Chapter 6: Take Me.

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A/N New chapter guys! I was going to post it last night but it wasn't quite finished! Here it is now though! So I am bringing in a few new characters! And I will be completing my cast list soon! Anyway Doc and Electra vid to the side!


Electra’s POV

     I took him to New York, I had been here tons of times over the years and it was still one of the most spectacular places to show off Earth culture, or well I suppose American culture, but since I am showing an alien around now it would have to be Earth culture.

    “Where are we?” He asked as he spun around time square taking everything in. “New York city in the United States.” I answered and he grinned at me. “I have no idea where that is.” He said still smiling.

    “I know.” I laughed as he stopped spinning and smiling and looked at me dead serious. “What is that glorious smell?” He asked sniffing the air. I laughed some more as he looked at me again. “That would be a hot dog stand.”

    He gave me a horrified look which only made me laugh harder. “There not really made out of dog, they just call them that for some reason.” I said and his face relaxed. “Do you want to try one?”

    He gave me a wary look for a second and then answered. “So long as they aren’t made of dogs.” “There not I promise.” I said as I placed my hand over my heart. We walked over to the nearest hot dog stand and I ordered two hot dogs with everything on them.

   I paid the man and handed one of the dogs to the Doctor, he looked at it for a minute as I bit into mine. “You okay?” I asked as he continued to stare at it. “You eat this?” He asked confused. “Sure, I promise it tastes better than it looks.”

    He gave me another wary look before taking a tentative bite of his hot dog, he chewed for a minute as I watched in eager anticipation. He finished chewing and swallowed, that was a good sign right? I watched as his face broke into a grin and he took another bite.

    “Your right! It does taste better than it looks!” He said with his mouth full and I laughed again. He finished his hot dog as we walked around New York. We talked and laughed and I explained things about Earth to him and answered his questions. I felt like the ultimate tour guide.

    I pulled out my phone as we walked and began flipping through my contacts. “What is that?” he asked as we walked. “It’s a cell phone.” I said as I selected my aunts number and clicked call.

     “What does it do?” He was very curious about the phone now as it rang. “It lets you call people that are far away.” I said and he made an ‘oh’ face.


“Aunt Clarise! Its Elec… I mean Lee!” I said happily into the phone, Silen had went back to Earth and told my aunt and uncle what was going on and where I was but I don’t think they were happy about it.

“Lee! Oh my gosh honey! Are you back on Earth?”

“Yes I am and I am going to be there soon!”

“Oh how wonderful! You need to hurry up and get back! Your cousin has news!”

   Clarise was very excited about something and I told her I would be there in a few hours, I hung up the phone and looked at the Doctor. “How does a trip to Texas sound to you?” I asked and he shrugged.

The Way We Were (Prequel to FY,NAA, and FIAD. A DW fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now