Chapter 3: It's Supernatural.

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A/N Hi all! So this is an interesting chapter! Electra meets with the High Council.... ooooh goody! *sarcasm. So this can go either good or bad read on to find out! To the side is what Electra meets the council in, and also new video!


Electra’s POV

     I hung from the ceiling of my TARDIS by a pulley system, she was getting a complete overhaul and I had to stop soon because I was supposed to meet with the High Council today. I heard a knock at the door and glanced at the monitor, it was Silen, I asked the TARDIS to let him in and the doors swung open as Silen entered.

    “You need to get ready to go now, Electra.” He said as I rolled my eyes and lowered myself to the ground. “Your preachin to the choir Si… I was just going to do that.” I said as I disconnected my harness and walked past him.

    “Oh you were not.” He said as he followed and I locked the TARDIS. “Yes I was Silen, don’t be a pain.” I said as I began my walk to my room. “You cannot wear just anything to meet with the council, I layed out something appropriate for you.” He said and I gave him a look.

    “Does it follow the Time Lord horrendous fashion guidelines?” I asked as I gestured to his getup. “No I feel that it will be acceptable to your extreme fashion tastes.” Silen said as he gestured to my outfit. I rolled my eyes and continued on my way to my room.

   I walked in and took in the dress on my bed. “What am I going to play Lord of the Rings?” I asked as I took in the dress, it was beautiful, but very alien. I took off my clothes and slipped on the dress, I braided my hair and then decided I was ready to go.

   I exited my room and found Silen waiting for me. “Ready to go?” He asked and I nodded. We walked down the maze of hallways that comprised the main city of Gallifrey, I looked out of the widows as we walked and found myself wishing I had spent more time outside.

   The orange sky, red grass, double suns, and silver leaves were calling to me as I walked to what I felt was going to be my doom. We continued on our way and finally stopped outside of a set of giant doors.

    I stared up at the forty foot doors in awe Silen looked at me and then snapped his fingers drawing me back to the present. “Pay attention, and don’t mouth off, I know that will be hard for you, but your future on this planet depends on it.” He said and I nodded, he gave me a curt nod and then shoved open the giant doors revealing a huge circular floor and at the front of it stood a table with the head council members. There were lesser council members off to the side, and as I walked in I was dwarfed by the massiveness of it all.

Doctor’s POV

     It was my first day back as a member of the lesser council, and come to find out we were meeting with Electra. I waited a tad impatiently for a few minutes and then the doors began to swing open and Electra began to enter.

   She was in a traditional white dress, and she walked quickly with her chin high and an air of confidence about her. She reached the middle of the circle, and the head of the High Council stood and cleared his throat.

   “Electra, you have been called here today to determine your future on this planet.” He began and Electra stared him down with a steel glare. “We have a series of questions which will determine how you have spent the last four months on this planet, and how Time Lord you actually are.” He finished and Electra curtly nodded her head.

The Way We Were (Prequel to FY,NAA, and FIAD. A DW fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now