking him in the eye. "I will never find anyone prettier than you. Please stop worrying about it. I'm not just going to give up on us."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

I turned around completely and kissed him. This one was even better than the one before. He moved closer and my put my fingers in his hair. Soon he had pulled his shirt off and moved me under him. I was loving it. I wanted more but he started to pull away.

"I think it's time for bed." He laughed moving so I could sit up. I was REALLY not ready to go to sleep.

"Fine." He made a move to put his shirt back on and get into Nina's bed but I stopped him. "Will you sleep with me again?"

"Sure." He smiled. God I loved that smile!

"You can leave that off." I said pointing to his shirt.

_________NIALL'S POV_______

I looked at her sleeping in my arms and smiled. To tell the truth I wasn't sure what I was going to do once the tour ended. I was going to miss her a lot. It was bad enough to be in different states but different countries..... I would come see her and fly her out to see me but the time in between were going to be hell. I had fallen head over heels for this girl. I wasn't going to screw this up. I would make sure it worked. I didn't want to lose her. I hoped she felt the same for me.

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