Chapter 10 Leaving

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I woke up before Harmony the next morning. I wasn't ready for her to leave the next day. I wished she could stay but I knew management would never be down for it.

I looked at her sleeping in my arms and smiled. She was the prettiest girl I had ever laid eyes on. Something told me she didn't see it though. She didn't hold her head with confidence. She was constantly worrying people wouldn't like her. It hurt me to think she didn't know how beautiful she was.

"Good morning." She said kissing me. "I'll be right back." She wiggled out of my arms and ran to the bathroom.

_________HARMONY'S POV_________

I was sure I wanted him to at least video chat with my crazy friend Joe. We had grown up together but had hated each other until about the seventh grade. She was a great friend and had been there for me just like Nina. I needed to see how well they were going to get along. I couldn't bear to lose Niall but I wasn't going to dump a friend for some guy.

"Do you think Liam will let us borrow his laptop? There is someone I want you to meet." I said laying back down beside him.

"Sure. I'll go get it."

"Oh. My. God. Harmony!! Girl I miss you." My blonde best friend said when the screen opened up.

"I miss you too." It was true. We were so close people had questioned if we were in a secret relationship at one point. "I need you to meet someone." I moved the computer so she could see Niall.

"That's.....oh my! Is this boyfriend you and Nina went to visit?" I thought her eyes were going to pop out of her head.

"Hi. I'm Niall." Niall smiled and I REALLY thought her eyes were going to pop out.

"I'm Joe. Nina said they weren't from around here but damn! You two never tell me the good stuff."

"I'm sorry. Really I am. We don't tell you because you react like this--"

"Is he shirtless?! ARE YOU SITTING IN A BED? Harmony!" I probably should have asked him to put his shirt back on but I loved the view.

"I know what it looks like but trust me it didn't happen." Niall chuckled. I was sure my face was bright red. The previous night popped into my mind and I wanted to hide my face.

"It best not have. Aren't y'all just adorable together!"

"I think it's time to say bye." I quickly hit the end button and laid back, pulling a pillow over my face.

"I love your blush. Does she always jump to conclusions like that" Niall laughed tugging at the pillow.

"Yes, she does." I moved the pillow and kissed him.

It amazed me how our lips fit together. It was like they were made for each other. I pulled him closer and felt him smile. Soon I was pulling his shirt off that he had just put back on. He started kissing my neck. I pulled his face up to mine again. He slipped his hand up my shirt, causing me to gasp. This went on for a while till Liam knocked on the door for his computer. How embarrassing it would have been if he walked in! I pulled the blanket up over me while Niall took his computer to the door.

Not three minutes later did Nina and Harry walk in, both wearing grins. Shit....I was never going to hear the end of this.

"Joe called me and told me you were sitting in a bed with a shirtless guy and I needed to come check on you. I assumed she was over reacting but asked Liam to come check. Never-do-naughty-things Harmony getting it on with Niall!" She started laughing. Great."Looks like I'll have to sleep in my bed tonight."

"Don't even mate. Just keep that smartass comment to yourself." Niall said laughing when Harry started to add to what Nina said.

"We were not getting it on!" I said after pulling the blanket over my head. I should have known she would get me back.

"You were about to." Harry said.

"Mate! Shut up."

The conversation soon ended after I threw a couple of pillows at Nina's head. She kept promising to remember this. I was hoping she would hurry up and foget. We started packing our things. Nina took a lot longer because her clothes were in two different rooms.

After all of that was done we decided to do something with the four of us. The problem was we didn't want to leave the hotel. We decided to order a movie. After much argument and discussion we settled on Moma. I sat between Niall's legs and leaned against his chest. The movie had me jumping and towards the end I ended up burying my face in Niall's chest.

"That did NOT end how I thought it would." Nina said stretching.

"Yeah. I didn't think she would take her." Harry said hugging her close. "I think we're going to bed. You have to be up early tomorrow." With that they left to go to Harry's room. I looked at the clock and was surprised. I didn't think it was as late as it was.

"I think that's a good idea. We both know you don't like getting up early." We laid down and were quiet for a while.

"I seriously don't want to leave." I whispered incase he was asleep. I doubted it but I wasn't completely sure.

"I don't want you to leave either. I would be all for you staying on till the end of the tour if management would be. Don't worry I'll make sure we see each other soon." He pulled me closer and I sighed. I was going to miss this.

"You promise?"

"Yes, I promise." He laughed quietly. "Now go to sleep. We have to be up early."

The next morning the four of us got up and quickly got ready. I was trying not to cry. We had gotten to know each other very well and I had no clue the next time I would see him. I had gotten use to waking up beside him. Nina seemed to be handling it about as well as me. She wasn't a morning person but usually you could get a few sentences out of her. That morning it was like trying to talk to a wall. Niall and Harry hid the fact they were upset a lot better than we did. Niall was acting like everything was alright but I knew he was sad too.

Paul drove us to the airport and the boys helped us carry our bags in. After we went through security and everything it was time to say goodbye. And I thought I had been holding in the tears before! It took everything in me not to start crying.

"It's okay love. We'll be seeing each other as soon as I can make it happen and I'll call you every chance I get." He hugged me close. I took a deep breath before trying to talk.

"Okay. I'll text you when I get home." I reached up and pushed our lips together.

Once on the plane I let the tears fall. It looked like Nina has the same idea. I put my headphones in and leaned back, trying not to think too much about how much I would miss him.

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