Chapter 4

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"Well hello there Camila." The man says.
"Hello Hermes." I say and Lauren looks shocked as to how I know Hermes.
"How's ally?" He asks.
"Good but me and Lauren here are on a quest." I say and then something snaps in Hermes.
"How old are you Camila?" He asks.
"19 why?" I ask.
"Come into my office so no one sees you inside my store I don't want destruction thanks." He says and we follow him.

Lauren's POV

We walk with Hermes to his office and he looks kinda stressed out.
"I'm guessing your the daughter of Hades?" Hermes asks.
"Yeah that's me, how did you know?" I ask.
We all sit on a chair in Hermes office and he starts to talk.
"You haven't been told the whole prophecy have you?" He asks.
"No we haven't why?" Camila asks.
"You need the whole prophecy to get where your going." Hermes said.

Long ago, Titans ruled the earth. These Titans destroyed terrain all to make a world in their leaders eyes, Kronos. Kronos ate his children so he wouldn't be overthrown but three escaped. Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. They defeated Kronos and ruled over earth. One day Zeus found out that Hades was in love with Aphrodite so he sent Hades to rule the underworld and. Are sure Kronos never rises again. It is said that the daughter of Hades and one of the daughters of Aphrodite will fall in love and Zeus will find out. You must persuade Zeus to let these two fall in love and never be disowned without the destruction of eaten because of a war between the gods.

"That is the prophecy." Hermes finished.
"Wow A lot to take in." I say.
"How do we get to Olympus to persuade Zeus?" Camila says.
"Your lucky i know someone who can help and is here today." Hermes says. "Persephone" he yells.
"Wait Persephone is here by herself?" I ask.
"Yep baby girl, now come here." Persephone says and I rush into her embrace.
"Who freed you?" I ask in-between sobs.
"Camila's mom." Persephone says.
"Why would my mom save you?" Camila asks.
"She said that you would find your true love in this quest and needed my help for you to get her to Olympus with you to persuade Zeus to let you two love eachother." Persephone says. "Shit I've said to much."
"Who's my true love?" Camila asks.
"Persephone just implied I am." I say.
"Yes score." Camila mumbles.
"Anyway you two here are a bag of pearls, oh and Lauren your father can't hurt you he is long gone." Persephone says.
"Thank you oh and mom mentioned for me to say she would like to see you soon." I say.
"I will take care you two." Persephone says.
"You to Persephone and Hermes see you soon." Camila says.
"Hopefully Mila." Hermes says.

And with that we both crush a pearl and think about Olympus. We land I front of the Empire State Building. We walk into the elevator and see a Greek symbol. I press it and we wiz up to a floor. We step out of the elevator to find ourselves in Olympus.

Bit of a shorter chapter but I'm tired and I'm starting to get writers block so if anyone could help that would be greatly appreciated just pm me.

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