Chapter 8: I'm Ready to Go.

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A/N I know it has been forever since i updated this story guys! Life has been so hectic! But here it is now, I hope you enjoy it!


Electra’s POV

    I was lying in bed staring up at my ceiling when there was a knock on the door. “Come in!” I said loud enough for whoever it was to hear. A few seconds later Brett appeared on the steps. “Hey girl.” He said as I sat up and smiled.

     “Why aren’t you asleep?” I asked as he plopped down next to me on the bed. “I could never get to sleep without catching up with my bestie.” He said as he propped himself up on his elbows.

     “Well I know I am happy to see you.” “So which one are you dating? The librarian, or the scientist?” “Neither, and you know I would never date Silen, that would be gross.” “Okay you have me there, but what about the other one?”

     “The Doctor? He just lost his wife, he is not looking for a relationship, I guarantee it. Plus I don’t like him like that, he’s just a friend.” “Alright, alright, no need to get defensive.”

     “Oh please Brett, I wasn’t getting defensive.” “True, but I know it annoys you when I say that.” “Oh just shut up will you.” Brett started laughing and I couldn’t help but laugh with him. No matter how old we both got, or how many kids Brett had. We were still the best of friends and no one would ever change that.

     “So how are Lana and Mitch?” I asked thinking of his kids. “Oh there fine, it was nice of you to ask about Brittany too.” I sneered when I heard his wife’s name. “Oh come on, you know she hates me.”

     “She does not hate you.”

    “Yes she does.”

     “I beg to differ.”

      “Well you can beg and differ all you like, but it won’t change the fact that your wife hates me.”

“Whatever, you merely have differing opinions is all.”

    I rolled my eyes at his insistence and he stuck his tongue out at me. “Well my dear, I must be off to bed.” Brett said as he stood up slowly. “Okay nighty night cousin.” I said as he kissed the top of my head and made his way slowly down the stairs.

Doctor’s POV

       I fell down on the bed in my room and stared up at the ceiling. Electra’s family was an amazing group of people, and liked it here immensely. I lied there in bed trying to fall asleep but I couldn’t stop thinking about Electra.

 That image of her walking over to my table, at the party, just kept swarming through my head. What was wrong with me? I just lost my wife, and here I am thinking about a woman who I just met and who is considerably younger than me, like I have some kind of chance with her, I furiously shoved the images from my mind as I drifted off to sleep.

     “Wakey wakey! Eggs and bakey!” A voice jarred me from my dreams as I opened my eyes to see Electra’s cousin Brett and five other guys standing over me. “What the hell?” I mumbled as I sat up and one of the men threw some clothes at me.

     “You like Lee right?” A male voice, Brett’s, asked as my eyes widened and I looked at him shocked. “What? Why would you ask that?” “Dude it’s the only logical assumption, every guy loves Lee.” One of the other men said as they all nodded.

    “So I assume after this interrogation I am going to be drug out into the woods and beaten to death?” I asked as the guys stared at me. “No way bro, we want to help you.” Another man said as the other four grinned at me.

    “Help me?” I asked incredibly confused now. “Yea help you, see the way we see it is, you are about as close as it can come to being Lee’s perfect guy, and she isn’t getting any younger, so we figure we might as well help you.” Brett said as I continued to stare at them, my mouth gaping.

      “Well, what if I don’t like Lee like that?”

       “Like we said earlier, that’s impossible because every guy does. Come on get dressed in these clothes and come with us.” Brett said as the guys left the room and I rolled out of bed. I looked at the clock, it was just after four thirty in the morning. I groaned as I pulled on the clothes they had left me and stumbled out of my room.

     Only one guy remained outside of the door and he motioned for me to follow him as he started down the stairs. “I’m Scott by the way.” He said “Nice to meet you Scott.” He nodded his head and I studied him out of the corner of my eye.

    He was young, early twenties, with sandy blonde hair and sea green eyes. It was amazing Electra hadn’t fallen for a guy like him. He was attractive by any planets standards. We arrived in the kitchen were the rest of the guys, including Brett, sat eating. I sat down next to Scott and joined in.

    Everyone ate quickly and made small talk and I listened intently saying nothing as I ate. It was amazing how all of these guys could be having such an intense conversation about nothing. I found out through listening though, that two of the guys were married, not counting Brett, two more had girlfriends, and Scott was the only single one of the bunch.

     After breakfast I followed them all outside. I was starting to get very confused because no one had told me anything about what they were planning. We reached a corral and two of the guys broke off and went to the barn.

      “Alright! So here is the plan!” Brett hollered as everyone quieted down and looked at him. “If you want any chance with Lee, you have to make her think that in an effort to try to fit in with her lifestyle, you well lets just say you earn Lee’s pity.”

    I wasn’t following Brett at all, in fact I didn’t even want to do any of this, but I was stuck doing it now. No turning back. I saw the two guys who had left coming out of the barn and they were leading a horse, I immediately became more nervous as they continued right towards me.

   “Alrighty Doc, you ready to learn how to ride?” Scott asked and I shrugged. “Awww don’t worry, its not as hard as it looks.” Scott said as he ran over and jumped up on the horse. He rode it around for a minute and then came over to me.

      “This here is Arod, he’s one of Lee’s horses.” Scott said as he got off of Arod. “He’s also one of the easiest horses to ride.” I nodded as Scott motioned for me to get up on him and I walked gingerly over to the horse.

    “Good morning.” I whispered as I patted the horse and then awkwardly mounted the gigantic beast. “Good job, now were getting somewhere.” Brett said as the guys then began to teach me the basics.

   Three hours later things were going great. I was handling Arod well and was just getting comfortable when it all broke down. “Brett! What in the hell are you doing?” Electra yelled as Arod spun around at the sound of her voice catching me off guard and tossing me to the ground.

    I landed with a thud as Electra let out a half yell and ran over to me. “Oh my gosh! Are you okay?” She asked as she knelt down beside me and helped me sit up. “Yea I think I’ll live.” I groaned as she helped me up.

A/N THis is a kinda sorta filler I was having some issues with ideas for this. I hope you liked it though!

The Way We Were (Prequel to FY,NAA, and FIAD. A DW fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now