Chapter 18

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Lauren's POV

How many times am I going to wake up naked and Camila is cuddled up to my side. Hopefully more times with just Camila cuddled up to my side because it feels like I have a purpose when I'm with her. Like I mean of course I have a purpose but sometimes I can't think of what it is and with Camila by my side I figure out one of my purposes is to love and protect her.

I look to my side to see her brunette hair cascading over her face. I reach a stray lock from her eyes. I see Camz smile at my actions which causes me to smile. I feel Camz's even breaths start to become less even telling me she's waking up. I look at where her eyes should be to be greeted by her chocolate brown orbs. Her pink full lips form a smile. Her face leans towards me and her lips capture mine into a hungry and passionate yet sensual kiss. I start to kiss her back and when air becomes an issue we pull apart.
"You hungry? Because we have left over banana choc chip muffins." I ask.
"Yeah I am hungry, come on out of bed let's go sit on the couch listening to music waiting for the others to wake up." Camz says pulling me out of bed.
"Maybe we should get dressed first." I say.
"Yeah that's true, lucky you have spare clothes here." Camz says chucking clothes at me.
"Thanks Camzi." I say putting on the new clothes.

Once dressed both Camz and I walk into the kitchen and grab a banana choc chip muffin and an iced coffee. After eating we go and sit on "our couch". I sit down first placing my iced coffee on the table. Camz then sits on my lap getting her MP3 player and some earbuds. She places her iced coffee on the table besides mine and puts the left ear bud in my ear. She puts the right one in her earbud and looks on the MP3 for the track she wants to play. While she does this I wrap my arms around her torso and rest my chin on her shoulder.
"Do you want to find the track you want to play?" She asks.
"Sure I'll have a look if you have my favourite track on there." I say getting passed the device. I find the perfect song and click. I write sins not tragedies by Panic! At the disco starts to play which causes Camz to look at me and kiss my cheek.
"Of course this is your favourite song." Camz says.
"What can I say I like Panic! At the disco; The 1975; Foo fighters and Green day but I also like Ed Sheeran and artists like that." I say which causes Camz to laugh. "What?"
"You like Ed Sheeran?" She asks and I just nod my head. "Oh your serious." She says ad I nod my head again.
"I like Ed Sheeran to." She says and I giggle. "What?" She asks.
"I could tell by the poster montage in your room Camzi." I say and her cheeks turn a slight shade of red. I kiss her cheeks before she can hide her face.

Normani and Dinah start to walk down the stairs while Camz rests her head on my chest. Normani and Dinah both smirk at me and Dinah does two thumbs up.
"How are you two this morning?" I ask.
"Relaxed and overall just great." Normani says.
"Well someone got fucked last night." I whisper in Camz's ear which causes her to giggle.
"What?" Normani asks.
"We could hear you two last night." I say and Normani blushes while Dinah hides her face using Normani's shoulder.
"Dinah why are you hiding, your the one who said we would hear you two last night." Camz says.
"Shit." Dinah mutters and Normani turns around and collapses on top of Dinah and starts tickling her. I think Camz knows where this is going and I drop her onto the couch and start tickling her.
"NOOO La-Lauren I c-c-c-can't breath." Camz forces out and I stop and kiss her lips the pull away.
"I love you Camzi." I say.
"I love you to lolo." Camzi says.

