Chapter 5

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And with that we both crush a pearl and think about Olympus. We land I front of the Empire State Building. We walk into the elevator and see a Greek symbol. I press it and we wiz up to a floor. We step out of the elevator to find ourselves in Olympus.

Camila's POV

Me and Lauren walk this winding path up to where we think we will find Zeus and the other gods. After what seemed like forever climbing up stairs we reached an open building which we could peer through. We both stuck our heads in to see all the gods there on thrones arguing.

"Camila and Lauren cannot be together, there demigods oh and one of them is the daughter of freaking Hades." A man says.
"Love is love Zeus you've got to respect that, just because you didn't allow me and your brother to be together doesn't mean they can't, there not your children." A women says.
"And there not yours either Athena." The God who we think is Zeus said.
"Guys could you stop bickering for one second so you would see we have company." Another God says.

"Damn Lauren we have been ratted out." I say. Both me and Lauren step into the building and approach the gods who sit before us.
"Well if it isn't Camila Cabello and Lauren Jauregui, what brings you here?" Zeus says.
"It was our quest to come here sir." Lauren softly spoke.
"Don't call me sir Lauren it makes me feel old just call me uncle." Zeus says.
"Of coarse uncle." Lauren says.
"Now why would my daughter be on a quest hey Zeus?" A women says stepping into the room.
"Mom?" I say questionably.
"Mila my gods how you've grown into a beautiful young women." My mom (Aphrodite) says.
"Can we all shrink so we can give these two girls hugs please they have travelled a long way." Mom says. And with that everyone shrinks to mine and Lauren's size.

"Hi Camila I'm your uncle Ares." A God says hugging me.
"No wonder you look so much like Dinah oh well I should say Dinah looks so much like you." I say.
"Hermes your here as well?" I ask.
"Couldn't miss an argument between Zeus now could I?" He says sarcastically.
"Dad?" I here Lauren say.

Lauren's POV

"Dad?" I say and he turns around from where he was hiding.
"Lauren... I'm sorry for what I've done in the past and I came here to ask for your forgiveness." Hades says.
"How can I forgive you for what you have done. It doesn't heal properly papi and I don't think it ever will. You torched Persephone and punished me whenever I went to go see mom. You plunged a fucking dagger into my arm for nymphs sakes. I don't I will ever forgive you papi." I scream.
"And I honestly I didn't expect you to Lauren. But your my only daughter, the only piece of family I have and I ruined that chance for your forgiveness so I'm sorry." He says.

"Anyway about that quest..." Zeus begins.
"Don't do it Zeus!" everyone shouts including my father.
"Fine I will allow Lauren and Camila to be together for eternity.
"And you realise by doing this Kronos will never rise again." Hermes states.
"Wait WHAT!!" Zeus says.
"Oh I forgot to mention that if you didn't let these two amazing young women be together Kronos would rise and take over the world... My bad." Hermes states.
"You two better go before all hell breaks loose and just remember your always welcome to visit whenever you want." Aphrodite says. "Oh and I give you my blessing for you two."
"Same here." My dad says.
"Thank You." Me and Camz say.

And with that we leave Olympus to get back to camp.

Once we do finally reach the camp gates Camila starts to talk.
"Lauren you and I both know that in these gate we use to never talk and hated eachother." She starts.
"Yes Camz so get on with it." I say.
"Well I would just like to say over the time we spent on this quest I have grown feelings for you." She says.
"I would like to say the same thing Camz." I say blushing.
"Lauren Jauregui would you like to be my girlfriend?" Camz asks.
"Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao, yes of coarse I will be your girlfriend." I say.
"So you wouldn't mind if I did this?" She asks.
"Did wha-" but I was cut of with her lips attached to mine. I wrap my hands around her waist to get her closer to me while she wraps hers around my neck. She slowly pulls away.

"Wow Camz your a good kisser." I said.
"What do you expect my mom is the goddess of love." She winks and pulls me into another kiss. This time with a lot more passion. I pull away first this time and she has a little pout on her face.
"Camila they are expecting us come on and celebrate." I says and we hold hands into camp and knock on the big houses door.

Chiron immediately opens the door with a shocked expression as he sees our hands interlocked.
"Never thought I would see that." He says.
"We completed the quest Chiron and found peace along the way." Camila says.
"Well maybe a bit more then just peace." I mutter and Camila blushes.
"We will call a camp meeting in the morning now the two of you off you pop to bed you need a rest." Chiron says.
"Yes sir." I say and salute him and Camila laughs.

"Camz would you like to go to my cabin tonight since you wouldn't want to walk your family and I could use the company?" I ask.
"Sure lolo I would love to." Camz says.
"Lolo aye." I ask.
"I needed a cute name for you so I thought of lolo." She says
"To cute." I say and we walk to my cabin.

We were cuddled up all night.
"Camz?" I ask.
"Yes lolo." She says.
"How are you going to tell your family that we are a couple?" I ask.
"Wait and see in the morning." She says and falls back to sleep.

A/n yay camren is a couple and it's easier to write. Another chapter hopefully tomorrow

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