Chapter 2: Futuristic Lover

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A/N Hey guys! So I decided to post this anyway! So here is chapter 2! The song is still E.T. and the pic to the side is what she is wearing this chapter! It's really hard writing an earlier version of Electra since she is a little less grown up and more naive but bear with me guys!


Electra’s POV

    Silen continued to lead me through the city as we walked we passed a procession, and at the front was a man, he looked familiar somehow but I couldn’t place him. “Silen what is going on?” I whispered and Silen leaned closer to me. “Funeral, his wife died.” Silen whispered and I nodded as he grabbed my arm.

     “He will take a vow of silence for four months and live alone and grieve on another planet.” Silen whispered and I looked at him. “What if he doesn’t want to?” I asked and he looked at me shocked. “He doesn’t have a choice.” Silen said as he drug me along, I kept looking back at the man and the rest of the procession.

   Silen took me to a room, and told me this was where I would be staying, he then showed me where I could go and that I would be able to learn things. “The High Council will want to see you eventually, but they are currently too busy so you will have to entertain yourself with other things.” He said as he took me back to my room.

    “Okay, thank you Silen.” I said as he shut the door and left me alone. I walked over to the window and looked out on Gallifrey, it was amazing to say the least. It looked pretty much like Gallaria, only with more mountains.

    I went over to the bed and layed down, I stared at the ceiling and thought about the man I saw today, I kept trying to replace him but I couldn’t. I fell asleep thinking about where I knew him from.

    I woke up and got dressed, I left my room and started to wander around the city. I was worried I might get lost and I was wondering why everyone was staring at me. Then I looked down at my clothes… sheesh hadn’t these people ever seen true style before? I just started shooting people looks and they stopped staring and I continued on my way.

    I retraced my steps from the night before and eventually made it back to the docking bay. I went up to the TARDIS from yesterday, my fathers, and touched it gently. It hummed again and I smiled. “You’re a good girl.” I said and the ship hummed again.

    “I have worked here since that ship came here and it hasn’t done anything, not even open its doors until right now.” Said a voice behind me and I turned around. “Their alive right? Maybe it was sad?” I said and he smiled. “You’re his daughter aren’t you?” He asked and I nodded.

    “I figured you look like him, and you sound just like him too.” He said and I smiled. “This is the key, see if she lets you in, if she does, I’ll teach you how to fly.” He said as I took the key from him.

   I went slowly up to the ship and inserted the key, it turned in the lock and I pushed on the door, it flew open and the ship hummed again as the lights came on and I turned around to see the man gasping in awe.

    I walked in and looked around the ship as all of a sudden I saw images in my head. I fell to my knees and grabbed my head as the man ran up to me. “Are you okay?” He asked and I shook my head. “This is where it happened, I remember.” I said as I slowly stood up and went over to the console, the memories still flashing through my head.

The Way We Were (Prequel to FY,NAA, and FIAD. A DW fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now