Suddenly there is a knock at the door. Normani gets up and opens the or. Chiron and Zeus walk in holding someone in their hands.
"Who is this?" Dinah asks.
"That's Poseidon." Camz says. We hear a creak coming from the stairs, I look to see Sofi, Jesy and Perrie with Jade and Leigh-Anne.
"Chiron the Poseidon kids are here and so are the Hera kids." I say and Chiron turns to the stairs.
"Dad?" Sofi asks. Poseidon turns his head to see the kids on the stairs.
"Sofi? Jesy? And Perrie?" He asks. The girls nod their heads.
"I'm so sorry." He says and Zeus slaps his face to shut him up.
"Wait don't do anything drastic. Let me see his eyes." I say and both Chiron and Zeus nods their heads. "Everyone stay there just let me look at his eyes." Everyone nods their heads. I walk over to the God and stare into his eyes. I feel a pain in my head.
"He is possessed. Possessed by Kronos." I say and everyone gasps. "Your lucky my father knows how to deal with these sort of things." I say and Zeus nods.
"Father is that you?" Zeus asks Poseidon. Poseidon nods his head.
"Why would you do this to your son and his children?" He asks.
"Because of the stupid prophecy concerning a Lauren Jauregui and a Camila Cabello." Poseidon's voice drops super low.
"You will go back to Tartauris and leave your son." Zeus commands and Poseidon nods.
"Does this mean we get our father back?" Sofi asks.
"Poseidon are you in there?" Zeus asks and Poseidon nods his head.
"Would you like to answer your daughter?" Zeus asks and Poseidon nods his head.
"Sofi, Perrie and Jesy you know I built this camp to protect you guys and you know that I would never purposely hurt you or anyone here at camp. I love you guys so much and when my father gets out of my body I promise to come back and embrace you guys because right now I'm scared that if I did embrace you guys he would hurt you, and Lauren and Camila I'm so sorry about what happened to you. Lauren your my niece and you know that I care about family and that I didn't mean to hurt you." Poseidon says.
"It's alright uncle, although your actions almost killed me I'm fine." I say.
"Now we must be off and we will be back. Thank you Lauren for your observation." Zeus says and then both Zeus and Poseidon disappear.

1 hour later...

Camz and I are cuddle up on the couch while the Poseidon kids are cuddled up to heir designated couch. Suddenly a big cloud of white blocks our vision but disappears almost immediately. I look in front of me to see Zeus and Poseidon sitting on the couch in front of us.
"Dad!" Sofi shouts and runs up to Poseidon and so does Perrie and Jesy.
"Girls are you alright, did I hurt you?" Poseidon asks?
'No we are okay we just glad you are as well." Perrie says.
"Dad!" Louis and Dichen come running own the stairs to see their father who immediately embraces them.
"It's so nice to see my little warriors." Zeus says.
"Lauren and Camila. Aphrodite will be here soon." Poseidon says.
"I'll go get her family then." I say and walk up the stairs and shout "Aphrodite is here!" Al the Aphrodite kids come bursting out the doors and run down the stairs to see Camz snuggled up to her mom.
"MOM!" Everyone shouts and runs to their mom.
"Lauren come here your part of the family as well." Aphrodite says and I just walk up and embrace her as well and then Camz.
"Well we better be heading off but it was nice to see you guys." Zeus says and everyone nods.
"We love you guys." Aphrodite says.
"And we love you guys to." Harry says. Then the Gods disappear.

"Want to go and get some lunch?" I ask Camz and she nods he head. We walk out the door and Camz freezes.
"What's wrong Camz?" I ask.
"Shawn was working for Kronos, do you know what the penalty is for that?" She asks.
"Death by torture from my father." I say and Camz falls to the floor.
"The last thing I said to him was I hate you." She says while I hold her.
"Hey don't cry, you don't want puffy red eyes do you?" I ask and shakes her head.
"Come on let's go get some lunch. We walk to the Aphrodite table to see Shawn sitting there. Camila runs to him and hugs him.
"Your gonna die Shawn. I'm so sorry for what I said your one of the best big brothers I've had and I'm going to miss you so much." She says ad I see her and Shawn crying.
"I know I'm going to die, I'm so sorry Camila but I could of been a better big brother, the only reason I made the deal was so I could live with Selena in my life but now it's wasted because she's back in Olympus and I'm never going to see her again because I'm going to die." Shawn says.
"My dad cuts deals you know, when your down in the underworld just say that I told you he cuts deals and ask to stay alive in return for helping him rule the underworld and would lie to see Selena every so often." I say, I look up to see Shawn and Camz staring at me.
"Will he say yes to the deal?" Camz asks.
"If you say it was my idea then yes." I say. Shawn stops crying and embraces me.
"Thank you Laure I really didn't want to die." Shawn says.
"I know how much you mean to Camz and my sister and I didn't want her to have her heart broken, I'm only doing this for them." I say and Shawn nods.
"We better head of to the couples table, I love you big brother." Camz says.
"I love you little sister." Shawn says and disappears from the table and is most likely to be in the underworld.
"Thank you Lauren." Camz says.
"I know how much of a great big brother he is to you and I'm only doing it for you ad Selena." I say which earns a kiss on the cheek from Camz.

We walk to the couples table and begin to eat. I got a cheeseburger while Camz has a salad.
"I love you." I say before eating.
"I love you to." She says.

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