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Jeonghans Pov

" Yoboseo?" I say with no emotion

It's Seongcheol. Maybe he's calling to say happy birthday. I'm hopeful but I'm still upset. The only person who has said happy birthday is Joshua. I don't think he's planning a surprise party because then Joshua would be trying to keep me away from home.

" Hey are you going to be awake around midnight?" He asks

" Why?" I ask

" I want you to make me dinner" he says

Are you serious?! He really did forget my birthday. Your my boyfriend for crying out loud! I know everything about you and you can't remember my birthday?! Instead of going off on him I talk to him in my "scary voice". Apparently when I'm mad, I'm scary. Even if it's over the phone my voice is scary. I hope he's scared.

" I'm staying with Joshua tonight" I say in my scary voice. I look at Joshua and he nods saying it's ok

" Why? Is everything ok?" He asks

" Fucking dandy" I say then I hang up

Seongcheols Pov

He hangs up and all the guys start laughing. I put him on speaker so we could all see how mad he was. Yes of course me and the guys planned something. I told Joshua to keep him busy. I don't care how just keep him away from the pledis building.

" He's so mad!" DK yells

" You're definitely dead Coups" Dino says

" He was so scary" Jun says

" Once he sees what we've been doing, he's gonna be happy" I say

" Then let's get back to work" Woozi says

Joshua's Pov

" I'm sorry everyone forgot your birthday. But I brought you a gift" I say handing him a small box

I got him a bracelet with a small metal heart charm hanging from it. On the heart I got JH engraved on both sides.

" I have one too. The JH stands for Joshua Hong and JeongHan." I say as he puts it on

" Gomawo Joshua." He says looking down

" Wait are you about to cry?" I ask

" I really don't want to" he says wiping his tear away before it can fall

" You shouldn't cry. Today's your day" I say

" It makes me feel so disappointed. I put my all into making sure the boys are fed and healthy and have exactly what they need. But none of them can remember my birthday. Especially Coups we--" he stops

" What?" I ask

" Nothing. Really Joshua thank you. I don't know what I would do without you." He says hugging me and laying his head on my shoulder

What was he about to say about Coups? He's being really suspicious. Is something going on with them? That's impossible, coups likes girls. But that doesn't mean Jeonghan can't like him. I'll just tell myself Jeonghan doesn't like Coups and forget all about this.

I hug him back and we just stay in that position. Him laying his face in my shoulder just makes me want him so much more. Now that I know he's bisexual I have a little bit of a chance. He most likely doesn't like me back. And I'm not ready to accept that. Not yet.

As we hug I get a text message. My phone is on silent so he doesn't notice and continues to lay his head on me. I unlock my phone and see Woozi texted me saying I could bring Jeonghan now. I quickly type an Okay while still hugging him.

" We better head to practice or we are gonna be late" I say

" I really don't want to see any of them. But let's go" he says letting go

Jeonghans Pov

Me and Joshua walk into the practice room and nobody says anything to us. I quietly walk to my spot and stand there. Coups mouths "what's wrong?" But I roll my eyes and look the other way. Does he even notice my purple hair?I don't want to be here I just want to get this over with so I can go home and cry into my pillow.

Hoshi starts the music and we practice all of our songs. During all of the dances I literally have no energy. In not doing this on purpose I'm just so upset I can't control it. After we finish we all sit on the floor and Hoshi tells us what was great and what we need to fix. Me and Joshua sit on the side away from the others.

" Okay great work today boys. We need to go over the end of Adore U because I have some new ideas for the endings. Also Jeonghan what's going on? You had no energy the whole time." Hoshi says

I give him the I don't want to talk about it look and he nods his head. I'd rather not speak about it because if I do I'm gonna end up hurting somebody. We all get up to practice the Ends of Adore U.

" Damnit my iPod died. J could you get my phone from the lounge?" Hoshi asks as I walk towards the Lounge

I open the door and immediately cover my eyes. All of the boys come over cheering and hugging me. I'm not crying but I'm embarrassed. The lounge is decorated so nicely and there's a table full of food and a big Anime themed cake. Over the table a " Happy Birthday J" banner hangs.

" I thought all of you forgot. Aishh don't do that again" I say as they laugh

" He was so mad the whole day. He even cried" Joshua says as they awe

" You were being so mean to everyone" DK laughs

" Coups came up with the idea" Woozi says

" Gomawo!" I say in an aegyo voice hugging him

" Whatever" he tries to be angry but ends up smiling

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